The Perfect Extreme Workout (Closed to Poprockz and HornyIsh69)


Horny Stud
Aug 29, 2021
The Perfect Extreme Workout
(Closed to Poprockz and Myself)

Ish woke up this morning to a normal usual routine of heading out to the gym. He was a bit tired so he got up from the bed and then headed to the shower to get him awake. He got a bit alert, readying his usual pre workout brekky, letting it digest. Prepping his pre-workout with BCAAs to drink on the way to the gym. A peach lemonade flavor with fruit punch best aminos. He just got into his RAM 2500 Pickup Truck and left his 2 story mansion to head over to the gym he works out at.

He drove as he chugged his pre-workout to get him ready into his mindset of working out. Today was chest day, but he also wanted a personal trainer for this sesh too. He always did believe in Two people are better than one doing this. It was fun working out solo but this was meant to be a two person thing as well.
Abby found herself closing the locker with a click before pulling her blonde hair out from under the whistle around her neck, a hair tie making quick work of the thick hair. It was soon up in a sporty ponytail, the medium-length hair swishing back and forth as she left the locker room.

A moment later, she jogged back in and grabbed the clipboard on the bench that she had momentarily forgotten in her haste to report in. It was her first day here as a trainer. She had aspirations to become a physical trainer as a career and had taken weightlifting and nutrition classes in high school, so this was a good chance to see if she was a good fit. A six-month course had been required to start her internship, and now she was ready to actually participate in mentoring/spotting/guiding people through workouts. Hopefully she’d have gotten a lot experience before her 19th birthday in a couple months.

She was Caucasian, though she was a bit tan from having jogged every morning in the summer sun, freckles dusted across her face. Her attire was a pair of tight black bike shorts, and a matching tank top. Underneath this top a sports bra tightly secured her large breasts. Though in truth she was a DD, the quality of the bra compressed her enough to make them look more like C’s.

Her pretty blue eyes scanned the gym, the girl nervously waiting for her newest appointment. Every time the receptionist would snap her bubble gum apathetically, Abby would glance at her for just a moment.
Ish would park his Ram Pickup Truck in the gym's parking lot. As he was took his gym bag with him. He was in a black muscle shirt with a pair of black shorts and complete the whole affair with his black gym shoes. He sighed happily and headed in the entrance.

He started heading into the locker room to stretch for 5 minutes as he was ready to workout. He finished his warmup stretches and then began to take his gym bag with him into the main gym as he was ready to do chest workouts today.

He saw the receptionist as he would sign in for a locker use on the locker use form. He then saw a new girl. "Oh and you signed up for personal training, right Mr. Roseblazer?" She asked him. He nodded to her in agreement.

"We're short on trainers of the male kind. And normally Maddie is our trainer for the male clientele in most cases but she's not here at the moment. This here is Abby. She's going to be your new PT." She said to him as Ish would then smile and wait for Abby to lead him into the gym. "Today's chest for me." He said to her and smiled.
She smiled. Though it was supposed to be confident, one could tell that she was struggling not to let the nervousness drag it off her lips. Holy hell he was muscled! The man looked like he ate men for breakfast, benchpressed women for lunch, and bicep-curled car batteries to cool down. If she didn’t know better, he could probably teach her a thing or two more than she could for him.

Still, he probably was simply looking for a fresh routine and a spotter so he could mix things up a bit. In that capacity, she definitely could help him out. It was a relief to hear he wanted to do chest today, as she had done a bit of research on good exercises recently, and thought this would be a decent confidence-builder for her.

“Yeah um, cool. Yeah, I can do that.” She gestured for him to follow her, the woman walking toward one the machines as her ponytail swished. “My name’s Abby by the way. Oh, she already said that, sorry. Um, anyway, here. Let’s start with the incline press. Let’s see… what weight are you currently on with this one?” Abby looked up at him, standing next to the machine with the intention of moving the little bar for his desire amount.
"Let's see, I normally do a pyramid of medium weight, low weight and high weight each every week. So it's a high weight week. So put it on 175 lbs for me please." Ish said to Abby. He was about 5'4", 160 lbs with a bit of slight muscular where the arms were a bit muscular with slight rip.

