The Queen's Pawn (Closed for Miss_Vivi)


Corrupting Influence
Feb 3, 2010
In chess one cannot control everything. Sometimes a game takes an unexpected turn, in which beauty begins to emerge. Both players are always instrumental in this.
Vladimir Kramnik

Prince Alexey Backus, Crown Prince of Lusgrow, sole heir to Henry II Backus, was silently fuming. He dropped down into the chair as he tightened down the straps on his riding boots, trying to not to grind his teeth at the thought of his dear, loving father. He angrily fastened his bootstraps. His man-servant, Jastor, had been helping him dress, but Alexey had sent him out of the room along with everyone else, leaving him to finish strapping up his own boots. Alexey finally relaxed his jaw, taking a deep breath as he stood to examine his reflection in the looking-glass. He was dressed to look impressive for the procession-his clothes were very finely, cut to resemble a military uniform. His shirt was buckled with gold-plated buttons, and golden thread decorated the seams. His belt buckle was the shape of the royal crest, with a ruby in the center for the royal color of Lusgrow.

He was still seething slightly. Gerald, the very man he'd appointed as his Chief Advisor, had dared to suggest that he was being "petulant." Alexey refused to think about his father at just this moment. He had sent everyone out of the room in order to maintain his composure, when what he really wanted to do was backhand the man. Of course, that would simply have proven him point. It would not do for the Prince to be seen so agitated. Alexey saw Jastor out of the corner of his eye, re-entering the room to fetch the last chest. He would be a week on the road to reach Esteria. He was taking his entire wardrobe and everything he might want for comfort, since he did not know he would return. He carefully avoided looking directly at Jastor, so he wouldn't have to censure the man for returning against command in order to do his job. He hefted the chest and took it out the door, to be placed in the carts with everything else. He took one last look at his bed, at his chambers. He might never again sleep in this room.

He strode out into the hallway. He heard the clomping sound made by his riding boots against the marble floors, loud and persistent. Alexey forced himself into composure, lightening his footfalls. He would some day rule this kingdom, and all the people in it-it would do for him to be seen leaving the Capital like a...Damn you, Gerald, for being damned right,-like a petulant child sent out of the room by his father. His breathing calmed down and he put on his best princely face, preparing to be seen on the procession out of town. He walked directly down the bright hallways toward the man palace entryway. He did not encounter any members of his entourage, so they had clearly chosen discretion over the risk of further irritating him. They were likely awaiting his arrival in the courtyard. He found his father was waiting there in the entry hall, alongside his mother, accompanied by their honor guards.

"Father," Alexey greeted him, his voice cold but regal.

"Oh, don't act like that, son. Let's at least part on good terms. This decision was-"

"This decision was made without consulting me in the slightest, Father." He worked to keep a scowl off his lips in front of his father's guards. "Some day I will rule this kingdom and I am not even allowed input into decisions regarding my own marriage. You had to go and play politics without considering what I wanted."

"What you wanted, boy, was to continue playing beneath the skirt of every maid-servant in the palace!" Alexey felt the sting of embarrassment, both from being called "boy" in front of his father's men, and from the truth of the statement. Well, he'd only actually bedded a couple of servants, and hadn't fathered any bastards (he didn't think), but still, close enough. "Someday you will this kingdom yourself-so you must know that you will never be effective if women gossip and giggle about your misdeeds. This marriage will make my grandson the ruler of both Lasgrow and Esteria some day, making him the most powerful king in recent memory."

"But she is only the Queen's stepdaughter, Father, not her direct heir. The Queen may some day remarry, and have a child of her own. What would THAT do about the Succession, huh? What would my children have then?" He knew that his father would understand the language of politics, if nothing else got to him. "And how did she ever convince you to send me off to her kingdom? How weak does it make Lusgrow seem to ship your sole heir off to the custody of the Queen of Esteria? You couldn't convince her to send the Princess here?"

"If you stayed here much longer, Prince Alexey, I suspect the Lady Farraway would end up pregnant very shortly. Her father is too powerful and too proud to let that go unanswered-he might well demand you marry her. What political advantage would that marriage yield? None at all." He was King Henry II now, speaking in that kingly voice that made Alexey so damned frustrated. He allowed himself a moment of reverie to imagine the taste of Christine Farraway's dewy petals against his mouth. "So I am sending you off to Esteria to prevent your dick from creating any further problems for us. Mind where you stick you while you are a guest-Queen Eve LaFontaine is likely to be very prickly about that."

"Father! Such language in front of mother!" Alexey sighed. He would never win an argument with his father. He had been hoping to score some point, to drive some scathing barb into his father's ego before he left, but it was apparent it wasn't happening. He turned to his mother, pulling her close and laying a kiss on her cheek. "Let's get this procession over with. Farewell, mother."

"Good-bye, my son. I will expect letters." She smiled at her, that wickedly motherly smile with her big blue eyes, and then gave him a squeeze. His mother truly was unflappable. Alexey gave the King a final look, but spoke no more as she strode out the doors into the courtyard. He was followed out by his father's honor guard, and then, lastly, the King himself, proceeding over the coming procession. Alexey's retinue waited at the bottom of the steps, where a groom had already fetched his black stallion. Gerald was standing next to it. "How fares your noble Father?" asked Gerald sarcastically.

"Oh, well. I shall have an interesting time of it-you know how I hate to displease him." Gerald barked out a short laugh that was entirely disproportionate to the amount of irony Alexey believed that statement carried. He shot him a glare before going to mount his horse. The groomsman tried to help him-he must have been new-before Alexey dismissively waved him off and climbed up expertly. A gesture from his father began the procession, and the gates to the palace courtyard opened to a street already littered with rose petals. Alexey guided his black stallion to the opening in the street, and then urged him forward with a slight pressure from his legs. He kept only a light hand on the reins, trusting him to follow the guards in front, and raised his hand opened to greet the subjects of Lusgrow.

He had to admit that his father had a sense of politics. Peasants crowded alongside merchants down the lined street, turning out for a chance to bid farewell to the Crown Prince. The crowd pressed it against the soldiers lining the streets, fingers straining out for a chance to touch Alexey's saddle. Even some members of the clergy had apparently been seized by curiosity as well, leaving their monastery to join the hubbub of the crowd. He fixed a grin to his face, clenching the muscles tightly throughout the 30 minute procession to the edge of the Capital. By the time he relaxed, his cheeks felt sore.

He called for a short halt a few miles away from the capital, after a few bends from the road. He was far enough away from the eyes of his subjects. Jastor came to his stallion and dropped a cloak into the road, allowing Alexey to dismount with getting his best riding boots dusty. The carriage pulled up and he climbed in, dropping down onto a bench covered with cushions. It might not be the most princely way to travel, but the ride was entirely too long to bear the saddlesores and the sun in his face the whole way. "Let me know when we're within a few hours of Esteria," he ordered the driver, "so that I may remount."

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"She will marry him, and that's final."

Her words carried the authority of the crown and Eve Lafontaine would have it no other way, her stepdaughter would marry the incoming princeling, the connections between the two countries would fall secure and no longer would their be harping upon her about her lack of a male heir. There would be one. He would just sit on two thrones and the country would be stronger for it. Eve had heard rumors of the proclivities of this little princeling and realized that he might be much for her stepdaughter to handle, given that the chit was still locking herself away in the abbey praying to the unseeing mother.

Sometimes her stepdaughter was absolutely confusing, all pious and sweet pale curls where Eve was all fire. The child took after her mother the Baroness Deguise, a sweet, quiet woman who had been part of Eve's entourage as a Princess. Her husband the Duke Thel'air had been a quiet man, and secure in his holdings, which after the death of his first wife were quite vast. It was little matter to marry the Crown Princess to the man, and secure the crown's holdings further.

Till he had died without siring an heir. A heart attack in his mistresses bed. Eve's wrath had been swift in ensuring the woman left the country, penniless and without the bastard in her arms. No, that child was growing up in the security of the monastery. He had no real claims on the throne, just on the crown's holdings and the Duke's titles, Eve ensured that he'd never have access to either and her stepdaughter would inherit both.

A sigh passed her full lips. A full day of court was wearing on her while all men of titled had sought out her stepdaughter's hand. She rolled her eyes while yet another extolled his virtuous love for her.

"Are you quite done, Sir Buru? I do believe that you have never met My Daughter, given that your holdings are to the north and you have not been to court in many years. That you think this ruse to prevent the marriage between Esteria and Lasgrow isn't growing thin. The lot of you! Really! Please do let it go."

A small rumble of laughter and gossip ran the length of the hall, and Eve shifted in her throne and her heavy dress gowns.

"Now that you're all done, thank you. Prepare a picnic Lord Vaudry, I would see the sun this beautiful day."

Eve stood then, upon occasion, bowed slightly to her people and swept off to her chambers where her small entourage awaited her return to fawn over her. She mostly ignored them, while the Ladies of the Realm, undressed her and squealed over her clothing in the same way that they had been doing daily for years. Eve was thinking about this princeling from Lasgow, he had been much trouble to his father, with dalliances all over the court there, according to her spy. She had thought to marry him herself, seeing that she was still of childbearing age, but had not wanted to negotiate what it would to bring an incoming King here rather than a spoiled Prince. A spoiled prince she could control, a King with aspiration upon her throne would be a little much to steer. She hoped that her stepdaughter would see past her own abstaining ways and into the idea of an arranged match, not that she had given the girl much choice.

It was announced that all was ready for her in the Queen's forest and that they could proceed. Her ladies linked arms with her, excited to have her among them once more, chittering and giggling like young girls, they set off towards the spot that had been the favorite for women of the court for the last 100 years.

A small clearing that was simple, but left plenty of room for several tents to be erected, and the ensuing colors between the tapestries and the flowers of the forest was positively enchanting, and Eve often left the trappings of her station behind her, not finding it necessary to remind her entourage who she was on days such as these. They afforded her the respect necessary and she loved them dearly. As such, little noise was raised about the queen carrying items for her day out, she enjoyed the small moment of blending into the women around her.

Her auburn hair burned in the sun, and her green eyes were alight with the happiness at not being in court to hear yet another suitor of the poor princess doomed to a fool of Lasgow, despite that some of them had married over the borders before to ensure holdings in both courts. Men. Such fickle and silly creatures.

The afternoon was a beautiful one and she soon forgot the trials of the throne room, giggling among her ladies. The idyllic afternoon was however interrupted by a procession into their little clearing. The women circled up protectively around the queen, gasping softly at such an intrusion.

"Say nothing about my attendance." Eve spoke lowly, but knew that her Ladies would spread the word without needing another one from her. Indeed it seemed that her guards were already much aware.

"Who enters the Queen's forest without her leave?" Her lead Knight called out to those in the carriage.

A head poked out and Eve smiled to herself, the princeling. He was here. He was very handsome. This might be a little troublesome. She shivered softly when his eyes roamed over her, but she said nothing, preferring to remain in anonymity for this first chance meeting.

This, was going to be very interesting indeed.
The road had been washed out the day before. Heavy rains had pushed the river up just enough to spill over the bank and wash out the path a few days before. Even now the water was draining, and the damage would likely not take long to repair, if Esteria was diligent in repairing their roadways. But there was no way his wagons could pass, so it mean a delay.. Prince Alexey had mounted his stallion, Twilight, and ridden ahead to survey the fallout for himself. He had felt eyes upon him, as if they were waiting for him to explode with fury at the delay. But what would be the point of that? The rain had not been the fault of his drivers. His father had never been the type to kill the messenger-"Direct your wrath upon its proper owner," he'd said. See, Father, I WAS listening. Alexey mentally cursed God for the delay, but wisely kept that sentiment to himself.

He took stock of their company. Four wagons for his belongings, plus a fifth for Gerald, Jastor, and the two Guardsmen who would remain with him, and a cart that contained their supplies for the journey. There were six additional guards of his father's house, since the Prince had to be properly guarded on the road. Jastor was riding on the cart, and there was a groomsman who was bringing along the spare horses, including his and Gerald's mounts. The wagons belonged to his father-well, technically with their drivers, but they were in service to his father, so they would be returning home after. With so many wagons and horses, it would be very difficult to travel across country. The ride in his carriage would certainly not be smooth.

Fortunately, one of his drivers had known of another road, not as well-used, that cut through the woods to the south. Well, it turned out to be more of a path, than a road. It went directly toward the palace, supposedly, and the man had cut across from there to the capital. The driver had received a silver coin for his helpfulness, and Alexey had returned to the carriage to ride with Gerald. Summer was approaching, and the sun felt awfully oppressive bearing down on his face. They had made camp at the edge of the forest the night before, and had spent most of the morning riding beneath the shade of the trees. It would have been pleasant, aside from the fact that Gerald decided that Alexey could use additional tutoring in the absence of his tutors, and was attempting to instruct him about Esterian law. It was quite tedious-he'd finally managed to get him away from talking about the commoner's civil court system when the driver turned around to peer into the cabin. "My Prince, the guards have spotted a group ahead. It looks like a group of noble women, it does." Just then a loud, commanding voice rang out.

"Who enters the Queen's forest without her leave?"

Alexey turned to Gerald, perking an eyebrow. "Queen's Forest?" He sighed in frustration. He poked his head out of the carriage, his dark hair hanging low over his eyes. He saw a few knights gathered behind the man who had spoken. The man himself was certainly in charge, by seniority if no other virtue. He looked sturdy yet, but he could see the blemishes of age on the old knight's face. He then glanced around the clearing, to see the gathering of ladies there. Well, it looks like I managed to crash their picnic... He let his eyes trailed around, pausing to linger on one delicious redhead in her voluminous skirts, pausing to study her for a brief moment, and the shape of her bust. He wondered if his princess was among the lovely ladies gathered here. He looked back to the knight.

