the other day


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
a few days ago, before I went out drinking at the bar my headlights illuminated a wild, stray cat in the little parking lot behind my apartment pawing at something. So I got out of the car to see if I could approach the cat, whern he scooted underneath a car I decided to see what he was playing with. At first, to tell you the truth, I thought it was a pile of poop or something. On closer inspection it was a wild spotted salamander curled up with into a ball with trying to play dead or protect itself with its tail or something by bending back on itself. So I picked it up, looked at it in the light of my headlights, then let it go by the nearby trees.

Why am I telling you this right now?
BTW-I just got back from drinking at two bars about 20 minutes ago. :D

Still, how often do you see a salamander in the wild, much less one right in the middle of town, and in late fall to boot?
twice last week

On two seperate occasions just last week alone I had to swerve my car to avoid hitting (and subsequently getting sprayed by) a skunk on the road as I was driving back home around 1:30 AM or so after closing time at the bar. That's not counting the couple of times recently where I had to slow down to avoid running over a red fox crossing the street.
Oh man I have plenty of wildlife stories

I was picking my brother up from Ft. Benning, GA in July when we driving through Tennessee and I was going like 80 to 85 mph on the interstate when a cardinal flew right smack dab into the middle of my winshield. It was one of the wildest things I ever saw.

Also once at high school I was sitting in the lunchroom and a bird flew right into this huge picture window

A few months earlier at the same school a hawk or some other sort of big bird had flew into a classroom during spring break and absolutely wrecked our classroom.

Once I was downtown and I saw a deer, at first I thought it was a lawn ornament, but it scared the shit out of me when it darted off in the opposite direction.

I have been a passenger in a car that has hit a deer and I myself have came very close twice to hitting one myself.

I'm sure the longer I stay in Indiana I'll most definetly hit one, considering all the miles I drive