"I'm going for a high reward today. And the reps I'm going for is 12-15 with 3 sets." He said to her as he was laying on the seat near the bench and readied himself by gripping the two handles to start the incline chest press on the machine.
“Alrighty, sounds good,” she responded, moving the little bar into the hole under the 175 lbs mark. With that, she stepped away and stood slightly diagonal from him, watching him do his reps without trying to stare at him. She wanted him to view her as attentive, not weird after all.

Her pink sneakered foot occasionally tapped to the very dim gym music playing on the speakers, but she figured engaging him in conversation might help alleviate some of her awkwardness. It was nice that he seemed to be only an inch taller, as men that towered over her tended to intimidate her a bit.

“Sooo… do you have a goal you’re wanting to reach, or are you just trying to keep fit?” Her tone was friendly and engaging, one of her pink-nailed fingertips tapping on the clipboard for emphasis.
"More of getting stronger and trying to keep fit." Ish said smiling as he would then go a bit harder with the reps. He grunted and felt his arms contract with each rep. He also breathed in and out, getting in the zone and keeping focus. As well as talking to her too.

"Fourteen..." Then he grunted to finish the first set of 15 reps. "Annnndddd.... Fifteen." He sighed, catching his breath and takes a drink from his water bottle, looking at her and smiling big. He was a bit intimidating but is more of an easy going guy more.

"Soooo.. why don't you go ahead and tell me about yourself." Ish said while he was starting his second set of 15 reps. He would grip the handles a bit more, enjoying the flow and workout. Returning himself in the zone but also chatting it up with Abby too.
“Hm…” she thought for a long moment, trying to figure out what to share. In all likelihood, he was just being polite, but it was still nice of him to ask.

“So, as you know, my name is Abby Bush. I just graduated from high school about half a year ago, and this is actually my first real job. I mean, of course I had odd jobs here and there, but nothing real official like this one.” She smiled, looking down at her clipboard before looking back up.

“I’m in here because I want to be a life coach, physical trainer, or something like that. I’m just not sure exactly what yet. All I know is that I really like working with people one-on-one and watching them grow, you know?” Her smile became almost shy, as though she thought he might think that was a bit corny or foolish.
Ish was focusing on his second set to 15 reps and then said to her. "I'm happy you're really like working with people one-on-one. Specially if you've had someone like me who's very muscular." He said smirking at her then finishing up with his final set before drinking his water bottle.

"Well then Abby Bush, what do you say we get to it?" He asked as he got in the same stance and put his hands on the two handles, starting to grunt and breathe. "One...... *Exhaling then Inhales*.... Two...." Ish said looking at her and keeping focus too.
It was nice to find someone who appreciated what she was doing, and it made her feel a bit more at ease with him. That smirk though… it almost seemed like there might be some hidden meaning behind it. What that was, she wasn’t sure. Perhaps he was just in a good mood today.

Abby had a hard time keeping his gaze, but she managed to do so by counting the reps with him before his next break. “… fourteen and fifteen! Great! “her look was approving as she noted down the reps in the workout tracker on her clipboard. Whew! She had made it through. Though he was the one working out, that concentrated, intense gaze of his made her want to squirm slightly. Whether it was because of the intensity or something else, she wasn’t sure.

Once that was done, she looked up and grinned. “It may not look like it, but I’ve got a bit of muscle myself!” Her arm flexed for him though there wasn’t much visible muscle to speak of. Hers was more lean muscle, used to feats of endurance rather than heavy weight-lifting. Indeed, she looked more like a runner than someone who pumped iron. That didn’t mean she was weak though- anyone with a good eye could see that she kept herself fit and that she had worked to get that way.
"I know I said this is my final set but I think I've earned myself 8-12 reps with 1 more set after this set." Ish said to her, smirking again. And yes, he was in a good mood today and also smirked at her cause he liked the fitness trainer. Nethertheless, he was showing her a thing or two as well.

