Demand for school choice will continue to rise


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
In December, for example, the Chicago Board of Education passed a resolution to “[shift] away” from the current choice-based model that allows students to apply to the high school of their choosing to a model that “elevates our neighborhood schools” — or, restricts students to their neighborhood school — “to ensure each and every student has access to a high-quality educational experience,” said the board’s president, Jianan Shi.

It should come as no surprise that Chicago’s officials defended the resolution with the usual liberal buzzwords. Students should be pushed toward traditional public schools and away from private options, they argued, to rectify “past ongoing racial and economic inequity and structural disinvestment.” Whatever that means.

Regardless, it’s clear that the only ones furthering “inequity” and propping up “systemic racism” are the Chicago Board of Education’s members. Chicago’s public schools have been abysmally performing for years. And after the pandemic, during which school officials publicly battled the city’s Democratic mayor in an effort to remain closed for as long as possible, academic proficiency hit the floor — especially among minority students. Data released by the State Board of Education in 2022 shows just 11% of black students were able to read at grade level, and only 6% were proficient in math. Only 17% of Latino students were reading at grade level, and 11% were proficient in math.

Meanwhile, in school choice programs passed in states such as Arizona and Florida, enrollment is bursting and academic achievement is improving. These programs continue to prove that school choice works. It works for students who are given the chance to succeed in an environment that best suits their needs. It works for parents who are given more say over the quality of education their children receive. It works for schools that are forced to compete with each other to maintain enrollment. And it works for all taxpayers who are no longer forced to pay into a system that has long since stopped providing them with any sort of return.
Because home-schooling is such a success at educating people (mainly in shooting up tin cans in the back yard).
Because home-schooling is such a success at educating people (mainly in shooting up tin cans in the back yard).
Results depend on the parents. Abusive and narcissistic POS parents are not recommended for homeschooling, but their kids may be shit outta luck anyway. Parents who sincerely care about their kids' education can help their kids achieve more at home. Many parents are too busy to teach but smart enough to seek other options outside incarcerated education.
Property taxes pay for schools. Let people who homeschool or private school stop paying those taxes.