The other side of the coin(closed for asetikish)


Gundam Pilot
Jan 2, 2007
He went over special black box footage of his past battles with her. A Super hero that simply couldn't die. For a evil genius like himself killing a would be super heroine would be easy. But this one was more it seems. Not matter what he did, how badly she was hurt or how well he planned it all out she always seemed to get the upper hand. No unlike most Super Villains he wasn't in the mass genocide grouping and why would he want to be? Then they send crazy fuckers like Batman or Deadpool after you, and you didn't want that. Oh sure he could make battle armor like that Iron Man, but what Evil Genius couldn't do that these days? A quick trip to radio shack and a used car lot and you have all you need for a super powered armored suit, that isn't to say he didn't have any powered armor laying around, but still such a childish toy isn't worth his time. He turned and looked back at his latest creation a super powerful, fully powered cyborg. Packed with the latest in high powered weapons, and even could change her left arm into a diamond point drill. She was perfect in every way, speed, power and agility all greater then anything his would be rival of a Super Heroine had shown and better. She even had been programmed for hand to hand combat and should be more then a match for for his rival, but still he felt uneasy, as time and time again he would lose to her. So just in case he build a twin Cyborg, two on one should work. The other one was a perfect twin other then some weapons, the other one didn't have a drill arm, it had a acid gun build into the arm, acid that was able to melt most metals with only a tiny drop, if that wasn't enough she had a high powered energy cannon built into her mouth. Was also able to go hand to hand and as a last resort had a powerful Gravity missile build into her body, but seeing as her mouth had the cannon she shot the missile out from between her legs. He wasn't sure how good a idea that would be, but the missile would crush things when it went off, it was also designed to have a small blast zone for it, so when it went off it would only take hopefully the Cyborg and his thorn in the side Rival with it. "Hey what was the worst that could happen?" He thought, the missile get stuck and the Cyborg's pussy becomes a mini black hole that sucks in everything with in miles? He simply shrugged at this as it was the most unlikely outcome and if he was gonna die, why not go out getting some action, seeing as he even built the Cyborgs to be human enough one could fuck them. He sighed, as he sat back in his lab chair and went over the footage again, seeing if he missed something. He knew this time would be it, he would beat her and move on, but he wouldn't be able to rest till he knew why he had failed so much, what he had missed, some power of hers or some mistake on his part. He would rule the world but not before he knew he was the best, being king of the world would be great till some upstart takes him out and he wouldn't have that. So for now he went over the footage of his past battles with Her.
The white room thrummed with blue light once. Twice. Then it died. A blast of steam hissed out from pistons as it moved a glass cover over a bed. In it, Polly's eyes opened as she took a deep breath. Another experiment by the agency, and again, she was the one they first tested it on. They always did that since she was only a second class super heroine--meaning that she wasn't naturally born with powers, but they had to be put inside her. She had heard so many people become disfigured, sick and even dead when they became tests subjects. Thankfully, the only change she had so far was her body's refusal to develop more muscles, and because of that, she had a little bit of fat...but in all the right places.

She pulled the mask off her mouth and felt for any other symptoms. No. There was none so far she could feel. She got off the bed and tried all her muscles. Yes. They were all working. Definitely nothing was wrong with her so far.

"All systems go, control," Polly finally said, looking at the one-way mirror.

"Copy, Salvation." A shrouded voice came through the speakers in the room. "Proceed testing Skin of the Mountains in The Room."

Polly nodded and walked on, her high heels clicking on the floor. What was the thing they infused in her body again? It was something about making her skin so tough, it was like an adamantium armor, but still skin. Well, whatever, she shrugged as she faced hundreds of goblins. She fought each and everyone of them and felt the effects. The attacks still hurt, but not so much as before, though she knew the damage was the same inside. But more importantly, she didn't bleed from claws and weapons. But annoyingly, the more hits she took, the hornier she got. What was that?

When she couldn't hold out any longer, she crumpled to the ground, her pussy throbbing like wildfire and her body reacting even to her clothes, the test stopped. She was panting and sweating on the floor as the goblins disappeared.

"Salvation, report." The voice came through again.

"I-it works...b-but," she groaned, "But the more I-I get hit...the hornier I get..."

"Copy that. Take a breather."

