"The New Neighbor": Closed for PP01 & SarahUK


Hmm, so many choices.
Jun 24, 2002
My name it Fred Johnson. I’m a 45 year old man living alone in a big house. The reason I live alone is that my wife of 10 years died of a sudden heart attack 2 years ago and I haven’t dated or gone out, other than with friends since.

I keep busy with work, tending our home on the curve of a cul-de-sac and with my hobbies of woodworking and photography… and by reading erotica online. I may be a widower, but all of the natural urges still exist, Reading and masturbation, the solitary vice of lonely men and women alike, take care of ‘internal pressures’ and needs. While not as satisfying as sex with a woman, so far none have attracted me, other than physically and that's just not enough for me.

Molly was two years younger than me, as I have a preference for younger women, with some submissive tendencies. I like women who's breasts a just a bit larger than their frame would suggest and who are on the petite side. However, most today seem to self-centered and the few younger ones I’ve come in contact with have problems having an intelligent conversation. Regardless of how great a body they may have if I can’t talk to them I’m not interested.

I was working out back, the front yard is small but the back yard is huge, when I saw a moving van pull up in front of the vacant house behind mine. ’New neighbors,’ I think to myself as I continue working on erecting the privacy fence between the two properties.

When I’ve exhausted my supply of slats I head inside not having seen anyone but the movers at the house. As is my custom, and always has been, when alone at home I rarely wear clothing , so after a hot shower I wander down to the kitchen and fix a light supper of a sandwich, salad and bottle of beer.

It’s all carried upstairs to the computer room and I sit in front of the French doors leading to the balcony I built for Molly and I to sit on in the evenings.

I don’t think about the “new neighbor(s)” as I turn on the computer and begin eating as it boots up. I quick check tells me no new email since this morning so I log onto Literotica and begin looking over the titles of the new stories posted there. Generally I read the BDSM stories or the Non Consensual ones first, as those are long held fantasies of mine for some reason, and then scan the others to see what’s new to read. The only genre I avoid are the romantic ones. To many are like the romance novels Molly liked, bodice rippers, I called ‘em when teasing her about them.

Food finished I sit back sipping my beer as I read a story titled, “A Sexual Escapade Goes Awry” (shameless plug for my story *G) and see it’s 8 chapters long. A good night’s reading. It doesn’t take long before the action captures my attention and the resulting erection begins to grow.

It never even enters my mind to close the drapes as I read and idly fondle my balls and occasionally stroke my hard penis as I read. I’d forgotten I may have anyone who can or could see me.
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Mal ...


Name .....Malandra Cooke ....known as Mal to her friends.


Age ... 46

Status ....Married but seperated

Figure ... Good for her age , been to the gym regularly

Still wondering if I had done the correct thing or not , I wave "Goodbye " to the Van driver , I dont think he really knew how to take this "mad Englishwoman" , I have decided the Americans do not have our sense of humour and he certainly didnt like having his bum pinched , Ohhh Well , his problem not mine.

Sitting down after finding the kettle and drinking my cup of coffee I reflect back on the last few months , after finding out my hubby of over 25 years is a closeted "gay" and he finally decided to tell me he was moving in with his "lover " , leaving me high and dry , then our son getting married , my parents dying , it was all too much to bear , so getting a transfere away from it all as far as I could , I decided that the firm had a branch over here in this Town , so this was the time to move , to make afresh. I really hate men at the moment , and the only good one is a dead one in my minds eye.

Wondering is this house was going to be too big for just me , I thought really when the family do come to stay with me I will need 3 bedrooms so it was a wize move and it cost me no more than my half share of the house back home in England.

Looking outside I suddenly see scraps of wood in my side of the garden , Mmmmm what is that , who would have thrown such rubbish in MY garden , so indignantly , as my back was aching aswell I storm out , only to be met by nails , wood and total damn rubbish. Must be a stupid man who has done this , a woman would clean up her mess , I thought to myself in my minds eye.

Walking over to the half made fence I peer over expecting to see somebody the other side , but I can see nobody , then looking up I see the outline of a body , sat down I think , I persume this is the person who has made this mess , and I had better get this sorted once and for all , I dont need this hassel .

Ringing the door bell , ready to have a right royal go at him, not in the best of moods , as he answers, I smile and say through gritted teeth.

"Hello I am Mrs Cooke from next door , can I please speak to the owner of this property"
Fred Johnson:

I was reading along and slowly stroking my cock as the story got more intense when the 'mood' was broken by my backdoor bell ringing. It's ring is different than the front door so there was no mistake which it was.