"Peace, Captain." The man might have been a captain, but if not, he'd hopefully be flattered by the title. "We come in peace." He stepped down out of the carriage onto the soft grass of the clearing, arms resting at his sides-he felt an instinctive desire to raise his arms. "I am Prince Alexey Backus, the crown Prince of Lusgrow, and the betrothed of Princess Ann LaFontaine. I'm an invited guest of the Queen." He favored the man with a smile and then turned to his own guardsmen, giving them a quick gesture to let them know to stand down. "We did not intend to trespass on Her Majesty's domain, but we diverted this way after the roads had been washed out." He felt the eyes upon him from the curious ladies, and sighed. Well, his plan to switch to horseback prior to his arrival had failed, it seemed, but perhaps the excitement caused by riding directly into their party would actually improve his image. They had anticipated arriving today, so he was back in his finest clothes again, with his favored riding boots.

"Allow me to introduce my companions. This is Gerald, previously in service to my father, now my Chief Advisor. These are the my personal Guardsmen," he indicated the two tall knights among his company, "Sir Castor and Sir Pollux." Once Alexey had finished his introductions, he glanced around, gauging the situation, and feeling pretty confident. It appeared that he had managed to defuse the situation pretty well, without even a blade being bared. He adopted his best princely posture, feeling rather pleased with himself. He had quite the lovely eyeful of ladies of varied ages to study. It was comforting to know that the ladies of Esteria were not a particularly homely lot-perhaps he would find his Princess to be a delight as well. "I'm certain the Queen and Princess are looking forward to my arrival." He glanced back to the Captain.

"May we join your company? My men are certainly ready for a stop, and I would appreciate an escort to the Queen's Palace. Hopefully someone can be dispatched to inform her of our arrival." He made a coy glance toward the gaggle of women, but nodded at the Knight once more. "Come, this shall be a delight." He strode forward arrogantly, ready to make his introductions to the picnicking crowd. Alexey knew politics well enough to know that he had a chance to make an impactful first impression. Ladies of the court would gossip, of course. He hoped to prove gossip-worthy.
Eve smiled to herself as the Princeling strode forward, her orders stood, none of her people would give her away, she stayed with her women, under the watchful eyes of her knights at this interruption of their Royal Queen's picnic. Eve watched the young man endear himself to her women. He was handsome, and charming, even the bitterest of her ladies would thaw for a man such as that.

She tilted her head and moved just slightly to the edge of the crowd, keeping a watchful eye on him as she moved enough so that he was always touching or talking to another lady, but never her. Her demeanor was calm and intrigued and her people mimicked her, inviting him in, but not allowing him too close to their Lady.

Till finally he was. She held out her hand as he kissed it, gently and met her eyes. Those lavender blue eyes of hers, and smiled and curtsied gently in his direction.

"Your Royal Highness, I'm sure that the Queen will be delighted to meet you, her Royal Princess is also beside herself with excitement."

A small titter from her younger ladies, elicited a jab to a rib from her older matrons, that effectively silenced the noise. Eve ignored it, and smiled softly, while turning back to the ladies and placing herself back among them, and she smiled at the princeling, in a teasing manner.

"Now, now, Little Prince, one must not tarry with the ladies of the court, while her Royal Queen awaits you!"

Her ladies obligingly laughed and giggled around her, while the Prince stammered and back up into the horse that his men had brought up. He jumped up gallantly, saluted the women, and jumped off.

Eve wasn't surprised, and it took her but a half second longer to rush her women along the faster path to the carriages and race headlong back into her city, where her staff quickly stripped her and placed her in a long courtly gown with a low decolletage, and let her long auburn locks slide in waves over her back and shoulders.

She was seated and grinning when the Prince was announced and strode into her court. He bowed and caught her eyes.

"Welcome to My court Prince Alexey, I trust your ride was a safe one, and there were no distractions along the way?"
Alexey was in his element. Ladies who spent too long confined in their court, seeing many of the same faces and telling too many of the same stories, were drawn to the new and curious. He put on his most charming demeanor and began making the rounds, delighting the assembled ladies with a chance to meet the Prince of Lusgrow, and the future husband of their Princess. Most of the men around were Knights and guardsmen, whom he also got along well with-he supposed that soldiers acted the same way almost regardless of borders. But impressing them was not his priority-making a first impression on those would later tell stories about him was. So he made his rounds through the assembly, discovering that neither the Queen nor Princess was among this party, which should prove to be an advantage for him.

He took the hand of a dark-haired woman, ten years his senior. He met her eyes and smiled as he kissed her knuckles. "Lady Dendra, it's such a pleasure to meet you. Tales of your beauty have reached the Royal Court of Lusgrow. Until now, I believed they must be overstated." That drew a blush from the recipient of his flattery, and an amused titter from the ladies around her. But the considering look that Dendra returned him went a bit beyond amused. Alexey had to suppress a chuckle. I must be chivalrous...this is really no time to be wondering whose skirts I might get into. Still, it was tempting. He certainly wouldn't be able to bed his Princess before they were married-that would be just unthinkable. Spoiling her purity would go beyond scandal, it might spark actual tensions. But how would he be forced to wait until the wedding? Engagements in Lusgrow typically lasted a year. How long would a Royal engagement last in Esteria? Suddenly, being surrounded by so many lovely ladies made him a bit uncomfortable. I'm trying to make sure my dick doesn't get me into trouble, Father....

He continued to make his rounds. All his compliments were flattery-he had frankly never had reason to listen to gossip or rumors about the ladies of Esteria, so he truly knew nothing about these women. He had a gift for small talk, though, complimenting them on choosing such a lovely day for an excursion, admiring the smell of food wafting nearby. He idly wondered about the redhaired Lady he had spied from the step of his carriage. He was maneuvering through the crowd, but he had yet to come across her. Of course, he was conflicted-his first thought when he had glimpsed her was to imagine what lay beneath that bodice. Did he really want to see this woman up close?

When he did finally spot her, though, Alexey could not help himself. Her hand extended, and he took it, bending forward slightly to kiss her on the knuckle properly, before he looked up. He was met with a curtsy, and a simple greeting. "My Lady." He waited for her to introduce herself.

"Your Royal Highness, I'm sure that the Queen will be delighted to meet you, her Royal Princess is also beside herself with excitement." He raised his eyebrow at her, a bit disappointed that she had not offered her name. He bowed his head politely. "I am eager to meet my Princess as well. I'm sure I will find her as charming as her subjects do. And I will, of course, extend my deepest gratitude to the Queen for accepting me as her guest." He looked back into her eyes, curving his lips up into a smirk as he studied her. He wasn't sure who she was, but he did recognize that others were extending deference to her. Surely she was of high rank. "It would not be unacceptable to delay long enough for polite introductions, my Lady..." he trailed off, expecting to hear her name.

"Now, now, Little Prince, one must not tarry with the ladies of the court, while her Royal Queen awaits you!" That set off another round of giggles, leaving Alexey flummoxed. "Little" Prince? I really cannot let that become how I am known in Esteria. And once again she had refused to give her name, and what's more, indicated that he and his men were not invited to share in their picnic. He found Jastor behind him, handing Twilight's bridle. He sighed, mounting, and then glanced down at the assembly.

