The Rules By Peter_Carsten:


Jun 23, 2008

if you ever make me a mod, can i make up my own rules as well?

~ Leitfaden ~

1.) Es gelten die offiziellen Regeln von Literotica: [Forum Guidelines]

2.) Keine Beleidigungen. Eine erhitzte Diskussion ist prima, eine inhaltslose Beleidigung nicht.

3.) Keine Provokationen. Der Ton macht die Musik, in diesem Fall helfen oft Smilieys um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden.

4.) Off-Topic: Ich bin kein Freund davon alles zu beschneiden und abzuwürgen. Ich werde sicherlich auch hier aktiv, wenn es nach meinem Ermessen übertrieben wird, ansonsten kann sich auch gerne der jeweilige Threadersteller an mich wenden, damit ich das Thema splitte.

5.) Moderation zählt mehr als Freundschaft. Um Mißverständnisse von vornherein zu vermeiden, wir können noch so sehr gut miteinander auskommen, - wenn Fehlverhalten an den Tag gelegt wird, werde ich tätig. Auch wenn das eine Internet-Freundschaft für immer belastet oder sie sogar beendet.

6.) Bitte darauf achten, das man nicht zu oft "Ein Wort / Ein Satz" Antworten schreibt. Ein Forum ist kein Chat. Doppelpostings, z.B. wenn man etwas vergessen hat, sind unter Berücksichtigung des voranstehenden Satzes kein Problem.

7.) Beschwerden über meine Wenigkeit: Wenn man ein Problem mit mir hat, ist es das sinnvollste, sich zuerst einmal mit mir in Verbindung zu setzen. Ich bin Argumenten gegenüber offen und es ist klar, dass ich nicht frei von Fehlern bin. Sollte man den Eindruck haben, das ich mich falsch verhalte und man nicht mit mir reden kann, steht es einem jederzeit frei, sich bei Laurel oder Manu auf Englisch über mich zu beschweren.

8.) Ich behalte mir vor, dieses Posting im Nachhinein zu verändern oder zu editieren, z.B. falls "Schwächen" bei einer Formulierung auftauchen. Ich werde selbstverständlich nicht die Regeln jeweils hin- und heranpassen, je nachdem wie sie für mich gerade bequemer sind.

~ Guide ~

1st) the applicable official rules of Literotica: [Forum Guidelines]

2) No insults. A heated debate is fine, not a meaningless insult.

3) No provocations. The sound of music that will help in this case often to avoid any misunderstanding Smilieys.

4) Off-topic: I'm not a fan of it to cut everything and kill. I will certainly also active when it is exaggerated in my discretion, otherwise also likes the respective thread creator contact me so I chippings the topic.

5) Presentation has more than friendship. To avoid misunderstandings from the outset, we can still get along so very well - if misconduct is applied to the day, I will act. Even if the charged an Internet friendship forever or even terminated.

6) Please make sure that you do not write too often "a word / phrase A" responses. A forum is not a chat. Doppelpostings, e.g. if you forgot something, taking into account the previous sentence are not a problem.

7) complaints about yours truly: If one has a problem with me, it is the most sensible, first of all get in touch with me. I'm open to arguments and it is clear that I am not free from errors. If you have the impression that I behave wrong and you can not talk to me, it is a free-anytime, complain to Laurel and Manu to about me in English.

8) I reserve the right to change this posting in arrears or to edit, eg if you encounter "weaknesses" in the formulation. I will not, of course, the rules of each back-and-zoom to fit, depending on how they are just more comfortable for me.
don't forget your smileys! you wouldn't want to be misunderstood.
Yawn....yet another thread bitching about the German board....

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller
i've seen worse. on another forum i go to the rules are pretty much the same, but the mod also happens to be an arrogant dick who likes to pick fights and troll people so... yeah.

he also still occasionally whines about me making fun of him like two years ago. fucking cry baby. dude needs to get over. he fucking banned for it, so shut up already.

also, i've seen the troll mod bit many, many places. it's a pain in the ass.
i've seen worse. on another forum i go to the rules are pretty much the same, but the mod also happens to be an arrogant dick who likes to pick fights and troll people so... yeah.

he also still occasionally whines about me making fun of him like two years ago. fucking cry baby. dude needs to get over. he fucking banned for it, so shut up already.

also, i've seen the troll mod bit many, many places. it's a pain in the ass.

i've encountered mods like that at other places. not so much at lit. i mean, there are micromanaging mods here depending on which section you go to, but they don't make their own personal set of rules.
Welcome to the new world...

Peter is like the Director from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

"And that," put in the Director sententiously, "that is the secret of happiness and virtue-liking what you've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny."
My thread of pictures got moved to another thread and then locked. It was birds and cats only. One poster said thank you for posting and I replied you're welcome.
My thread of pictures got moved to another thread and then locked. It was birds and cats only. One poster said thank you for posting and I replied you're welcome.

Yep, that's his usual method. 'ACT' on the german board gets closed down on a regular base.
Naughty us start blabbering... P_C puts a stop on on it.
It nearly is as good, as being put in the bin.
is this a threat? my german is very bad, and i don't get the feel for words when using rough translations.

Originally Posted by abcoflove
völlig richtig, was du sagst.

Einige User lassen sich angeblich nicht moderieren...
Diese Formulierung vom Moderator "P_C" muss man sich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen...

(Gewisse) User sind also schuld??? So einfach kann man es sich auch machen.
Bringt eine Fußballmannschaft zu lange schlechte Lesitungen, dann wird der Trainer entlassen, und nicht die Mannschaft...
Diese Analogie dürfte jeder verstehen....