Polly's head slumped back closing her eyes to calm herself. This drawback proved one thing. She should finish every task in one stroke or...this would happen.
He continued to work knowing that Salvation would be here sooner or later, his make shift lab in a old warehouse on the north side of town. He stopped setting up costly delicate labs after the first two were destroyed in short by Salvation, a odd name for a Super Heroine, but he had heard and seen worse. He turned off the wall of screens and sat back and looked at the twins sleeping in their tubes. He smiled and knew once he ruled the world he'd have women sexier then the twins standing in line waiting to have a chance to spend a night with him, but first he had to deal with that thorn in his side. He got up and walked over to another set of computers, these were hooked up to the twins tubes, each one set that once Salvation appeared they would start up and be sent to greet their guest. He grinned at the pair of red heads and knew that they would be the end of Salvation and his first step(after so many back steps VS Salvation) to ruling the world!
It wasn't long since Polly had regained her senses than the organization sent her the details of her prey. Her body was still a little sore, but the cracked bones inside and the ruptured vessels have quickly healed as always. She sighed in annoyance seeing who it was she would be after.

He was at it again! Always trying to rule the world as if it were that easy. Besides, he had been beaten over and over. One would have thought a smart man like him would know when to quit. But no! He had to try and try. It was annoying!

Strapping on her weapons, she went to his hideout, her body fully recovered from the heightened sexual fever. She knew she had to make short work of the doctor and not get hit once. Now, feeling more pressure than ever, she walked as silently as her stiletto heels would allow her to, creeping inside the building.

Unlike his previous hideouts, this one was certainly bare. It left a chilling sensation creep up her bare thighs. She never really got why she was wearing such a revealing outfit in the first place. White thigh-high stockings went with her high heels, and certainly, it had to match her costume, which was a pair of what looked like leather boyshorts (even though it was actually spandex) and a low-cut top that looked like it had seen better days, torn at the hem and even had holes here and there. It was no wonder why her male enemies always looked at her lecherously.
The Two Cyborgs opened their eyes, their red eyes simply looked forward as the two tubes slowly vented the liquid that held them in place. The glass slowly raised up and soon the two where standing naked dripping the blue tinted liquid they were suspended in. Both gave a look to the good doctor as they made their way towards the intruder.

"Ah Salvation, how good of you to drop by... My welcoming party is on their way and will be there to greet you shortly." He said over the speakers. The lights to the whole place came on and the micro camera's began recording it all.

The hallways all lead to one room, the room where the battle would take place in the middle of the warehouse. And the two Cyborgs were waiting for her. As they saw her enter the room they simply smiled and each held their left arm out to their side. Both Cyborg's forearms seemed to split and open up like a jig saw puzzle and the nano machines changed their left hands into their set weapons, the Cyborg on the left having the large over sized diamond drill bit and the left one having the end of a large hose like vacuum attachment that was filled with acid.
Salvation glared at the cyborgs then at the doctor. "Why don't you stop trying your stupid plans of taking over the world? You know it will never happen. Looks like I'll just have to remind you how futile it is. And I hope this time, you'll go down to your cell like a good quiet doctor, huh?"

In all honesty, those things made her shiver. They looked nasty and she was sure they could cause some serious damage if she wasn't careful. It was only a good thing that the experiment was injected into her earlier. She had a feeling she would be needing it.

Without wasting any more time, Salvation rushed at the cyborgs. She knew there was no way she was going to get the doctor without getting past these. She aimed a high kick at the first one, readying her body to maneuver just in case the second one did anything to hit her or throw her off balance.
The kick sent the first one flying, but other then that it didn't seem to do much as the Cyborg flipped her self over and landed on all fours as she slide back across the ground. The other darted past Salvation. Then the two began their attack at the same time, and as they started to find the good Doctor kicked back in his chair.

"Oh but this time Salvation nothing will save you! And this time my plan can't go wrong!" He began as he watched the fight from his large screen in his room at the other end of the warehouse.

"These are the latest in nano machine technology and will be more then a match for you... And unlike you they will not grow tired or need to rest or eat... They are the perfect living machines!" He laughed over the speakers as he watched the fight.

The two Cyborgs were a dead match for Salvation's speed and power as they fought against the Super Heroine. Each trying to land a blow while the other was either regrouping or being batted away by one of the Punches or kicks Salvation dealt out.
So far, Salvation was able to dodge all their attacks, but as the fight went on, she could feel her tiredness settling in. She was getting a little slower and the things she were fighting just kept going. Even her bullets weren't doing much good. She knew it wouldn't be long before they landed their blows on her. In desperation, she went all out focusing on only one of them, completely ignoring the other. It was impossible to fight them both at the same time. She should take them down one by one, but that left her vulnerable and open to the attacks of the other.