"It's always good to believe in yourself. Lean muscle isn't bad, that helps with you being fit too." He then got onto his final regular set of 15 reps on the chest press machine. "One...... *Grunting, exhaling then inhaling on the decline, repeat.*..... Two....." He said doing his main focus and then seeing Abby get near the weight selector, watching him a bit.
“I like your enthusiasm!” She laughed, “so yeah, if you want to do more then we totally can. I’ll make sure we don’t overwork you though. Pretty sure you could go all day if we let you with pecs like that.” While she was still friendly her face took on a slightly hesitant look for just a moment. Perhaps she ought to be careful with her words. After all-she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable or anything.

She appreciated his validation, giving her arm one last flex before putting it down and letting him finish out. His pecs strained from the weight and reps, and she wondered if he was sweating at all from it yet.

“Let’s go to the pec-deck machine next then,” she suggested after checking her notes.
Ish thought about it and then said. "Yeah you're right. 1 more set at it's max. 220 lbs. And 4-6 reps." He would say to her, waiting for her to do her stuff. She would put the peg in the hole at the max weight. He started to sweat a bit at the 3rd rep. His pecs and arms felt a bit strained but he enjoyed it.

He then got to the pec-deck machine. Awaiting for her and then began to sit at the machine as it was Pec fly day. Deltoids was the next day. "So I do this at 3 sets of 10-12 reps at 205 lbs. A bit declination but it's the weight and reps that I feel great at here." He said for her and then began to wait for her to put the weight on the machine.
She adjusted the weight for him and waited for him to finish up before going over to the other machine with him. Bending over she grabbed the little bar and slipped it into the 205 slot, all the while her plush ass looking round and plump in her shorts.

“Three sets of ten to twelve, got it,” she repeated, straightening up and taking a step back. “Yeah, there’s nothing quite like the burn of getting those muscles worked to the max. I kinda like that sore feeling you get the next day too. I don’t know-it’s kind of invigorating I think.”
When she bent over to adjust the weight with the little bar to slip into the 205 slot. He couldn't help but to look at her nice plush, round and plump ass in her shorts. He then started to do his usual work out run and then began to grunt and do his pec-flies.

"One..... *Grunting and exhaling...* ...... Two...." Ish grunted and then kept his focus as he would then finish the first set with 12 reps and then said to her as he then chugged water from his water bottle. "It's the best part of the rush, even about usual when the sex is also freakin great too." He smiled as he was ready to do his second set of 12, preparing himself.
“What?!” Abby looked taken off-guard for a moment, her cheeks blossoming into a pink blush. It had sounded like he was saying that he enjoyed feeling that achy-muscle feeling while having sex too. She could imagine how that might be nice, but only a bit. Honestly, she had a boyfriend or two in high school, but it never really got beyond kissing and the occasional groping of her boobs. Therefore, she felt a bit embarrassed at the subject itself.

At the same time, his comment made her a bit curious as to what he meant. She swallowed, her body shuffling a bit before she replied. “Are you talking about like… doing it the next day after work outs, or like how having muscles makes things more fun.” God, it felt kind of embarrassing to say, but she kinda wanted to know the answer.
Ish started to grunt and then finally finished his second set saying. "And..... Twelve." He sweated a bit and then took a drink of his water a bit more. "I'm talking about doing it the next day after work outs, having muscles makes things more fun and of course doing it after work outs say today too." He said smirking a bit more.

He would then start to do his final set, a bit sweaty and feeling a bit ripped but showing no signs of fatigue. He then focused on the prize of doing the Pec flies and making it the best of them. "And.... Twelve." He finished his final set, he then headed over to his gym bag to make his intra workout drink. It was a Watermelon hydration mix as well a Lemon Limeade EAAs added into the mix. He shakes up the shaker and then started to chug it down. He then went to the Smith Lifting machine.
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So he meant both? It seemed that way from what he was saying. Though the part about doing it after a workout surprised her. It was almost like he was insinuating that he he had a date lined up for later. It was bold of him to tell her about his sex-plans with his girlfriend or wife (she certainly didn’t know), but she figured he was one of those sex-positive types.

“Oh, uh… I guess you really know what you like!” It was all she could think to say as he grunted and pushed himself in his workout. She could see a bit of sweat on him, but honestly she was surprised he wasn’t more drenched with the weight he was working with and the intensity of his workout. It was commendable, really. She thought to herself that he must be a very disciplined guy when it came to the gym.