'Who the hell's at the back door this time of the evening,' I think to myself as I get up, go to my room and pull on a bathrobe.

At the backdoor I find a nice looking woman who seems rather pissed off about something, even if she is smiling.

"That would be me. I'm Fred Johnson and I own the property and house Mrs. Cook. What can I do for you?"

I don't realize as I'm standing talking with her and the odd breeze is blowing my robe open a bit below the belt exposing my semi erect penis to her should she look.

"Are you and your husband my new back neighbors? Need to borrow something perhaps until you're settled in over there?"

"That would be me. I'm Fred Johnson and I own the property and house Mrs. Cook. What can I do for you?" , came the reply , and then without even stopping for a breath he said, "Are you and your husband my new back neighbors? Need to borrow something perhaps until you're settled in over there?"

Well that was like red rag to a bull , why on earth would he assume I had a male in tow.

"Well, actually , for your information Mr Johnson , I am not here to borrow anything , I am here to ask you to clear up your mess from my side of the garden and incidently also , I do not have a husband , as you so put it, or any male " , and turning on my heel I walk away , most angry at this very impertant man.

Stretching up putting away the odd few personal posscessions I brought over from England , I think back to that odd conversation and remembering how I was watching his bathrobe moving in the slight breeze , showing his semi erect cock to me , wishing I hadnt seen it , as thinking about it now , my nipples start to harden and I hate the thought of that man having that power over me , or in fact any man having that effect , but I also remember how rude I was , so settling down infront of my desk I start to write him a letter .

Dear Mr Johnson ,

I am so very sorry about my awful behaviour earlier , it was duly most uncalled for , and would you please accept my offer of an early evening English high tea at 6.00pm , as a form of apology to you.

Yours truely ,


Putting the letter through his postbox , I wonder what will happen , but all I know is this man did excite me and wish he hadnt, but not even thinking about that I realise I have so much to do in a little short time , so getting on getting all the work done so it looks a bit respectable if he does come over.

Stepping out of the shower , I dry myself off , wiping over my face , down over my neck , on to my breasts, my nipples so hard , feeling the towel really excited me , my legs open slightly , feeling the tingling through my pussy , my fingers went down , seperating my lips and my finger darting straight on to my already erect clit , pulling my leg up on to the side of the bath , I start to rub it , the sensations running through me , knowing I just wanted to cum so quickly , I started to moan and as the pleasure ran through me , I cum so hard , feeling the ripples moving up my body right to my tummy , the juices were making me so wet, I was so glad I had this to releive me . Wrapping the towel around me , my cheeks and neck still flushed from my masterbation I open the door, and see myself in the mirror , I was looking good really for my age , my long blonde hair , blue eyes and my skin glowed with my newly found tan , so walking into my bedroom , not bothering to close my blinds , I stand infront of my mirror , putting on my skin lotion then wandering over to the window , I look out , and I see Fred Johnson , hard at work at the fence again , he looks up, then back down again , not too sure if he saw me or not , so turning around now , I dress , putting on a lovely light blue skirt , no underware , given up wearing that when he left me , and a little white top , which was figure hugging , and leaving my hair free around my shoulders I walk down to the kitchen and start to prepare a Quiche, some sausage rolls and sandwiches just incase he comes around , plus the normal English Scones with jam and cream , and of course the traditional pot of English Tea .

Waiting at 6.00pm , I am getting very nervous , hoping he will turn up ....
Fred Johnson:

I stand flabbergasted as she storms off across the yard back to her own.

'Now what the hell was that all about?
'Clean up the mess in her garden? I'm off fro the week and will be working on the fence until it's finished. Why clean up twice when once will do. Besides, until today, the house was vacant and how was I to know someone would move it today.
"And what was all that nonsense about not having a husband or any man. She introduced herself as Mrs. Cooke so if an error a natural one, can't see any reason for going off in a huff after nearly biting my head off over it.
'Oh well. I guess I won't put in the gate I was thinking about adding in case any new neighbor and I became friends.'
I'm thinking as I close and lock the door again and head back upstairs to a more pleasurable time, if a lonely one.

The next morning I find a letter laying on the foyer floor. 'Odd, too early for the mailman.

It's opened and read and I'm pleasently surprised by the apology and invitation to "High tea" whatever that may be.

I after breakfast I get busy on the fence again since a load of slatting has been delivered and by noon one half of the fence as been completed.

The posts have all been set, including the ones for the gate, so I frame out the gate and hang it before continuing with the other side. A heavy closing spring is installed to it will shut by itself and as I'm about to install the latch I pause.

