Urban Jungle Dweller
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- Aug 26, 2001
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A revolutionary situation continues to develop, in the U.S. and throughout the world. The underlying objective conditions for revolution are provided by the ongoing collapse of the global capitalist economy. In its final, decrepit stage of neo-imperialism, capitalism in the more advanced nations (North America, Europe, Japan) has come to rely more and more upon financial parasitism, as the industrial base is progressively eroded and shipped overseas, to exploit cheap labor and lax (or nonexistent) regulation. The Japanese economy of the 1990's, mired in a decade-long recession, has proven to be the harbinger for the world capitalist economy. In the less developed nations, and especially in East Asia, the same processes which took place in Europe and North America in the late nineteenth century are taking place now. Peasants are being driven off the land, and flock to cities, where the only work they can find is in the factories of the capitalists. Protests and resistance by workers is growing, especially in China. The European and U.S. ruling classes solved this problem through imperialism. The superexploitation of the colonial nations generated such vast superprofits that the capitalists could afford to throw the workers enough sops to buy labor peace. The bourgeoisie in the developing countries have no such options.
The ever falling rate of profit, as the means of production become ever more developed, spells inevitable disaster for the capitalist system. All its contradictions are now coming to a head. The U.S. ruling class is about to launch an imperialist war of aggression and mass slaughter against the Iraqi people, in a desperate bid to control the oil wealth of the Middle East and maintain U.S. global hegemony. It does this on the basis of an economic base much weaker than it was in 1945, and with a divided, alienated, and increasingly impoverished populace.
It is not at all surprising under these conditions that an international mass movement of protest has arisen. However, so far the movement has been led and organized by reformist misleaders, who foster illusions in the electoral process, the Democratic Party, and the institutions of bourgeois society (such as the U.N.) generally. It is imperative that revolutionary leadership come to the fore as quickly as possible, ousting the reformist misleaders, and guiding the oppressed masses along the path to worldwide socialist revolution. It is necessary to wage constant intellectual and political war against the reformists, and expose the hollowness and emptiness of their program for all to see. Central to this fight at this point is the call for political strikes against the war, to halt war production and stop the U.S. war machine dead in its tracks.
Bring the war home! Turn the imperialist war into civil war!
Two, three, many Vietnams! Many defeats for U.S. imperialism!
Long live the worldwide socialist revolution-- the only hope for humanity!
The ever falling rate of profit, as the means of production become ever more developed, spells inevitable disaster for the capitalist system. All its contradictions are now coming to a head. The U.S. ruling class is about to launch an imperialist war of aggression and mass slaughter against the Iraqi people, in a desperate bid to control the oil wealth of the Middle East and maintain U.S. global hegemony. It does this on the basis of an economic base much weaker than it was in 1945, and with a divided, alienated, and increasingly impoverished populace.
It is not at all surprising under these conditions that an international mass movement of protest has arisen. However, so far the movement has been led and organized by reformist misleaders, who foster illusions in the electoral process, the Democratic Party, and the institutions of bourgeois society (such as the U.N.) generally. It is imperative that revolutionary leadership come to the fore as quickly as possible, ousting the reformist misleaders, and guiding the oppressed masses along the path to worldwide socialist revolution. It is necessary to wage constant intellectual and political war against the reformists, and expose the hollowness and emptiness of their program for all to see. Central to this fight at this point is the call for political strikes against the war, to halt war production and stop the U.S. war machine dead in its tracks.
Bring the war home! Turn the imperialist war into civil war!
Two, three, many Vietnams! Many defeats for U.S. imperialism!
Long live the worldwide socialist revolution-- the only hope for humanity!