The Perving PLace

just pet

Vanilla with a twist
Mar 14, 2002
Where do you go to buy your fetish supplies?
Where do you buy porn?

My roommate has a new magazne "Instigator"

It is a gay fetish mag, beautifully done, with incredible pics and artwork. Lots of leather, latex, M/s with artwork from artists such as Greasetank. Brilliant writing. I read it just for the articles, of course.

He has asked if anyone would be so kind as to email him the name and phone number of any local to you shops that carry porn/fetish stuff. Apparently there is no directory of this type of shop.
His email address is
Title the email "Pervy Places"
Thank you in advance for anyone who helps him out.

just pet said:
Where do you go to buy your fetish supplies?
Where do you buy porn?

My roommate has a new magazne "Instigator"

It is a gay fetish mag, beautifully done, with incredible pics and artwork. Lots of leather, latex, M/s with artwork from artists such as Greasetank. Brilliant writing. I read it just for the articles, of course.

He has asked if anyone would be so kind as to email him the name and phone number of any local to you shops that carry porn/fetish stuff. Apparently there is no directory of this type of shop.
His email address is
Title the email "Pervy Places"
Thank you in advance for anyone who helps him out.


Thanks for the post just pet
Re: Re: The Perving PLace

Richard49 said:
Thanks for the post just pet

Thank you Richard

There have been some replies and I want to thank those who have helped
Hmmmm and I thought this thread was all about perving your places.....;)