The reason the dems got their ass kicked...

Problem Child

Feb 21, 2001
Daschle Questions Progress in War on Terrorism

WASHINGTON — The Senate's top Democrat said Thursday that the failure of U.S. authorities to capture Usama bin Laden raises questions about "whether or not we are winning the war on terror."


This guy hasn't learned anything. Maybe we should send his ass to Afghanistan. Give him a maglite and a 9mm and let him search some caves.

I hope Nancy Pelosi has got more brains than 'ol Tom.,2933,70350,00.html
The republican are the right wing party. The democrats are the other right wing party.

Go Figure, you and your political system :D
Doesn't Pelosi support "gun control" and tax-and-spend government?

Seems the market for such has dried up - a bit.
mbb308 said:
Doesn't Pelosi support "gun control" and tax-and-spend government?

Seems the market for such has dried up - a bit.

Yeah, she's pretty liberal. I don't know how she's going to lead the party without giving up all her core principles.

Daschle kills me though. Trying to make Bush look inept because one guy is still out there somewhere in the mountains of Pakistan or Iran is a total nonstarter as a political issue, especially after the drubbing they just took.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democrat, but in your hearts you want a mayor who will lower taxes, brutalise criminals and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Starblayde said:
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democrat, but in your hearts you want a mayor who will lower taxes, brutalise criminals and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob

lol...there's probably more than a shred of truth there...with a lot of voters anyway.
Problem Child said:
Yeah, she's pretty liberal. I don't know how she's going to lead the party without giving up all her core principles.

Daschle kills me though. Trying to make Bush look inept because one guy is still out there somewhere in the mountains of Pakistan or Iran is a total nonstarter as a political issue, especially after the drubbing they just took.

Her district was 70%+ Gore, I think I read this morning.

Heard the Osama thing on the radio this morning. It seemed to be getting a bit more than its due - but what else would you expect from NPR?
mbb308 said:
Her district was 70%+ Gore, I think I read this morning.

Heard the Osama thing on the radio this morning. It seemed to be getting a bit more than its due - but what else would you expect from NPR?

Of course- she represents the city of San Francisco.

I'm not even ready to say Bin Laden is alive. I can't believe he wouldn't be making a videotape a week if he was still with us.
Problem Child said:
Of course- she represents the city of San Francisco.

I'm not even ready to say Bin Laden is alive. I can't believe he wouldn't be making a videotape a week if he was still with us.

I'm not sure who's making the tapes, and I've heard/read some really fantastic theories, too.

I wouldn't bet on either possibility for bin Laden.
Maybe he was horribly injured in someway and does not want people to see him. Maybe he is horribly disfigured in someway like Michael Jackson.
The Bin Laden thing may be a little over the top, but I can't believe anyone still refers to "tax and spend" -- I think, economically, it makes a lot more sense than deficit and spend, which seems to be the Republican alternative. Just cutting taxes doesn't mean you spend less. But maybe I am old-fashioned... I don't run up my credit cards either.
How much progress have we really made?

Seems the highest up we got was knocking off the guy 7th or 8th in line of command of Al Qaeda.
I'm kinda busy, you think you're smart...

figure out what this means, I'm starting to think elections are real complicated.

War-time election. The big draw, 34 senate seats open.

Alabama-GWB 2000
Alaska-GWB 2000
Arkansas-GWB 2000 DEM 2002
Colorado-GWB 2000
Delaware-DEM 2002
Georgia-GWB 2000
Idaho-GWB 2000
Illinois-DEM 2002
Iowa-DEM 2002
Kansas-GWB 2000
Kentucky-GWB 2000
Louisiana-GWB 2000 ***going to be DEM 2002
Massachusetts-DEM 2002
Michigan-DEM 2002
Mississippi-GWB 2000
Missouri-GWB 2000
Montana-GWB 2000 DEM 2002
Nebraska-GWB 2000
New Hampshire-GWB 2000
New Jersey-DEM 2002
New Mexico
North Carolina-GWB 2000
Oklahoma-GWB 2000
Rhode Island-DEM 2002
South Carolina-GWB 2000
South Dakota-DEM 2002
Tennessee-GWB 2000
Texas-GWB 2000
Virginia-GWB 2000
West Virginia-GWB 2000 DEM 2002
Wyoming-GWB 2000

Basically of the 34 states voting for a senator in 2002, GWB won 22 of them in 2000. BTW-Democrats have 25 governors and the mayor of the District Columbia.

