The official 'Pick indiesnob's butt about toilet paper' thread.


Titty fucker
Jul 19, 2012
So what's your favourite brand?

Do you find that the fans of certain brands are nicer than the others?

What did people use before toilet paper?
So what's your favourite brand?

Do you find that the fans of certain brands are nicer than the others?

What did people use before toilet paper?

Badgers Arse - with 100% genuine hand napped flint chips.

Arse wippers are elitest bastards by definition anyway.

So what's your favourite brand?

Do you find that the fans of certain brands are nicer than the others?

What did people use before toilet paper?

Watching an episode of Spartacus one time...there was like a public john. Holes and boards to sit on. There was an attendant standing there that had a swabby thing on a stick in a bucket of water. He handed it to whoever needed their butt swabbed, they did so, then he stuck it back in the bucket.

Watching an episode of Spartacus one time...there was like a public john. Holes and boards to sit on. There was an attendant standing there that had a swabby thing on a stick in a bucket of water. He handed it to whoever needed their butt swabbed, they did so, then he stuck it back in the bucket.


nowaday this would be done with a multispeed hammer drill and karcher pressure wash combo.
Flush safe baby's the ultimate in "squeaky clean ass" snobbery.
I could go for a butt swabbing about now.

LiFeNdEaTh called...

...he says he's up for it - really, really up for it - as long as when you reciprocate, you don't use all your tongue like last time; he said that tickled, - really, really tickled, brah.
LiFeNdEaTh called...

...he says he's up for it - really, really up for it - as long as when you reciprocate, you don't use all your tongue like last time; he said that tickled, - really, really tickled, brah.

Indie called...

He said that posting in a parody thread about him and toilet paper is taking your ass-kissing a wee bit too far.

Pun intended.
LiFeNdEaTh called...

...he says he's up for it - really, really up for it - as long as when you reciprocate, you don't use all your tongue like last time; he said that tickled, - really, really tickled, brah.

^^^bitch ass nigga.
Indie called...

He said that posting in a parody thread about him and toilet paper is taking your ass-kissing a wee bit too far.

Pun intended.

Wilt Chamberlain called...

...he said you've earned the tag Stretch all to yourself.


That wasn't a "Pun" - it was a "Pu"...

...'cause it didn't quite make it.

^^^^mama's teat chimp
It seems that the 'snob' part of his name is quite sincere.

I suspect he knows something and he's not sharing with the others.
Getting married means never having to buy/choose toilet paper again. If there aren't at least 12 rolls in reserve, she's anxious and pissed. My ass enjoys a rotating selection of whichever brand the Ralph's card got us cheapest this week.
Now a days a man has to have a code and live up to it.

I don't wipe and tell.
Getting married means never having to buy/choose toilet paper again. If there aren't at least 12 rolls in reserve, she's anxious and pissed. My ass enjoys a rotating selection of whichever brand the Ralph's card got us cheapest this week.
Your wife's name is Ralph?
Now a days a man has to have a code and live up to it.

I don't wipe and tell.

Is there such a thing as 4 ply TP?

My anus is blushing just thinking about it.