"Viktoria1" gehört noch zu ner LIT-Truppe, die der "Mod" offenbar nicht kennt.
User wie "N8Dreams", "Rex1960", etc...und natürlich die "Wahrhaftigen" um "PB57", und Leute wie "Popping Tom" und "Christinabelledenuit" und "Andy43", etc...- da hatten die Diskussionen noch Qualität!

Und die "Wahrhaftigen" werden angeblich nicht vermisst, meint der Mod?
Dem ist nicht so.
Sie werden von vielen hier sehr wohl schmerzlich vermisst, wie die Zuschriften zeigen, die sie bekommen.

abc (der ohne "_")

quite true what you say.

Some users can not moderate allegedly ...
This formulation by the moderator "P_C" you have to let yourself melt in your mouth ...

(Some) Users are therefore to blame? So simple you can do it also.
Bring a football team too long Lesitungen bad, then the coach is fired, and the team was not ...
This analogy should understand each ....

"Viktoria1" still belongs to Ner LIT-force that the "mod" does not appear.
User as "N8Dreams", "Rex1960", etc. .. and of course the "truthful" to "PB57", and people like "Popping Tom" and "Christinabelledenuit" and "Andy43", etc. .. - there were discussions still quality!

And "truthful" are not supposed to miss, says the mod?
Which is not so.
They are considered by many very good here sorely missed, as the letters show that they are getting.

Originally Posted by Peter_Carsten

Und endlich zeigst du dein wahres Gesicht
Es ist egal wie neutral und fair man dich behandelt rosette, dass zählt für dich nicht.

Du wartest lediglich nur darauf wann du endlich querschießen kannst. Armselig

Ihr habt euch eine rigerose Linie redlich verdient.
Und bei der wird es auch bleiben.

And finally, you show your true colors
No matter how neutral and fair one rosette treated you, that does not count for you.

You wait only just waiting when you finally can shoot across. pathetic

You've earned a rose-engine line honestly.
And when it will be.

you've earned a rose-engine line...

It sucks, the german Lit before Peter was like the GB,
yes, we´ve controverses, Infights and some hot discusses.

I love the old Lit and i want it back.
is this a threat? my german is very bad, and i don't get the feel for words when using rough translations.

you've earned a rose-engine line...


Yep, a kind of. P_C 'discovered' User Abcoflove to be the User Rosettenfreak (who's Post you posted here, in another thread) and is telling him: "You deserve a hard line of action and I will not relent"

I think that's an adequate translation of the last two sentences.
Da der Versuchsmod P_C mal wieder zugemacht hat

antworte ich dir erstmal hier
@ neci

Zitat von Vollstrecker
Weil es nicht im Leitfaden steht

Because it's not in the guide is

LG Jörg

there are some things i just don't understand.

es gibt einige Dinge, die ich einfach nicht verstehen.

Bis zu seinem "Amtsantritt" brauchte hier keiner einen Leitfaden

und die meisten Threads waren offen...

Heute wird jeder Buchstabe nach Leitfaden und Litregeln geprüft

und wehe du verstößt da gegen haste dir einen Dauerplatz im Müll gesichert!

Oder du siehst das eine oder andere, auch dann biste im German Boardt nicht

mehr gerne gesehen und wird als Fake, Troll, oder nur Schwätzer und Stacher

bezeignet. Sorry so geht man nicht mit Menschen um zumal wir ja alle

erwachsen sind....

LG Jörg

Since the Versuchsmod P_C times has shut again

I will reply to you here first @ Neci

Originally Posted by enforcer
Because it's not in the guide is

Because it's not in the guide is

LG Joerg

there are some things i just do not understand.

there are some things I just do not understand.

up to his "office" here need not a guide

and most threads were open ...

Today each of the letters tested to guide and Litregeln

and woe betide you break there haste to you secured a permanent place in the garbage!

Or do you see one or the other, even if not in German biste Boardt

is more than welcome and fake, troll or just talkers and Stacher

bezeignet. So sorry you do not go to people with since we all

are grown ....

LG Jörg
It sucks, the german Lit before Peter was like the GB,
yes, we´ve controverses, Infights and some hot discusses.

I love the old Lit and i want it back.

What is controversial about cats and birds? I believe the man is a bird hater and his pants are too tight. Though admittedly the bird weight lifting might be taken wrong. The bird may or may not be on steroids.
What is controversial about cats and birds? I believe the man is a bird hater and his pants are too tight. Though admittedly the bird weight lifting might be taken wrong. The bird may or may not be on steroids.

What's controversial about kittens?

He doesn't like it for some reason or another, so it gets closed, disposed of or moved...

It was, what he calls: Spam
That the reason he gives to most of his actions: removing Spam.
What's controversial about kittens?

He doesn't like it for some reason or another, so it gets closed, disposed of or moved...

It was, what he calls: Spam
That the reason he gives to most of his actions: removing Spam.

Peter ist ein Hund Mensch oder ein Schwein. Hmmm.
What's controversial about kittens?

He doesn't like it for some reason or another, so it gets closed, disposed of or moved...

It was, what he calls: Spam
That the reason he gives to most of his actions: removing Spam.

Kittens? Spam?

This lends support to the 'his pants are too tight' theory.

It is a cruel place where kittens are treated as spam.
He just send a post, an answer to the 'treat' Neci posted above, into Nirvana, it didn't even appear in the Müll.