"You speak true, My Lady. I'm sure the Queen waits for no one." He smiled, and then crossed his arm over his chest in a salute, before riding back to the head of the column. Gerald had mounted as well, and rode up alongside him.

"It seems a fine opportunity has gone to waste, my Lord." He was clearly suppressing a laugh, probably from having seen the Prince practically having been told his place by a nameless woman he had met on the road. Alexey scowled at him, tempted to order him to ride at the rear, before nodding. "It would seem that way. But apparently we're not far from the palace. Perhaps the victuals will be better there. I'm certain the Queen will not allow her guests to go hungry." He rode off, leaving his entourage to travel toward the palace with a regretful sigh at the scent of wafting food. He made sure not to look back, though-he had to keep up his Princely appearance.

Two hours later, his stomach growling viciously, his party reached the palace. The gates opened invitingly for them ahead of their approach. The prince remained at the head of the column as they rode up the path leading from the city. They were not even challenged at the entrance as he rode into the courtyard. Alexey had suspected that the party they'd met on the road had dispatched a messenger-it seemed he was right. He was recognized on sight, and greeted by name. "Hail Alexey Backus, Prince of Lusgrow, and guest of Her Royal Highness!" He smiled at the soldiers, offering them a salute. "Hail, Esteria," he greeted them cordially. He made certain to get his horse onto the stone path before dismounting, so he could avoid getting dust on his boots and cape. Jastor arrived to take the reins, and Alexey gave him a quiet reminder to see to Twilight's care personally, making sure he was well taken care of before attending to anything else.

The greeting party approached him. A quartet of knights from her Majesty's royal guard were joined by the chancellor and the court herald. He tried to roll his eyes at the excessive pomp and circumstance. It was just an inevitability for an occasion like this-not just nobility paying a visit, but actual royalty entertaining royalty. There was going to be quite a bit of ceremony and propriety to put up with in the coming days. They bowed politely to him, but not too low, saving their deference for the Queen. No one knelt. He returned a polite nod, and the herald spoke up. "Your Highness, we will escort you to see Her Majesty the Queen. You are allowed one companion." One? Geez, this Queen sure thought a lot of herself, trying to immediately split him away from his entourage. Fortunately, Gerald quickly spoke up, saving his prince the embarrassment of telling the man just what he thought of that.

"My Prince will require his full entourage-he is not some supplicant come to beg the Queen's favor." Alexey turned to watch Jastor leading Twilight away-it gave him an excuse to hide the smirk on his face. He'd heard common merchants barter much like this. Though it was odd that they were forced into bargaining thusly-Queen Eve had surely already proven her authority by bringing him here, rather than having sent off her young Princess to Lusgrow. It was almost as if they were stalling for time.

Shortly, it was settled that Gerald, as his advisor, and one of his own honor guard would accompany him to the throne room. The herald led the way, the quartet of knights flanking the Prince's own small company. Alexey attempted to gauge whether the Queen's Palace had been specially prepared for his arrival but, having never seen it otherwise, it was impossible to say. The herald shortly reached the doors, pressing forward, and announcing Her Majesty's guest. Alexey stepped through next, his followers taking up flanking positions behind him. He strode forward, approaching the throne. He looked up at the Queen as he stepped forward, recognizing a grin on her face. He studied her as he approached...and was struck quick. The long red hair, that face and-his eyes trailing down slightly-that cleavage also. The same woman who had frustrated him on the road! To hide the face he was making, he bowed lower, hands at his sides in the military posture he'd been taught. She had somehow beaten them back to the Palace.

"Welcome to My court Prince Alexey, I trust your ride was a safe one, and there were no distractions along the way?"

He kept his face down for the moment, composing himself. If she would play coy, then he supposed he could be as well. He looked up and met her eyes. "My company found ourselves forced to take an alternate route, Your Majesty. It was not too unpleasant, as I met a company of lovely ladies taking an opportunity to enjoy the weather. There was one among them, of red hair, whose beauty shamed the lot of them. Unfortunately, I failed to catch her name, since it seemed urgent I arrive to meet the Queen." He placed a slight emphasis on the last word, but otherwise kept his voice and face deadpanned. He then turned to introduce his companion, Gerald, along with his guard Pollux.

"I thank you inviting me, Your Majesty, and am very pleased to meet you at least. I look forward to meeting your daughter, the Princess. I shall be thrilled to have a lady of such virtue as my wife, and to be welcomed into the family of your regal countenance." He took a couple of steps closer to her, so he voice lower his voice slightly, into a more conversational tone. He kept his eyes on her face, somewhat intimately, but also to make the point that he was not subservient to her. He was an heir to his own kingdom, after all. Even in her own kingdom, she had no more pride in her rank than he did. Of course, it did not hurt that he found something sensuous about her eyes. The opportunity to be around her should prove quite pleasant.

"Now if I may, in our haste to arrive, my men have not had the opportunity to eat. Perhaps Your Majesty could allow us to dine with her? I have heard that you did not join your Ladies for lunch in the Woods." He allowed himself a small smile, now, to let her see his lips quirking up coyly.
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Prince Alexey was going to be a handful, from his effortless handling of her ladies and the ease with which he approached and seemed to take her on, Eve LaFontaine knew a good man when she saw one, she also knew a troublemaker, and Alexey was both.

"Your guards sat down to eat the minute you left them, Prince Alexey, despite all your grumbling and time wasting about having a proper guard to make your little grand entrance."

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and smiled, she'd struck a small blow. His station was important to him, and he didn't want it forgotten that he was going to be King. Eve hadn't forgotten, and given half a chance she'd take him herself. Her stepdaughter as the chosen, but not blood heir needed a strong stake in ties to both her country and her allies, Alexey was a coup. Accomplishing both tasks easily.

Eve had promised her husband that his daughter would ascend to the throne, and she would. Eve would go childless for the chance to satisfy her dead husband's wish.

As long as the little princeling before her didn't mess things up.

"Now, my little Prince, I believe that you mentioned being hungry, and I know the kitchens have prepared for your arrival, if you'd step back and allow me movement, I do believe you can escort me to dinner."

He moved aside and she stepped off the throne and moved her long black gown into place. When he moved back to her side, she regally took his arm and allowed him to walk her out of the court room. His step was firm, and she could feel him next to her, his strength, his confidence, and his unyielding arm beneath her fingers. This man-child was going to be distracting. She would have to introduce her stepdaughter soon, but the little chit was away visiting her cousins for a few more days yet. Which meant that Eve would have to entertain the Prince on her own.

Her court surrounded her, and nodded as she entered with the foreign prince. They kept the whispers behind hands, fans and curt turns as she passed them. Her people. And they liked him already too. She could tell. They smiled, and were warm where they could be frigid, and they approved of this match.

Whether that meant Eve or her stepdaughter, she couldn't tell.

"Prince Alexey, please join me at the head table, and have a seat to my left. I trust you've been well-versed on Esteria's customs? Good."

She motioned for him to stand next to her, and she smiled at her court as they all took their seats. Then the royalty sat, and the court served first. This custom as a reminder that the head of state serves their people, not the other way around.