I like stretching after workouts. It gets all the blood flowing and just gives you that sense of closure, you know?“ she shrugged.
Ish drank his intra workout drink and then said. "I like stretching after workouts too. The sex is few hours after." He said smirking at her then then waited for her to head over to the Smith Lifting assisted machine. "Final workout of chest day." He said to her smiling big.

He then got onto the bench to warm himself up with no barbell plates to get him pumped and into the zone. He worked out very good, just then. He took off his shirt, as his chest was golden tan with some sweat. "Go ahead and I'm guessing you'll watch or spot me?" He asked her as then he would load on 2 45 lbs on the first side then a 35 lb plate. Then a 25 lb plate. "You can load the other side if you like." He said to her smiling big.
She blinked in surprise and realized that he was probably just joking around with her a bit. Chuckling, she trailed behind him to the new machine and returned his smile.

When his shirt came off, her eyes widened a bit and she couldn’t help staring for a minute. His chest was broad and ripped, obviously having benefited from his countless hours in the gym. Abby wondered how firm it would feel if she laid a hand on it, his skin probably moist to the touch. It was a gorgeous chest, to be sure, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit attracted to him in that moment.

However she soon looked away and back to her clipboard as he loaded his side, trying to distract herself. “Oh, what? Oh! Shoot, yeah. Lemme just load the other side, sorry.” She hadn’t been paying attention, her mind still bouncing back to the image of his muscled chest.

Abby hopped quickly over to the other side and loaded it up as well, making sure to lift the weights with her legs to avoid hurting her back. Once it was all on and the clamp was in place, she moved behind the bench and leaned over him slightly. “Alright, I’ll be spotting you. If you need help or get too tired to lift, let me know, okay?”
"You got it, Babe." Ish said to her as he then prepared himself to do 3 sets of 8 reps of an Incline Press to get him a bit fit. He breathed in and out, to let blood flow and get intense with his first set.

"Whew. What a rush." He said getting his first set in as he then would motion her to come here. "Wanna spot and help me lift my final two sets, bab- err Baby ummm I mean Abby?" He asked her as he would ready himself to be in an incline press stance again.
“In… out… good…” she murmured as he lifted, making sure that she saw that his breaths were rhythmically all too often there were lifters who just held their breath the whole time, but that was not the way to go about things. It was good to see that he was in the practice of doing things by the book.

Abby had just opened her mouth to reply to his comment about what a rush it was when he followed it up with a request for her assistance. That in of itself wasn’t surprising, but it seemed like he was struggling to call her by her name rather than a pet name. Was he… hitting on her? She couldn’t really tell. He seemed pretty flirty in general as part of his personality, so she wasn’t sure if it meant anything. It still made her blush a bit though.

“Sure, sure. Can do,” she replied quickly, leaning over him and resting her hands on the bar. It hadn’t been her intention, but her placement caused her hands to brush up against his nipples each time the bar came down to his chest, her soft skin just barely brushing them before pulling away again.
Ish would do his lifts with her assisting him in his lifts too. He was feeling the burn and muscles now getting a bit good. He was doing his second reps with no problem now she was helping him with the final two reps. He felt her hands brush up against his nipples every time the bar came down to his chest.

He liked that a bit. He was being a bit flirty towards her too, making her feel a bit red in the face and he and her would put the bar on the handles as he would then lift up a bit to get himself a drink of water from his bottle. "You're really good." He said to her sighing and catching his breath.
She grinned a bit smugly, “well, you kind of have to be if you’re spotting big guys like yourself. Granted I probably couldn’t lift that whole amount with my arms, but I could keep it from crushing you if need be. “ It felt good for her efforts to be recognized, the woman shuffling her stance slightly in preparation for another set.

From where she was standing, she had a good view of his chest, her eyes occasionally drawn to it during the exercise.
"I'm ready for the final set if you are, Abby." Ish said to her getting ready for his final sets of 8 reps. He was doing this as a high risk but it was for the high reward. Plus the fitness trainer was kinna cute. He would get in an incline press stance as he would then lift up breathing in and out.

He watched her help him lift as he was going for a good few lifts. She had her hands directly in the range she would feel his ripped nipples. He smirked and then still lifted feeling her brush her nipples in the process.