She started to land blows on the one with the hose. She punched it then launched it in the air with her palms and met its landing with and upward kick with all her strength coming from up the ground, her position open for any attack.
The 2nd Cyborg made a crack sound and the blow had cause some damage but being a Cyborg it's threshold for pain was a great deal higher and it simply moved it's arm and placed the hose aimed at the middle of Salvation's chest and let loose a blob of acid, Salvation's skin however simply would tingle, no damage from the acid but her top melted away under the green liquid.

The first Cyborg took the opening and jumped after Salvation aiming her Drill arm up. Would the attack from the acid be enough to distract Salvation or would she be able to evade the drill arm coming up from below her?

"You've fought well so far Salvation, but soon you will tire and the game will be mine, Checkmate my dear Rival!" The doctor laughed over the speakers, thinking he had already won, not looking at the readings behind him on the smaller screens.
Salvation gasped and tried to mmove out of the way as the acid spewed all over her, but she didn't move fast enough and dropped on several parts of her costume, showing more skin especially on the chest area.

The delay also unfortunately caused her to be distracted as the drill arm went up and grazed her crotch. It tore a hole through her suit and she yelped, holding her pussy. It hurt only a little, but the hit sent a jolt of lust through her.

She focused herself and didn't let herself be bothered by her clothes getting reduced, little by little. This was a life and death battle she could not lose. She rushed up toward the one with the drill arm, deciding that it was the more dangerous of the two with the weapon it was carrying.

Her fist flew toward it as she stuck to more grounded attacks, hoping to get the leverage from that style of fighting.
The two Cyborgs still showed no signs of tiring out, but their bodies were slick with sweat or simulated sweat and seemed to be breathing heavier, and when the last hit landed on the one with the drill arm, did it moan?

As the doctor watched and laughed the warning signs on the computer screen behind him the warnings for the two Cyborgs blinked. A virus of some kind had infected the two, perhaps a side effect from the cocktail that gave Salvation her powers had effected them, but their systems were heating up faster then they should as the two fought Salvation.

The acid throwing Cyborg continued to land a few drops of Acid now and again, slowly stripping Salvation of her suit. But the two were smart, and the fight was going on longer then was beginning to become safe for even them. So they were changing tactics on the fly. The one with the drill arm knew that if it dodged it would be out of place to make a attack. And although Salvation was grounded and gave less openings to attack, she counted on the fact that the Cyborg would dodge the attack. But seeing as the human body of her was slowly growing more and more tired the drill armed Cyborg took a chance. It braced itself and deserted power to be ready to take a blow from Salvation head on. It charged her. and took the full force of the next blow, but it should be enough to throw Salvation off, and if that happened the Cyborg attack with it's drill arm was aimed right for Salvation's right nipple. And if that wasn't enough the Acid thrower quickly moved in to support it's twin and rushed in to grapple Salvation and hold her still.
Salvation was breathing hard after a few more exchanges. She could not keep it up for mmuch longer. Not only was her strength disappearing, but so was her outfit. Right now, her suit was barely covering her tits, and one flimsy thread was keeping her underwear in place. Not that the thread was any help since her pussy was already exposed with the hole.

The driller charged at her. Salvation punched it, hoping to deter the thing but it didn't. Instead, she found herself trapped between the two as the acid one held her in place. She tried to slip away but it was too late. The drill connected with her right nipple and she screamed as the drill pushed against her tits, twisting, trembling and shaking as the drill turned. At the same time, her arousal increased. She was beginning to get wet, sapping her strength even more.
The Driller Cyborg continued to push the tip of the drill into Salvation's right nipple. The Acid thrower held her in Place and breathed lustfully against the back of her neck. The same stuff making Salvation Horny was effecting the two Cyborgs as well.

The good Doctor like every Super Villain before simply got up as he laughed and headed out of his lab as care free as a bird, thinking to himself that he had won the battle that was unbeknownst to him was just beginning.

"Well Salvation I would say it's been nice knowing you, but I'd be lying..." And with that he left the room, echos of his laughter still coming through the speakers.