"Tell me about your journey, Prince Alexey and what you thought of your father's plans for you."

She smiled, knowing that he hadn't fully agreed to this union, and his answer would prove enlightening. She smiled gamely at him, while the staff placed food upon their table.
"Now, my little Prince, I believe that you mentioned being hungry, and I know the kitchens have prepared for your arrival, if you'd step back and allow me movement, I do believe you can escort me to dinner."

After allowed her to gather up her gowns, he returned to her side, offering his arm. She took it politely, and apparently without thinking. Well, a small victory then, it would have to do. It was an extremely familiar gesture to take with a Queen, and he could sense the momentary discomfort of the nearest guards, who wanted to admonish his forwardness. She accepted, however, which meant she acknowledged him as an equal. It was a nice recovery after she'd delivered her riposte about feeding his men, and delivering her "Little Prince," commentary at the same time. He could already sense that verbally sparring with her was going to require a lot more delicate care, and could end up being just as frustrating as dealing with his father. Perhaps all Kings and Queens have this talent, he mused. If that was so, he'd need the practice in order to hone his talents. As he led her out of the courtroom, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. She was a very lovely woman, less than ten years older than he was, and she had a regal bearing that came only from an inner strength rather than practice posture. She might be a suitable whetstone for sharpening his wits. He broadened the smile on his lips.

Fortunately, she was also gentle enough. Alexey escorted her as far as the doorway, but he obviously did not know where to go from there. She did him the service of not making him follow her, giving just a gentle tug on his arm to take him toward the dining hall. He remained at her side during the short stroll, keeping his focus on their surroundings. He was determined to learn his way around the palace quickly to save himself the indignity of getting lost, or needing to ask for directions to the kitchens or to the stables. "I've been very impressed with what I have seen of the Palace so far," he allowed to her, prompting a small smile. She seemed pleased with him so far, which was good, though he remained less certain of her as a potential mother-in-law. As a potential wife, though...she lacks nothing in aesthetics. Why couldn't Father arrange a marriage with her? She'd be a more prestigious match than her step-daughter. Of course, he couldn't deny that part of it was a desire that these thoughts were rooted in a desire to see her bared on her back with her hair fanned out behind her bed as he crawled on top of her. Alexey was also adamantly refusing to admit that his father was right-that he would end up fucking the first thing in skirts he came across.

As they entered her dining hall, he was surprised to see it was not a small, informal setting, but that it was filled with members of her court. The Queen was proving extremely adept at keeping him off-balance, and Alexey had first met her a mere two hours ago. He felt proud of himself, though. He managed to avoid showing any hesitation or uncertainty at encountering the crowd. He walked the Queen to the head of the table through her admiring audience, appearing disaffected by the whispers generated as he walked next to her. He recognized many of the ladies he saw had been present at the picnic he had interrupted earlier. He allowed his eyes to scan through the crowd without turning his head, recognizing that his presence was creating quite a stir, feeling their eyes upon him. At least he felt vindicated-he had already managed to turn happy coincidence into winning the early favor of the court. With enough popularity, he might effectively rule two kingdoms himself, one day. He politely turned it around, however, leaning down to whisper to the Queen on his arm. "I can see that you are well loved, Your Majesty. He looked down at her, meeting her eyes with a smile as they reached the head table, standing next to her at her gesture. He took a glance around the room to make sure that Gerald and Pollux had been seated comfortably.

"Prince Alexey, please join me at the head table, and have a seat to my left. I trust you've been well-versed on Esteria's customs? Good."

Well-versed? Hardly. But Gerald had at least made sure he understand the basics. The seat to her right was reserved for the heir. The seat to her left, which he took, was for an honored guest of the Regency. Seating him to her left meant...well, he was the Queen's guest, and the guest of the Princess. The vacant seat to her right was telling. It seemed was not going to be meeting his Princess. "I take it the Princess Anne is not joining us for dinner?" He learned, to his disappointment-though tinged with a bit of relief, also-that she was away for a few more days. He smiled as he recognized that she'd done him an honor by seating him to her left, as her personal guest. He favored her with his most dashing smile. "Then I suppose that you and I will have ample opportunity to become well acquainted." Alexey could not help the slightly mischievous twinkle in his eye as he smiled at her face, though he (barely) resisted the urge to glance down at her chest. Damnit, stop imagining what it would be like to bed a Queen. She'd likely have your prick lopped off for the insult! Somehow, though, the idea that it was dangerous was only beginning to excite him.

He watched as the food was beginning to be served-not first to the Queen, as would be the custom in Lusgrow, but the court. This was something that Gerald had NOT explained to him, but to which he quickly grasped the significance. She was in their service, not they in hers. He considered it for a moment-was it simply a vain affectation, or a true gesture of humility? There were clerics who refused to burn candles past midnight in order to prove they were not being extravagant, while meanwhile sleeping in beds with silk sheets and shitting in golden chamberpots, and the people were usually clever enough to recognize them as frauds. Alexey decided to wait and see what it amounted to, here.

"Tell me about your journey, Prince Alexey and what you thought of your father's plans for you."

She favored him with an almost challenging smile. He returned it amiably as their food was set before them, politely waiting for her to reach for her food before he finally reached for his food. God he was starving-he was working himself extra to check himself in observing proper manners and not appearing like he was a pig.

"Our journey was not altogether unpleasant. The sun proves awfully hot and overbearing at this time of year, but it does allow for clear roads and steady travels. Unfortunately, we were forced into that detour because the road had been washed out by the storms last week. It proved to be a happy circumstance after all, since we were able to make that delightful detour," he smiled at her almost teasingly, pausing to take a sip of his wine, "But it did cause us a delay of an extra day." He took a moment to enjoy his wine as he watched the Queen help herself. He debated for a moment how to diplomatic express this next sentiment, before deciding to simply speak the truth and see how she responded.

"As to this union...quite frankly, I was really upset with my father's lack of consideration. I will rule Lusgrow someday. Future Kings are seldom bossed around so by their fathers, from my understand of our history. I feel he should have consulted me and sought my approval before seeking this match, no matter how politically beneficial it may prove. I have always made my own choices." Part of him wanted to add, "about whom I take to bed," to the end of that last sentence, but it was too crude a sentiment for such a first impression. "Still, it is a suitable match. My father increases his own prestige as well as my own by wedding me to the heir of a rival kingdom. Esteria's subjects should feel a sense of stability once my Princess and I produce an heir." He left unstated that the Queen herself was unwed with no heir, but quirked a challenging eyebrow at her. It did seem a shame that such a beautiful woman would likely never produce any children, but that was yet another thought that seemed to delivered directly from his cock.

It struck him that, without her daughter here, and no one seated to Alexey's left, that he and the Queen were being accorded quite a bit of privacy. It was almost intimate. This was an excellent opportunity to better establish himself in her court. He sipped at his wine a bit more, thoughtfully. "And you, no doubt, must feel a sense of pride and achievement at having the Prince of Lusgrow as your Royal guest. Any questions about a Succession in Esteria are delayed, at worst, and answered at best, while my dear Father helped establish your clout as a ruler. And you're quite young yet-plenty of time to accomplish great things. What do you think will be your legacy, Your Highness?" He smiled politely, taking another sip of his wine as he awaited her answer.
She watched the Prince preen while he considered her questions, he kept to the safety of the weather at first. It wasn't at all surprising that he chose to make light of his little foray into her woods, and his time among her ladies.