'I wonder. Maybe I'll leave it as is for now to see what developes before putting it on the gate and barring her from coming over if she needs something.
'I can always do it in a few minutes later if I want to.'

I stated the other side at the corner working toward the gate and had just checked the time, wondering for the hundredth time what one wears to a "High tea", when I glance toward her house and catch a flash of motion at a second floor window.

Damned near drop the hammer onto my foot when I see her standing there stark naked rubbing her hands all over her lovely body from her breasts to her crotch, which seems to have a fine blonde down matching the color of her hair, but a tad darker.

I want to look more but not stare so I look down at what I was doing and glance back as she turns away showing me a very fine ass. One made for fondling, caressing and perhaps fucking as well.

My penis is rock hard inside my shorts at what I've seen and been thinking. A glance at my watch tells me it's time to go and get ready so, being sure all the 'mess' is in my yard, I gather my tools and head to the house.

A nice hot shower, so I don't smell as if I've been working in the sun all day, feels great. As I'm washing my hand wraps around my cock washing it and stroking it at the same time as I close my eyes and visualize the naked Mrs. Cooke.

It's easy enough to imagine playing with the tits I watched her rubbing and fucking the pussy and ass I got a brief look at and my hands grips harder and moves faster as I imagine her responses and the sounds she'd make. It doesn't take long before I've had a very satisifying release.

The shower's spray washes away the soap and evidence of my masterbatory fantasy and I'm out and drying off. "High tea", well still don't know what to wear, but perhaps slacks, shirt and a blazer will suffice. Pulling on snug boxers and socks first. I quickly dress and check the time. I dislike being late so am pleased to see I've made it in time.

Leaving the house and using the gate, I grin as it 'smacks' closed, I knock on her back door at 5:59.

Sitting down , figiting with the covers on the settee I am begining to regret asking this man around for high tea , I feel he will be nothing but a nusicence , after all he was pretty rude yesterday when I spoke to him , so why would he change today , and not only that , he has still left a mess in my back garden and why on earth would he call it a backyard , a backyard is for concrete not grass.

The bell chiming shook me out of my day dreams and I walk down the hall and I can see his silhouette against the glass, looking at myself once more in the mirror , I see my blonde hair shining and actually my blue eyes were sparkling aswell and I felt rather excited , but suddenly with dismay I realise my nipples are aroused and poking out of my teeshirt , making it visible to his eyes , oh well , cant help that.

Opening the door I greet him with a smile and my hand outstretched, and thinking how smart he looked in his clean clothes.

"Welcome Mr Johnson, would you please step in " , and stepping back I let him brush past me , Ohhhh wowww did I feel the electric surging through me as his arm brushed my breasts , my nipples standing further aroused , Ohhh Noooo , I mustnt let a man do this to me , ever again .

"Go and sit in the lounge , Mr Johnson and I will make the tea , do you take sugar? " , I enquire .

Handing him the tea and offering him some sandwiches , he asks me all about England and I tell him all I wish to know , then seeing his eyes raking over my belongings he sees the pictures , Oh hell , suppose I had better explain it to him .

"Well it is like this, my husband decided after 25 years of marriage he was gay , so he is living with his gay partner and my son has just got married , so I managed to get a transfere , hense I am here ".

Sitting down once again , I realise my skirt has risen up slightly higher than intended and I am not too sure if he got a glimpse of my pussy , luckily I had just shaved this morning , so I was trimmed nicely , crossing my legs over , I notice him eyeing my brown slim legs , so flaunting it a bit more , I swop legs so he can see the other one . Watching him getting restless , I can see the hardening in his trousers.

"Oh by the way Mr Johnson I have a bone to pick with you , can you come out to the garden please " . He follows me out , showing him some wood with nails , I bend over , realising now , he is seeing my full nakeness , my bum cheeks in full view and my pussy lips were glistening i am sure , as I was so aroused sat there , I straighten up and handing him the wood , he takes it , but without realising he digs one of the nails in my hand ,

"AHHHHHHH , that hurts " , I scream as blood comes pouring from a gash on my palm , "AHHHHHH " , he grabs my hand , and looks at it , my breast against his arm this time , my nipple pushing into his bare flesh , he must feel it , I persume, or does he ?
Fred Johnson:

When she opens the door I smile and say Hi as I notice the 'nipple' tents on her t-shirt, very obviously braless and I smile to myself recalling the view of her breasts from earlier in the window as she rubbed them like Molly used to do when either putting on lotion or playing with herself to turn me on.

As I enter, my arm accidently brushes against a very firm breast for a woman about my age and I smile to myself again as I feel my cock twitch in my trousers.

When we sit down there's no way to not notice her nipples are more prominent than they had been, so must be harder. Another twitch in my trousers.

"I hope I haven't overdressed, but not really knowing what a "High tea" is I chose to err this way if I did at all," I say with a smile as I take the tea and a sandwich.

I ask probably innane questions about England and smile at your answers as I nibble the sandwich and sip the tea. The surprise and shock on my face shows I'm not acting as I hear about your husband is so obvious there can be no doubt it's real.

As you explain and move your legs, I catch a quick glimpse, I think, of your pussy under your skirt, but can't be sure. I do however appreciately look at both your tanned legs and breasts and those hard nipples now and then.

When you've finished I don't stop to think about what I'm about to say, it just comes out, "What a fool. You're a very attractive woman Mrs. Cooke, but I guess somethings can't be helped. Just a damned shame he waited 25 years to decide to tell you about it."

When you say you wish to show me something I set down the teacup and sandwich, get up and follow you out to the yard.

It seems I missed some of the wood in my hasty clean up earlier. I reach out to take a piece from her saying, "I'm sorry. I did a hurry up clean up as I didn't wish to be late coming over. I'll get it all when I finish tomorrow, promise, and in time you'll find I don't tell lies."

As I take the wood to toss over into my yard until tomorrow a nail I didn't realize was there rakes over her palm and starts to bleed as she "AHHHHHHH!, that hurts, AHHHHHH!" .

I toss the wood and take her hand in mine palm up. I can feel my arm pressing her hard nipple, her firm tit and unconsciously move my arm a bit as her hand is raised to my mouth and I suck the gash. Suck and swallow several times to be sure that there's nothing in the little gash, then grip her wrist tightly to and raise it over her head to staunch the flow of blood.

This raises her breast higher on her chest naturally and also pulls her nipple along my arm.

No pause, no hesitation, "Come with me. Let me put some disinfectant creme on it and bandage it for you." I tee her as I lead her through the gate and into my house, hand still over her head and arm still against her but our movment making it move over both now.

I really shouldn't be enjoying this but her tits feeel sooo good and her wet pussy and great ass looked tremendous when she bent for the wood. It's hard to keep my mind on first aid when I really want to fuck her silly, but I manage.

Upstairs and into the master bathroom. I get her to sit on the commode seat and open the medicine cabinet saying, "I do woodwork and not and then get a cut or slice so have all we need in here."

The antibacterial soap is set on the sink, a tube of antibacterial creme, a gauze pad and flexible adhesive tape. Then the water's turned on and when it's good and hot, "Now this will sting, but can't have germs in an open wound to cause an infection."

The gash, which is actually smaller than I'd first thought when I saw all of the blood, is well washed, patted dry with a gauze pad and the first aid creme applied as I watch your breasts moving out of the corner of my eye when I move your arm.

Next comes a clean pad and it's taped in place over the small wound. Facing you now and looking down as you as you sit in front of me, I hope you don't notice my raging erection straining against the leg of my trouser.

'It's been ages since I was this close to a woman. She smells wonderful, looks great and her tits look and feel tremendous. Hope she doesn't see how hard I am or it doesn't embarrass or alarm her if she does,' I think to myself.

"There you are. All patched up and again I'm so very sorry. When you go home you take the creme, gauze and tape with you so you can change it again tomorrow.
"How about a drink, for medicinal purposes of course," I say with a smile while thinking, 'and to get you to stay longer so I can look at you some more and perhaps see more of what I've so enjoyed seeing in the flesh instead of on the computer.'

"There you are. All patched up and again I'm so very sorry. When you go home you take the creme, gauze and tape with you so you can change it again tomorrow. How about a drink, for medicinal purposes of course," he says to me , looking me full in the face.

"Thank you for all your help Mr Johnson , but I really do think I should get back" , I said fumbling for an excuse " My son is phoning from home and I need to be there to answer it " , stuttering as I said it , feeling such an idiot , so standing up , I walk towards the door and down the steps , to the back door , so anxious to get away from this man who gives me such arousal feelings , looking behind me I whisper " By the way I am Malandra, but my friends all call me Mal , and thanks again for the help and the bandages ".