The Acid thrower gasp and sprayed acid all over Salvation's left side, melting her outfit on that side, another gasp and the Gravity Missile began to poke out of her pussy like some old school missile dick from the black and white porn films. All while the Driller kept her drill against Salvation's right nipple as she pressed harder and harder against the nub of flesh. Her left hand though moved to Salvation's acid covered left thigh and slowly moved up, spreading the green liquid across her thigh as she slowly moved her hand up the outside of her thigh and finally grabbed Salvation's left ass cheek.
Even through the pain the thing was dealing her, Salvation couldn't help but moan. Her breast was now feeling so abused as the drill tore off what was left of what was covering her right tit and the acid disintegrated her outfit from the right. Her left breast, fully exposed, was showing her nipple sticking out, hard.

"S-stop!" Salvation moaned as the thing grabbed her ass. "What are you...aaahhh...trying to do, Doctor?" She kicked the drill cyborg away from her feeling fully exposed. The Doctor would have planned to kill her, but now, he was doing something much worse.

She looked down on herself trying to struggle out of the acid cyborg and saw herself almost naked, except for the few strands holding the remnant of her her panties and her clinging thigh highs which was now full of holes and tears.

While she was outraged, she couldn't believe she was also so aroused being abused by two cyborgs. She stood ready to kick the drill cyborg if it ever came close again, but at the same time, she was trying to figure out a way to shake lose of the one that was holding her in place.
The Acid Cyborg was just as horny as Salvation and the missile continued to slowly extend out of her pussy like a dildo. Then's when the Drill Cyborg was kicked away and when the missile poked at Salvation's ass even with her panties still on. It was enough to give the Acid Cyborg enough to bend backwards, but although Salvation might have thought in that split second as she was going over backwards that she was about to be slammed on her head, the Cyborg stopped half way so that she was laying on top of her, the acid cyborg's breasts and hard nipples pressed hard into her back. But it was to give the Drill Cyborg a opening.

The Drill Cyborg had been kicked but did a back flip to recover quickly and charged at Salvation again, and seeing the Acid Cyborg bending her over saw the open torn in Salvation's panties from before and aimed the Drill for The Super Heroine's soft pussy lips. The sight of Salvation's wet pussy and the gravity missile pressed up against her ass made the Drill cyborg even hornier then she was before.
Salvation braced herself for the pain that never came. Seeing a chance to escape, her legs sought purchase opening wide and finally finding leverage to get out of the hold, but before she could push off, the drill connected with her soft, wet pussy and she screamed, partially from pain and partially from the strong jet of arousal that coursed through her.

She closed her legs by instinct trapping the cyborg's drill in her sopping wet cunt. It wasn't by any means a good move as she felt the drill grinding her clit giving her jolts of pleasure and pain she had never experienced before. She came in no time, screaming as the thing continued to drill her.
The Drill Cyborg screamed as the juice from Salvation made her systems go into over drive as Salvation's legs closed around her. Not only did it trap the Drill cyborg, but it was making the drill go deep and deep into Salvation's soaking wet cunt.

The Acid Cyborg couldn't help but moan and the missile shot up into Salvation's Ass ripping the thread that was holding her panties and used it as a make shift condom as the tip of the missile pressed into Salvation's ass.
Salvation never felt so brutally fucked in her life. It was so painful yet so good it was driving her insane. The drill went further inside her just as she felt something penetrate her ass. Her legs splayed open obscenely in reaction never having felt so full in all her life.

She came a second time unable to keep her hips from bucking as the two cyborgs raped her. Her orgasm having only finished, she felt another one build mostly from the drill punishing her G-spot mercilessly.

"STOP!" she screamed knowing that somewhere the doctor was looking down on her. What he was doing, she had no idea.
The Doctor had left the room, and gone to get something to drink, not knowing the Cyborgs had begun to rape Salvation and when he would watch the taps he would be in for a real surprise.

The Drill cyborg kept going, pressing deeper and deeper the whole drill almost totally inside Salvation. She moaned as she had her own cybernetic orgasm from drilling Salvation's pussy, feeling the juices run down her arm and the scent of the juices as the drill worked over time inside the soft flesh, working Salvation's G-spot over and over as she kept driving the drill into the Salvation's super pussy.

The Acid cyborg screamed as her juices sprayed out around the missile as it slowly moved out of her cyborg pussy deep into Salvation's ass, the missile was also armed now, the warhead beeping inside Salvation's body. But even through their Orgasms the Cyborg's never tired and simply moaned and screamed in bliss all while giving it to Salvation.
Salvation screamed over and over coming so many times she lost count. The two cyborgs never seemed to slow, never seemed to tire as they relentlessly used her tired and abused body. But even so, she continued bucking against them as her body demanded more the chemicals in her body forcing her to more orgasms than was humanly possible.