Eve smiled lightly and took another sip of her wine, while the food started arriving at her table. She let her servers fill her plate, all with food that had been tasted and prepared by her own special cook. She looked up from her bread as he spoke.

"As to this union...quite frankly, I was really upset with my father's lack of consideration. I will rule Lusgrow someday. Future Kings are seldom bossed around so by their fathers, from my understand of our history. I feel he should have consulted me and sought my approval before seeking this match, no matter how politically beneficial it may prove. I have always made my own choices."Still, it is a suitable match. My father increases his own prestige as well as my own by wedding me to the heir of a rival kingdom. Esteria's subjects should feel a sense of stability once my Princess and I produce an heir."

Eve paused as she considered his words, searching for the courtly artifice within them, but she found nothing. He had spoken honestly, and the rarity of it made her stop. To consider him more than just as a silly little princeling of no regard...Suddenly she realized just how intimate they were in this space at this room full of people, but very much alone.

She noticed his tongue slide over his lips to catch some wine that had escaped his lips. The slight movement sent tingles down her spine, and she suddenly looked at the man seated next to her. Young though he might be, but he was a man through and through. The realization startled her, more deeply than she was ready to admit.

"And you, no doubt, must feel a sense of pride and achievement at having the Prince of Lusgrow as your Royal guest. Any questions about a Succession in Esteria are delayed, at worst, and answered at best, while my dear Father helped establish your clout as a ruler. And you're quite young yet-plenty of time to accomplish great things. What do you think will be your legacy, Your Highness?"

He eyed her thoughtfully and sipped his wine. She tore her eyes away from his mouth and tried to be thoughtful with her response, but the only thing she could think of would be tearing that glass out of his hands and kissing those full lips, and claiming..what really should be hers.

But his Father had said no. The princess or nothing.

She sighed inwardly and put on a Queenly countenance.

"I think, my dear Prince Alexey, I shall leave my legacy to the historians, and not worry overmuch about it. Endeavoring to meet the needs of my subjects holds a higher degree of attention than whether or not I will be remembered for minutiae. The years make fools of us all, my Prince."

She reached out to touch his hand, before she realized the shock of touching him so intimately. Her fingers barely touched his hand, but she felt like melting from the touch. Eve withdrew and glanced up at his eyes, his own veiled in lust, just as much as hers were.

No. It couldn't be like this.

Eve smiled vaguely and sipped her drink before silently eating her food. They passed the rest of the supper in niceties of the surface variety. Nothing too intense, other than that one moment that she kept returning to. When the meal was finished, she waved off his arm, and retreated to her suite. This would not do. This would not do. She would have to keep herself separate from him while he stayed here. Eve was Queen! She could put distance and coldness between them and never worry about him again, bundling them both off to Lusgow following the wedding, and rule until her days were done.

Why did this thought hurt so much?

Her guards didn't flinch when she curled up into her bed and cried herself to sleep. Surrounded by people and very, very, alone.
Alexey could feel the queen's eyes on him. She was studying him carefully, and he had the sensation of being very carefully measured and weighed. It was slightly disconcerting, having a future mother-in-law seeming to evaluate him so thoroughly, as if she was deciding within hours of having seen him for the first time whether or not he would suit her. But...there was something else as well. Alexey wondered what it must feel like to be a fish trapped by a fisherman, the worthiness of his catch being evaluated. There was intensity to her gaze that he couldn't help but find...erotic. He resisted the urge to wet his lips again, but he couldn't resist his lips automatically turning up into their most charming smile. It was an old habit to break.

She looked away then to evaluate the question he had put to her. Her demeanor changed slightly-she put on her Queenly airs. Just as he sometimes was forced to assume his Princely airs. It somehow did not make her any less desirable to him. She was a woman, but she was also a Queen. He was less impressed, however, with her response.

"I think, my dear Prince Alexey, I shall leave my legacy to the historians, and not worry overmuch about it. Endeavoring to meet the needs of my subjects holds a higher degree of attention than whether or not I will be remembered for minutiae. The years make fools of us all, my Prince." Her hand reached out to pat his slightly comfortably, but then he saw the look in her eyes. It was the same look he was sure he gave her when he studied the lovely figure that remained hidden beneath her dress. His hand twitched as though to reach over and rest on her thigh, much like some of his teasing sessions with Lady Farraway, but he managed to stop himself from being quite THAT impertinent. But she was very tempting. Suddenly, however, she looked away, took a sip of her drink, and she closed off, refusing to engage him any more.

Alexey saw her closing off, and he knew it was probably the end to meaningful conversation. Still, he couldn't help but respond because this was a subject he had ruminated on quite extensively during his lifetime. "It is true that we cannot control exactly how we are remembered. But I always thought it important for any ruler or future ruler to have a thought toward their legacy. This is the ambition that drives Kings and Queens in this land, the concern for the future, for their memories. I could be remembered as a tyrant who burned books, destroyed knowledge, and sacked kingdoms, or I could be remember as a ruler who sponsored libraries, who sought to enhance learning, who was a patriarch to his people. I've always thought this ambition was a necessary trait for a ruler. Do you disagree?"

Despite his attempt to carry forth a serious conversation with considered words, she refused to engage him any further. The conversation shifted to very light topics, such as the styles of dresses in Lusgrow and other vacuous topics that were honestly beneath them. Dinner passed uneventfully. As they left the Hall, he extended his arm to her, in the same familiar gesture he had proffered earlier, but this time she was uncharmed, and left with a look that told him not to follow. Frustrated, Alexey retreated to his own bed for the night to dwell on the recollection of a long, eventful day. Apparently, his time in Esteria was clearly going to be trying.

When he awoke in the morning, Jastor was accompanied by one of the household servants. Alexey let out an embattled sigh-he enjoyed having the familiar face around, but he decided that perhaps it was a bit much to ask his own manservant to see to all of his needs. At least having someone he trusted around kept him from having to make his own wardrobe choices when he didn't want to think about it-his clothes for the day were already selected. He turned toward the face he did not recognize and nodded, attempting to be polite. "I expect you're here on orders from the Queen. Is she to summon me to her Audience today?" he asked conversationally, as he dabbed a rag in the cool washbasin to clean the sleepy from his eyes.

"I am sorry, M'lord, but Her Majesty is sending you a historian. She wishes to make sure you are well-versed on the history of Esteria, since you were not raised here." That made him suppress a scowl. Did she think that he hadn't had his own teachers growing up? It wasn't like Esteria was on the other side of the world-his kingdom had some degree of shared history. He yawned tiredly and got dressed, decided to take it up directly with the Queen herself. He found himself met by the traditional two guards at the door to her chambers.

"I wish to speak with the Queen," Alexey said impatiently. He didn't bother giving a reason. What need was there?

