The nonofficial nonblurt nonthread, for people who don't blurt, normally.


Really Experienced
Aug 19, 2002
nonnormal, nonblurting thread for the nonnormal nonblurters who don't, on a nonregular basis, blurt. (in a nonnormal fashion)
Can we have strawberries?

As long as we don't not blurt about not blurting about not blurting it.
making note

Please, don't make notes about nonblurts. Nonblurts are blurted by nonblurters who don't want to blurt about blurts. Should you feel compelled to blurt about nonblurts, then blurt in a way that is easily and systematicaly contrived as nonblurting. Non blurts are, for the most part, nonblurts that don't blurt.
Y'know.. I think that I have found the first thread impossible for me to hi-jack. :)

It's nonimpossible to not hi-jack. Although, were it nonimpossible to hi-jack, I wouldn't be trying to hi-jack it in a nonimpossible way.
Re: Hi-jack?

bigjimgrayson said:
It's nonimpossible to not hi-jack. Although, were it nonimpossible to hi-jack, I wouldn't be trying to hi-jack it in a nonimpossible way.

Yes I do believe I've met my match. Or maybe I'm just tired and my hi-jacking touch is off. :)
ya know, nonnormally I'd nonblurt with the best of them, as I nonoften nonblurt with aplomb. However, I nonusually find myself in the most nonnonblurty nonmood I've ever nonbeen in.


your nonhi-jacking touch is on, for nonhi-jacking purposes. Should you contintinue to nonhi-jack this nonthread, you should not in any way pretend not to hi-jack anything, but, to make an inuendo, nonhi-jack me off, in a nonhi-jacking manner. Consistent with UN policies.

I'm sorry that you find yourself in a nonnora, nonblurty mood. I would like to nonofficially noninvite you to a nonreception for those who put much stock in the prefix non. This is all nonofficial, I assure you.
If you say the word "blurt" too many times, it starts to sound disgusting.
Re: nonnora

bigjimgrayson said:
I'm sorry that you find yourself in a nonnora, nonblurty mood. I would like to nonofficially noninvite you to a nonreception for those who put much stock in the prefix non. This is all nonofficial, I assure you.

I nonaccept your noninvitation with nonenthusiasm, jim! I must say that it's a nonhonor in the nonextreme to have been noninvited to such an august nongathering! I also nonappreciate your nonassurances of the nonofficiality of the noninvitation, for otherwise I would be most nonplussed!
Re: kitty

bigjimgrayson said:
your nonhi-jacking touch is on, for nonhi-jacking purposes. Should you contintinue to nonhi-jack this nonthread, you should not in any way pretend not to hi-jack anything, but, to make an inuendo, nonhi-jack me off, in a nonhi-jacking manner. Consistent with UN policies.


I'd offer a tissue but you only nonhi-jacked yerself off.
Re: Re: nonnora

Nora said:
I nonaccept your noninvitation with nonenthusiasm, jim! I must say that it's a nonhonor in the nonextreme to have been noninvited to such an august nongathering! I also nonappreciate your nonassurances of the nonofficiality of the noninvitation, for otherwise I would be most nonplussed!


Wow! Try saying that quickly in triplicate.

I happily nonagree with you.

Not blurting is disgusting, but nonblurting is an essential quality for the nonbalanced person that personifies our nontimes. I nonblurt with nondruken pride. Damn nonstraight.
Re: making note

bigjimgrayson said:
Please, don't make notes about nonblurts. Nonblurts are blurted by nonblurters who don't want to blurt about blurts. Should you feel compelled to blurt about nonblurts, then blurt in a way that is easily and systematicaly contrived as nonblurting. Non blurts are, for the most part, nonblurts that don't blurt.

Say what :confused: :eek: :confused: