The Obama's ATF Ought To Be Ashamed...

Seriously. Alcohol, tobacco & firearms are way too much for any agency to enjoy in one sitting.
Actually, it's the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Oh, they get annoyed if you call them up and ask for a recommendation on tobacco products or request the proof levels of various hard liquors.:D

They should have thrown "vice" in there and got the party rolling.
The Obama's ATF Ought To Be Ashamed...

These are the people who Obama is going to entrust your firearms information to, stupid Gestapo like operation:

As playdeau is over in another thread blaming "Bush's war" for children being killed by a NATO strike yesterday, you're here blaming "Obama's ATF" for despicable, individual decisions Obama has absolutely nothing to do with, either..., yeah: both your partisan hack azzes are plain to see.

When are you going to withdraw yourself from your partisan collective...

...and begin holding individuals accountable for their direct actions (like some of the Republican-voting, no doubt, ATF agents who devised this deceitful scheme)?