"Prince Alexey, the Queen has wished us to tell you that she is occupied with matters of state, and cannot directly entertain guests. If you please return to your quarters, your teachers will arrive shortly." The Prince decided that even the guards here had an attitude about them. Additionally, they had clearly been briefed about him specifically since they didn't need to confer with her about telling him what to do. He didn't even flinch that "historians" had become "teachers." It was getting gradually more condescending as time passed. He made sure to thank the guard in an icy tone before returning to his chambers, where his two "teachers" awaited him. Fortunately, Gerald had arrived also, giving him at the minimum someone he could roll his eyes at. But Gerald always had payed more attention to lessons than Alexey ever had. He spent the morning learning about the 11 Years War, being forced to hear about the four kings who had ruled over a decade a few hundreds ago. Then his teachers followed him when he went to lunch. They returned before dinner. They were relentless.

It was the same when he awoke the next morning. He was visited by men insisting he know all about the history of Esteria, from the tribal history of people migrating into the area, and they were apparently going to continue all the way up to last week's soup menu. He decided to at least sit in the courtyard, having a table set up next to a fountain with the sound of trickling water in the background when the prattling grew tiresome. And all the while, he was left to wonder exactly what he'd done to the Queen to make her deliver this petty sort of punishment. Or was this some sort of test? Was she attempting to see if he'd violently lash out at these poor men when he grew too impatient? A third day passed, where he at least had the opportunity to have his horse saddled for a ride beyond the castle walls. A couple of ugly brown geldings followed behind his stallion, their riders detailing the establishment of this city as the capital and the construction of the palace behind him.

The fourth day was the breaking point. His tutors had bid him and early goodnight, with the promise that they would return yet again before Sunday breakfast. Summoning up all of his princely dignity, he marched down to the Queen's chambers once again. This time, there was a single guard. Alexey was taller than this man, and he drew himself up to his full height for the extra authority he could deliver while speaking downward to the man. "I have business with the Queen. You would do well to let me in."

"My Lord, there's no possible way I could-"

"I'm not your Lord, I am betrothed to the Princess. I will be your Prince someday. It is likely that I will rule the combined kingdoms of Lusgrow and Esteria. Tell me, where will you be then?"

"The Queen's business is-"

"I AM the Queen's business. I suggest that you enter and inform her that there is an appropriate manner for treating guests-at least in my kingdom. I wouldn't be here except for her invitation. I will be marrying her daughter very shortly. It is in her interest to see me."

The poor guard caved. He wasn't used to dealing with someone who had quite this level of arrogance and entitlement. He finally decided that he could escape by at least slipping inside to warn the Queen of an impertinent guest outside her quarters. He nodded and turned to open the door. He didn't expect Alexey to follow him in. The Prince perched himself proudly into a chair in her sitting room, outside of her bedchambers. He gave the man a nod. "Go, fetch your Queen. I am waiting to see her."
Her nights were lonely, her days filled. The Queen of Esteria kept it this way on purpose. She kept the Prince of Lusgrow busy with history and etiquette lessons. Eve knew she was biding her time, but she didn't need the distraction of the prince in her life or her castle or her bed. Why she kept thinking of him in her bed, she didn't know. But much like a young girl who has never known a lover's touch, she would find herself late at night with errant fingers, sliding over her warm, waiting and much wanting flesh. Her silent cries to the midnight gods that judged them all, while her back arched under the pleasure and she wished fervently that it was him. The prince. Her daughter's betrothed that brought those cries from her.

Daylight made her nighttime wishes foolish; according to his tutors he wasn't much for the lessons, but his manservant was. The lessons continued in various places throughout the castle and always, the Queen sought to avoid those locations. She wouldn't be near him with the way she was feeling. As much as possible she tried to shut those feelings down, to always reassert her Queenly persona.

Till her Ladies giggled about his presence.

Then she was beset once more, like a besotted young girl, and she found the whole thing eerily uncomfortable. For heaven's sake! She was a woman of almost 30 years! She was not some youth! She had been married, had felt a man, had almost borne him children! There was no reason for her to feel this way.

Eve stared at the embroidery in her hands, normally skillful at creating tapestries, this one had been in her possession for a week and she had barely made progress. It was an easy one, but it felt incomprehensible to her. She stared at it a little more, hoping that the pattern would show itself to her, but knowing that it wouldn't because the image in her head kept being interrupted by the prince. His smile. And the sound of his laughter through the halls that carried his booming and calm voice along easily.

Like just then. She heard him. She almost smiled, and then stopped. Eve looked up. There stood her personal guard, and he didn't look happy.

"My Queen, Prince Alexey waits..."

"Ouch!" Eve had stabbed herself with the needle, threw down her sewing and stalked out to her sitting room, where her finger immediately was placed into her mouth, and she glared at the Prince for a minute until she was ready to speak.

Her tone might have been coated with honey, but her words were not.

"Prince Alexey, is there a reason you've stormed into my chambers? Are your rooms not up to par? Are your men unhappy? Have you not been satisfied with your stay here? Are you not happy and content waiting for your bride?"

She stepped toward him, all fire and anger at his intrusion after her carefully laid distance.

"If you are not, then there is no reason for you to be here, we can see to those issues in the morning. If there is nothing else, then I bid you good night, my Prince."

Dammit. Eve.
Alexey was quite pleased with himself, how he had used his authority and command to take charge of the situation, earning him a visit with the Queen herself. The poor guardsman couldn't rise to match the authority enough to subject the Prince himself to suspicion, not when he was a guest of the Queen and engaged to the Princess. He intended to make sure the Queen herself was specifically reminded of that. He heard the poor guardsman's voice issue a few soft words in the next room, followed by a short exclamation that might have been the Queen swearing. A moment later, the door reopened. Her Majesty, Queen Eve LaFontaine of Esteria, strode into the room...wearing her nightgown...and sucking on her index finger. True, her nightgown was in fact more modest than the dress she had worn the first day he had met her, but the simple fact of it being nightwear, combined with the imagery of the Queen sucking her finger like a little was just as well he was sitting. Standing at the moment would have been uncomfortable.

"Prince Alexey, is there a reason you've stormed into my chambers? Are your rooms not up to par? Are your men unhappy? Have you not been satisfied with your stay here? Are you not happy and content waiting for your bride?" She strode right up to him, glaring, her posture indignant. The tops of her breasts, a hint of cleavage peeking out beneath her nightgown, were about at eye level. Prince Alexey caught the guardsman choosing discretion, slipping out of the Queen's bedroom and closing the door behind himself quietly rather than witness this confrontation. He was alone with her for the moment, making the moment feel even more intimate. He gave himself a moment to study the Queen, her breath heavy with indignant fury at his intrusion, auburn hair trailing over her shoulders. He responded to her glare with his most charming smile, keeping a hand casually draped over his lap to hide his present discomfort, not immediately answering her quick-fire questions. She continued.

"If you are not, then there is no reason for you to be here, we can see to those issues in the morning. If there is nothing else, then I bid you good night, my Prince."

