The pub is emptying it's drunks



I can hear them stumbling and puking out in the alley. Bums!
Damn them, they didn't even offer to buy me a drink!
guilty pleasure said:
I can hear them stumbling and puking out in the alley. Bums!
Speaking of bums, your av is very tasty.:p
guilty pleasure said:
No, and they threw up on your car.

Alright, this means war! I will have my revenge. Buwhahaha!
Re: Re: Re: The pub is emptying it's drunks

guilty pleasure said:
You're sweet.......:rose:
Um, who did you ask to find out how I tasted?
Re: Re: Re: Re: The pub is emptying it's drunks

Ezarc said:
Um, who did you ask to find out how I tasted?

I licked when you weren't looking. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The pub is emptying it's drunks

guilty pleasure said:
I licked when you weren't looking. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: The pub is emptying it's drunks

HeavyStick said:
I could take a bite or two from that tush.... ;-)

Want me to clench it?
Dump some water on them. The really drunk ones won't know where it came from and will give you minutes of entertainment watching them stumble around looking for puddles, or wondering if it's raining.

(Comes from personal experience when I got hit by a water ballon while drunk. I'm sure it was quite entertainng to watch. :rolleyes: )
Cleo32 said:
Dump some water on them. The really drunk ones won't know where it came from and will give you minutes of entertainment watching them stumble around looking for puddles, or wondering if it's raining.

(Comes from personal experience when I got hit by a water ballon while drunk. I'm sure it was quite entertainng to watch. :rolleyes: )

Tee hee. :)