The Politics Board Drinking Game


Literotica Guru
Apr 28, 2016
The politics board drinking game!

The way it works is, every time Busybody creates a thread, have a drink. (Do this regardless of whatever his current user name is, which as of today is "Samsung.")

Everytime Miles/Dmitri creates a thread, have a drink. (Regardless of which username he creates the threads under; either Sugardaddy1, Rightguide, Counselor 706, or any variation of "Vetteman.")

Every time Botany Boy gets banned and subsequently creates a new account, (Current username as of 5:00 PM today is UltraMagaKing) then have a drink.

If you are still standing on your feet by noon, then check yourself into A.A.
Can we add more rules? How about:

1. Every time JohnEngelman makes a racist comment, have a drink. If he follows it up with that IQ distribution chart, make it two drinks. If he claims he's "just telling the truth about Negroes," make it three.
2. Every time Rightguide claims conservatives abolished slavery, have a drink.
3. Every time he cites a link that says the opposite of what he claims it says, have two.
Can we add more rules? How about:

1. Every time JohnEngelman makes a racist comment, have a drink. If he follows it up with that IQ distribution chart, make it two drinks. If he claims he's "just telling the truth about Negroes," make it three.
2. Every time Rightguide claims conservatives abolished slavery, have a drink.
3. Every time he cites a link that says the opposite of what he claims it says, have two.
Reminds me of: "The liver is evil and must be punished!"
The politics board drinking game!

The way it works is, every time Busybody creates a thread, have a drink. (Do this regardless of whatever his current user name is, which as of today is "Samsung.")

Everytime Miles/Dmitri creates a thread, have a drink. (Regardless of which username he creates the threads under; either Sugardaddy1, Rightguide, Counselor 706, or any variation of "Vetteman.")

Every time Botany Boy gets banned and subsequently creates a new account, (Current username as of 5:00 PM today is UltraMagaKing) then have a drink.

If you are still standing on your feet by noon, then check yourself into A.A.

Also, anytime you're on Lit, and your name is (or was) Ishmael, have a drink.
how about i have a drink if i feel like one, since i have those numpties on ignore so.... *gaelicshrug*
You'll get a better buzz by having a shot everytime Chipbutty (butters) starts a thread.

The cow really thinks she is all that in so many ways...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
how about i have a drink if i feel like one, since i have those numpties on ignore so.... *gaelicshrug*

Better check with the in crowd to see if it's ok, that might be a bit too much independence and individuality..... aka RACISM!!!!! TRANSPHOBIA!!!!! AND MISOGYNY!!!!.
You'll get a better buzz by having a shot everytime Chipbutty (butters) starts a thread.

The cow really thinks she is all that in so many ways...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).

Nobody drinks that much.

Except Harry.
You'll get a better buzz by having a shot everytime Chipbutty (butters) starts a thread.

The cow really thinks she is all that in so many ways...
Take a drink each time Lit's Situational Native American mentions Butters.
Make it a double if there's a "bovine" reference in the post (Cow, "moo", etc)

We'll all be dead in a week.

AJ will NEVAR forget the curbstomping he got from Butters in The Great "Haitians R Subhuman" Affair back around 2016.


Since this thread was created, botany Boy has already been banned, created a new username and had THAT username subsequently banned, and Busybody is on his second or third username since June 10 as well. Plus there have been hundreds of Rightgardaddy706 threads.
I could raise a toast to something not often done, or not done enough, like people of opposing viewpoints finding compromise, seeing other perspectives, admitting they're wrong, etc. If something like that happens, I could make a special drink to celebrate the occasion.