She knew that if she didn't escape, she would be forever stuck in the torture of wanting more as she got used more. With the last bit of strength that she had, she kicked the drill off her and pushed herself out of the acid. She crouched on all fours, trembling from the multiple orgasms that she had. It was then that she saw the missile was armed. With the last remnants of her energy, she pushed the acid right into the drill, its missile dick rammed deep into the drill's pussy.

If it exploded, Salvation knew she couldn't get far enough from the blast, weakened and horny as she was. Even hiding would make sure that the shockwaves got her. She only hoped that if the things did explode, the doctor wouldn't come looking for her as she felt that point where she was passing out.

She looked at the two cyborgs and heard the ticks of the missile before blacking out.
The acid cyborg screamed as her dick missile was rammed into her twin's tight cunt only moments before the missile went off. The missile launched and Salvation say it distort the bell of the driller before it went off as both Cyborg's met a orgasmic end as they came and the missile went off inside the driller.

The gravity warhead went off and sucked in everything around it, like a mini black hole, even grabbing Salvation's body, however the mini black hole couldn't damage Salvation and when it was all done Salvation lay on the ground with her legs spread, and bits of the cyborgs laying sprayed out between her legs as if she came and everything between her legs exploded.

A woman in a skin tight white catsuit landed near Salvation and slowly walked over to the woman and knelt down next to her, slowly and carefully lifting Salvation up and picking the mostly naked juice and cyborg covered woman up and slowly stood up. If Salvation woke up she would find she was in the arms of Steel Wonder. A fellow Super Heroine.
Salvation woke up a few hours later completely recovered but a little sore between the legs. Suddenly remembering, she sat bolt upright and found herself clothed and in a bedroom. her bedroom. She sighed in relief, knowing she was safe.

She still couldn't believe that she let a couple of cyborgs do that to her! but she did have to admit, it was the best fuck she had ever had. but still, the Doctor had to pay. She went back to headquarters to report and skipped out the part where she was fucked by machines before asking her superiors what happened to the Doctor.
Steel Wonder walked in and filled and kissed Salvation on the cheek and whispered to her, "You want to feel that good again?" before placing her report on the table. She smiled at Salvation and then began to explain how she had been flying over the docks when the bomb or what not went off, and pulled the doctor out along with Salvation. But before anything else could be said or asked a man came in and looked at the director.

"Sir... I have bad news, the Doctor escaped while he was being transferred to the Maximum Security Prison and had gone into hiding. Steel Wonder simply shook her head and said.

"Slippery bastard isn't he?" She looked at Salvation and smacked her on the butt before leaving and headed to the roof, if Salvation wanted to talk she would come seek her out, if not, well she had bad guys to bust.


Somewhere deep under the city in a make shift lab the Doctor went over the footage and couldn't help but put his hands down his pants as he watched his Cyborgs rape Salvation.
Salvation only shook her head. Ever since she and Steel Wonder had first partnered, the woman was relentless in making known of her lesbian tendencies. Unfortunately for her, Salvation was straight. Even if she had been fucked by female-looking cyborgs. Besides, that was completely against her will.

The agency gave her new clothes for her next run with the Doctor. It was the same clothes, only these were one size too small for her since they didn't exactly expect to have spare suits just in case. Superheroines just don't loose their clothes. She donned it and went after the Doctor again.

This time, though, she wouldn't be caught by any other cyborgs he might have left. She knew what they could do and she had already formed a plan to defeat them. If it worked, she didn't have to go to plan B and be raped again before she succeeded.
AFter watching the replays a few times and a number of spent tissues, Doctor Mind Matter, went about his next plan, he had to lay low a while, but this would truly be the end of Salvation. Building those two Cyborgs took a lot of time and tech so till he could gather enough to build more he let loose a virus into the city, it wasn't deadly, but it would keep Salvation busy for a while.

Salvation got a report that one of Doctor Mind Matter's war bots was attacking a computer storage warehouse and she should head there to stop it. She would get there just in time to see it corner two male teens, it would look at her and turn and spray he virus in the two teen's faces before jetting off into the sky with a box of advanced computer parts. She could chase the bot or see if the two teens were ok. What she a true hero or did revenge now cloud her mind?