The Perfect Date.

Saint Valentine

Jan 24, 2003
Disregard for a moment that the quality of a date is directly proportionate to the quality of the company. If you could go anywhere and do anything, with no constraints, monetary, temporal or otherwise, what would your perfect date consist of?


Dinner in Rome, then on to France for dancing atop the Eiffel Tower, and Finally a moonlit canal tour in Venice on which I would seranade her.

that's to much for me to ponder. i think it would involve mountains and hiking, but i can't really give you a place. it's funny. given the whole world..i'll take colorado.
The Perfect Date

"My idea of the perdect date would have to be April 15th, because it's not to hot, and not to cold. All you need is a light jacket!"
Re: The Perfect Date

Gilly Bean said:
"My idea of the perdect date would have to be April 15th, because it's not to hot, and not to cold. All you need is a light jacket!"
LMAO- Miss Congeniality was a cute movie. "You wan-na date me, you wan-na kiss me, you really love me..."
amelia said:
that's to much for me to ponder. i think it would involve mountains and hiking, but i can't really give you a place. it's funny. given the whole world..i'll take colorado.

Not funny at all Amelia. Colorado is a beautiful place.

Sunny day, swimming in a lake with a sandy bottom, walking through long grass and forests, dinner in a quiet out of the way restaurant up a hill, on the patio, watching the sun set.
My perfect date would involved a morning spent horseback riding through the mountains up to a secluded meadow lush with wildflowers where a lavish picnic lunch would be served (smoked salmon, cheese, wine, fruit, chocolate) upon a blanket near a clear lake. Use your imagination for what follows lunch!
Saint Valentine said:
Disregard for a moment that the quality of a date is directly proportionate to the quality of the company. If you could go anywhere and do anything, with no constraints, monetary, temporal or otherwise, what would your perfect date consist of?

Having him pick me up and surprisng me by taking me to the airport and flying me to an unknown (by me) destination. Landing he has another car waiting to take us to an ocean liner for our voyage on the Mediteranean. Stopping at all the ports and dining in those fabulous cities..

It's a long date. :)
In my humble opinion

To me what one does on a date is not close to important as who you are with. I could peel onions or skip rocks on the surface of water if I was with the right person.

However, if there happens to be a pretty forest to walk through or a nice beach to walk on that would be acceptable as well!
SaucyWench said:
My perfect date would involved a morning spent horseback riding through the mountains up to a secluded meadow lush with wildflowers where a lavish picnic lunch would be served (smoked salmon, cheese, wine, fruit, chocolate) upon a blanket near a clear lake. Use your imagination for what follows lunch!

Snow devils...err, umm...grass devils. Well, you know.

holding that special ladies hand on a white sandy beach in Australia, drinking margaritas and then feasting on authentic Thai or Chinese food in a gazeebo, then relax in a hot tub while listening to jazz and watching the sun set.
SaucyWench said:
I had to quit playing skeet ball. I got addicted. It's much like gambling...once you start, you just can't stop.

Ahhh. $50 worth of skeetball for a $5 prize. You have to love a game to play it even when there's such a crappy payout.

Saint Valentine said:
Ahhh. $50 worth of skeetball for a $5 prize. You have to love a game to play it even when there's such a crappy payout.


You got away with spending only $50? I get near skeet ball, I become a blabbering fool..."more quarters, must have more quarters." I'll take the badly made rubber chicken, please, for this HUGE handful of tickets!
SaucyWench said:
You got away with spending only $50? I get near skeet ball, I become a blabbering fool..."more quarters, must have more quarters." I'll take the badly made rubber chicken, please, for this HUGE handful of tickets!

You can have the chicken. I want the cheap painted mirror with the ZZ Top logo on it.

A quite dinner for two in a gazebo on the end of a pier overlooking a marsh and tidal creek down in the low country of SC. It is very beautiful and very secluded.:)
truegentleman said:
A quite dinner for two in a gazebo on the end of a pier overlooking a marsh and tidal creek down in the low country of SC. It is very beautiful and very secluded.:)

Oooh, that sounds beautiful. I've been to SC once and only once and found it lovely for the most part.
Re: In my humble opinion

hogjack said:
To me what one does on a date is not close to important as who you are with. I could peel onions or skip rocks on the surface of water if I was with the right person.

However, if there happens to be a pretty forest to walk through or a nice beach to walk on that would be acceptable as well!

I agree. Peeling onions with the right person is better than going to some great place with the wrong person.