Significant nationwide ideological switch or circumstances? Three supreme court openings...
Spinaroonie said:
How much progress have we really made?

Seems the highest up we got was knocking off the guy 7th or 8th in line of command of Al Qaeda.

Does "victory" hinge on killing Bin Laden? Is that really a realistic goal? Are you ready to put as many troops on the ground as it takes to find him, along with the accompanying casualties?
Problem Child said:
Daschle Questions Progress in War on Terrorism

WASHINGTON — The Senate's top Democrat said Thursday that the failure of U.S. authorities to capture Usama bin Laden raises questions about "whether or not we are winning the war on terror."


This guy hasn't learned anything. Maybe we should send his ass to Afghanistan. Give him a maglite and a 9mm and let him search some caves.

I hope Nancy Pelosi has got more brains than 'ol Tom.,2933,70350,00.html

You know she doesn't PC. She's a throwback to the '60's radical liberal.

I remember watching her 'two minute' speeches on C-SPAN. What a hoot!!!!!!!

I hope she does drag the party along with her.

Short answer is:

No, Problem Child. But that raises the question of why our wise leadership personalized the situation and spoke so frequently of catching him.
Problem Child said:
Does "victory" hinge on killing Bin Laden? Is that really a realistic goal? Are you ready to put as many troops on the ground as it takes to find him, along with the accompanying casualties?

The way Bush set it out, and with the placement of him as number one on the FBIs top ten most wanted, I think that they'll have to have proof that Bin Laden is dead, and that they were responsible for his death, before the public sees any real progress. Let's remember, Bush put large amounts of focus on the guy in all of his pro-war-on-terrism-speeches.

Even beyond the figurehead, I can't see them claiming victroy knowing that the very few Al Qaeda leaders have been captured or apprehended.

If I were Bush, I would dedicate my resources to trying to finish this task before I start another one.
Re: Re: The reason the dems got their ass kicked...

Ishmael said:
You know she doesn't PC. She's a throwback to the '60's radical liberal.

I remember watching her 'two minute' speeches on C-SPAN. What a hoot!!!!!!!

I hope she does drag the party along with her.


Somehow, I have to hope for their sake that the Dems are way craftier than any of us believe.

I don't see how the party can follow her principles and hope to persuade the rest of the country to vote for them. I think Harold Ford would have been a politically smarter choice, but Pelosi obviously has more clout.

I thought they got their ass kicked because Donkey dick was the democratic party representative on Literotica
Re: Re: Re: The reason the dems got their ass kicked...

Problem Child said:
Somehow, I have to hope for their sake that the Dems are way craftier than any of us believe.

I don't see how the party can follow her principles and hope to persuade the rest of the country to vote for them. I think Harold Ford would have been a politically smarter choice, but Pelosi obviously has more clout.

It's the natural by-product of tenure and quota's over job performance.

I agree though. He would have been a serious thorn in the Reps. side.

Spinaroonie said:
The way Bush set it out, and with the placement of him as number one on the FBIs top ten most wanted, I think that they'll have to have proof that Bin Laden is dead, and that they were responsible for his death, before the public sees any real progress. Let's remember, Bush put large amounts of focus on the guy in all of his pro-war-on-terrism-speeches.

Even beyond the figurehead, I can't see them claiming victroy knowing that the very few Al Qaeda leaders have been captured or apprehended.

If I were Bush, I would dedicate my resources to trying to finish this task before I start another one.

I don't remember Bush laying out the capture of UBL as a condition for victory. If he did, he made a mistake.

Now, many troops do you want to commit to finding one man in an area at least twice the size of Texas (Afghanistan, and parts of Pakistan and Iran, at least)?
Problem Child said:
I don't remember Bush laying out the capture of UBL as a condition for victory. If he did, he made a mistake.

He didn't. It was a 'victory' condition first mouthed by Daschle and then paraded around by the press.

Problem Child said:
I don't remember Bush laying out the capture of UBL as a condition for victory. If he did, he made a mistake.

Now, many troops do you want to commit to finding one man in an area at least twice the size of Texas (Afghanistan, and parts of Pakistan and Iran, at least)?

He's used euphenisms. "Deal with" "brought to justice" "make him pay" etc.
Spinaroonie said:
He's used euphenisms. "Deal with" "brought to justice" "make him pay" etc.

Spin, don't be a fucking retard. I know you're smart.

What was Bush supposed to do? Was he supposed to say, "Oh no, we aren't trying to catch Usama. We're not pissed at him at all"?

Come on.

Also, again, how many troops?