He held her gaze, not breaking his smile. He didn't miss her last words. She might be irritated...but I'm no longer the "Little Prince," it seems. It was curious, in fact. She addressed him as thought it was a term of endearment. He could feel her eyes on him and recognized the same kind of heat in her eyes that he'd felt that first night over dinner. It only made it more difficult for him to sit comfortably, but avoided shifting. She didn't turn away to leave instantly, so he responded. "This is hardly the way to treat a personal guest, my Queen. I've learned quite a bit about etiquette in Esteria the past few days. In Lusgrow, however, it's considered good manners for the King's guest be allowed to see the King. I've done little to deserve this rude treatment."

Alexey felt that he was getting on a roll, slightly, like he had with the guard earlier. So he tried to repeat his gesture from earlier, standing up, drawing himself up to his full height to loom over the Queen for the added authority. "And furthermore-..." he started...but then stopped. He'd forgotten his condition, and the outline of his erection very noticeably pressed against the Queen's hip as he had stepped toward her. It took a moment for that to register, but when it did, a momentary shock spread across her face. She started to step away from him.

"How dare you...I-!" she started, her eyes wide. But Alexey cut her off. His instincts kicked in, having been suppressed since the day he left Lusgrow, but returning now. His hands settled onto her shoulders, and he grabbed her, pulling her against him, and kissing her hard on the mouth. She tasted good. If this dooms's completely worth it.
"You are my Queen."

Long dead words echoed in her head with remembrance of long dead lips, ashes now. Softly spoken, softly delivered to her body, as if she might break. Her husband was so very gentle with her. Gentle caresses, gently slipped over her skin, lovemaking and kisses to her porcelain skin. She loved him, but theirs was not a passionate love.

Not like this.

Not this young man that pressed his body to hers as if he might drown in her kisses, not this prince who demanded her acquiescence through the pressure of his lips. His tongue sweeping over her lips, parting them with a breathless moan. Alexey demanded as well as gave to her, enticing dormant feelings from her. Feelings she was sure were dead. With her husband. And not to be stirred up by some young...

When did her hands slip into his hair?

Why was she standing in her dressing gown? In her receiving chamber with her soon to be son in law?

Why was she clinging to him like some besotted virgin?


She pushed herself away from him, fighting the urge to fall back into his embrace. Eve turned her back and fought to control her breath.

"You are marrying my stepdaughter. You will be king of both our countries when she takes the throne. This is not right. You need to go."

Eve was Queen, this is what was expected of her, even if she wanted to throw herself at him with abandon. She dared not look at him, knowing it would be her undoing.

"Alexey, get out. I'll make sure that you are well cared for, but you must wait for your bride."

She whimpered the last words. Biting her lip, before she strode back to her room, closing the door behind her without another word, and leaving him there, hard. She yearned for all the things she knew she couldn't have.

One of them was on the other side of that door.
Alexey's body pressed into her instinctively as he kissed her. He felt her mouth moving against his as her lips slid along his mouth. He felt a sense of urgency, finally having his mouth pressed against these ilps which had appealed to him from the first time he had seen them.

Then her hands were in his hair, as his own hands were pressing against her back. His hips pressed tighter against the queen as he felt his cock stirring below, pressing against her. His mouth tasted hers, conquering, as he'd conquered so many needy ladies before. So this was familiar. But it was also dangerous, and exciting. I have never before kissed a queen... He could tell that she was being swept in this moment too, her breathing rapid, feeling her chest heaving up against his. Alexey's hands were tangled in her gown, tugging it up her thighs....then he was pushed away.

The Queen turned away, and he repressed a groan of disappointment. His hands dropped to his sides, despite his urge to grab her once again, to pull her into his grasp and to make her yield to him. He knew that she wanted to-he could taste it on her. But he relented, for once proceeding with proper caution. This was not going to be the night-she might use her authority to remove his head if he pressed further.

"You are marrying my stepdaughter. You will be king of both our countries when she takes the throne. This is not right. You need to go."

He looked at her back, the way she breathed heavily, and declined his head slightly. He responded quietly, almost below his breath, but just loud enough for her to hear. "And what if I don't WANT your stepdaughter?" He left that hanging in the air, and apparently, the queen chose to ignore that comment also. She said something about waiting for the princess before she left and closed the door.

At the sound of the door closing, Alexey lingered a moment, his thoughts racing. He had made up his mind that he would have the queen. He wasn't sure when he had made that decision-was it before he had kissed her, or after? He was not sure. Which left him just under a weak before his bride arrived. What then? Would the marriage proceed? Would he attempt to bed the Princess and the Queen, both? Would he dare?

The guard, having heard the bedroom door close, allowed himself to peek in. Alexey heard the door slip open and felt the man looking, finally deciding it was time for bed. He gave one last look at the door to the queen's bedchamber which separated him from his desire, before he turned away with a sigh and began the walk back toward his own quarters. He felt the lateness of the hour around him as his boots echoed off the stone walls before he finally returned to the relative softness of his chambers. His cock remained semi erect even as he removed his trousers, remembering the feel of his groin pressed against the Queen's thigh only minutes before. "Eventually, my Queen. You are still a woman." Alexey dropped into bed and forced his eyes shut, attempting sleep even as his thoughts continued to race, filled with images of red hair and warm, inviting flesh.

He awoke the next morning at the hour of the rooster, his eyes burning from a restless night. He summoned Jastor with a washbasin to clean his face before wandering to the barracks. He needed to relieve his frustration and this was the method that appealed to him. He needed to hit something. He spoke to the captain about a sparring partner and in short order found himself in the practice yard with a dulled practice blade. "My Prince, are you sure you wish to proceed?" asked the Captain, standing off to one side as Alexey prepared to find a sparring partner.

"The Princes of Lusgrow have been trained to command her armies. And a commander never knows when he might be forced to defend himself. A well-trained sword arm is also the last defense against an assassin. Come, let me see your best, you will not embarrass me."

After taking his stance, he faced off against his chosen opponent. After a few quick steps and jabs to test, it was clear he had not been paired with their best swordsman, regardless of their promises. He quickly struck, landing a blow on the man's thigh, then parrying a return blow before landing strikes on his opponent's chest and then his face, before using the blunt end to knock his opponent down. After that, the Captain appeared to at least take Alexey seriously.

Gerald found him in the practice eventually. By then Alexey had worked up a good sweat, and had earned several bruises to his arms and, he expected, his chest and back as well. The sound of steel crashing against steel was punctuated with Gerald's wry commentary. "So this is where you've gotten off to this morning, my Prince," Gerald laughed. "It seems you picked a fight with someone unafraid of your fearsome royal stature."

"Queen Even has some good swordsmen in her employ," Alexey replied, as he called for a stop, thanking his sparring partner. "Which makes for good practice. Though I would feel better if I knew that the damn man was at least a little winded."

Gerald eyed him with a smirk. "I wonder what happened to you last night that gave you the urge to strike at people with long, hard, pointed objects first thing in the morning." Alexey could only respond to that with a glare.

"Come on, Gerald. Let's get some breakfast. We have a long few days ahead of us."