The number of resolutions has reached critical mass and it's no longer neccessary

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
I agree with Bush that a new resolution isn't neccessary, but, damn it, I think the man is fucking up by treating the U.N. as irrelevant. Obeyance of law is an agreed upon act, like how everyone agrees to stop on red and go on green -- if everyone agrees that law prevails, it does. The United Nations is effective only if everyone agrees that it will be. Entertaining the idea that it's irrelevant, even if it's true, is a stupid and dangerous thing for any member of the Secutiy Council, much less the United States of America, to do.
I think we should just do away with money and go back to the barter system. Money is the root of all evil, so maybe we should all just become Amish and forget all this NATO, EU, OPEC crap and move on.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I agree with Bush that a new resolution isn't neccessary, but, damn it, I think the man is fucking up by treating the U.N. as irrelevant. Obeyance of law is an agreed upon act, like how everyone agrees to stop on red and go on green -- if everyone agrees that law prevails, it does. The United Nations is effective only if everyone agrees that it will be. Entertaining the idea that it's irrelevant, even if it's true, is a stupid and dangerous thing for any member of the Secutiy Council, much less the United States of America, to do.

Agreed that breaking a UN Resolution in order to make unprovoked war on another country that has broken a UN Resolution is hardly the sign of genius in a country's approach to international relations.

Bush2 is no genius.

But I've noticed he's starting to calm down and is talking about talking with your allies I think his bitch-slapping by Chirac has sunk in.

He's shot his mouth off a lot these past few months....if he back-pedals fast enough, he'll still be able to get his War started when the new moon remains low over Iraq.
Bent said:
Money is the root of all evil

Actually the Bible says it's the want of money that is the root of evil. God thinks money itself is just fine. That's why the Catholics get all the best real estate.
Oh that's it. If you have too much money, then your want is reduced and then you're fine with the Lord. Does this apply to sex?
Purple Haze said:
Oh that's it. If you have too much money, then your want is reduced and then you're fine with the Lord.

Actually, now that I think about it, isn't this exactly the rationale used by the Christian Evangelists? "Give me money and God will give you money!"
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Actually, now that I think about it, isn't this exactly the rationale used by the Christian Evangelists? "Give me money and God will give you money!"

Tithing. And tithing does not have to be about just money, but, that's what the freaky show tele-evangelists want you to think.
Isn't tithing supposed to be giving the church 10% of EVERYTHING? 10% of your money and 10% of your time?