Letting myself in my back door , I slump against it as I close it tightly , I feel so so confused , my body is telling me to fuck him senceless and my mind is saying dont trust men they are all bastards, so what do I do. Confused , I decide to have a nice long soak in the bath. Smelling the lovely scented water , I step into the bath , and gently lower myself into it , feeling the water seeping over my body , engulfing it , my hand finds the soap , the nice scented one I brought from the Body shop with me , a smell from home , and I lather it all up and gently massage my body , over my arms , down over my neck , over my full erect nipples , my breasts so hard under my touch , down over my tummy , on to my soft down , and knowing if I touch my lips I would cum , I resist and massage down my legs , lying back in the bath to rinse off. Stepping out after a good soak , I dry myself off and decide just to put on my little embroidered nightshirt.

Lying in bed , I hear a noise , a peculiar noise , not too sure what it is , I jump out of bed , looking out the window , I cant see anything but I can still hear it , getting a torch , I shine it through the window , still I cant see nothing , but can still hear it , a funny rustling noise , my heart is beating like mad now , and not knowing what to do , I run downstairs , still thinking somebody is breaking in , I look through the phone book quickly and see Mr Johnsons name in it , dialing his number I wait for a reply ...
Fred Johnson:

"Okay Mal and I'm just plain ole Fred to my friends," I say watching you scurry out the door as if your tail's on fire (*g*).

'Now that was odd. I wonder what the all fired hurry to leave was all about. Oh well. Perhaps it was just the phone call from England.' I think to myself.

Backup stairs, a bottle of beer in hand, it doesn't take long to strip down and hang up things and toss others into the laundry hamper. Then in my normal nude state of undress I log online, answer emails and laugh at a couple of jokes that have been sent to me and groan at a lot more of them.

That done I decide to visit Literotica and read a bit before heading to bed early tonight so I can finish the rest of the fence tomorrow nice and early.

I'm sitting reading when I find myself recalling the feel of Mal's breast and hard nipple against my arm. How they looked straining her t-shirt and the sight of her ass and shaved pussy when she bent over in the yard.

My hand is slowly stroking my hard cock at the mental pictures when the phone rings.

"Hello, Fred Johnson here."

"What? Who? Oh, Mal. Yes, I'm still awake and no you didn't bother me. In fact I was just sitting her thinking about you and the nice time I had visiting.
"What, a noise outside.
"You stay inside with the doors locked. I'll be right over just give me a few moments to pull something on."

I hang up the phone, quickly pull on a pair of tennis shorts, which I have a bit of difficulty zipping up considering what I'd been doing. A pair of tennis shoes, flashlight and a pistol from my firearms collection and I'm out the backdoor all in about three minutes.

I duck between the runners for the fence instead of using the gate so I don't disturb who or whatever is making a noise I can now here in her backyard.

When I'm about fifteen feet from the noise I turn on the large flashlight and start to chuckle to myself as I turn and go to Mal's backdoor and knock.

Hearing the knock at the door , I shout out .

"Who is it " , and I hear Fred's voice and I automaticaly open upu the door , and seeing him stood there , in his shorts and shirt , I just throw myself into his arms , not caring , he was chuckling for some reason , but I didnt worry , I was safe , safe from the intruder. He looked at me , grabbed my hand and with a smirk on his face , he took me outside and showed me my intruder .....A Raccoon !!!

Sitting down opposite to him on the settee , I suddenly feel a right fool.

"I am so sorry Fred , I dont know what to say , I must try and understand your American way of life more and get to know the local wildlife , you must think I am stupid " , and with that I realise how close to tears I really am , and suddenly they fall , streaming down my face.

I suddenly realise , how little I am wearing , my nighty almost see through , he must be able to see me almost totally naked , and it only just barely covers the tops of my legs , I stand up , more out of embarrasment than anything and see the tears dripping on to my breasts , making my nipples stand out from the thin material. Knowing he is watching me , I can see from his shorts , he is aroused , I wonder what he is actually thinking at this moment .

"Fred , I need to change , will you please wait for me here " , I dont wait for a reply I just open the door and go upstairs , as I get there , I start to peel off my nighty , feeling the cool breeze on my naked body , and as I walk in , OH MY GOD , a huge spider , the size of a tea plate , was sat on my bed , I screamed so loud ....

Fred Johnson:

The feel of a next to naked and very live, warm and squirming body pressing and rubbing against mine, dressed in just shorts and tennis shoes, has the natural effect and my cock grows to full erection again as your crotch presses against it and rubs as you squirm.

"Now, Now Mal. It's okay. It's just "Rocky"," I say moving beside you and sliding an arm around you. I lead you over and light up Rocky the neighborhood raccoon. "He wanders around all night and if you don't close your garbage lids tightly will make a mess looking for something to eat."

I let you lead me inside your house, arm still around you and my hand resting just above your bare hip. I can feel your ass as it moves when we walk and imagine all kinds of things I'd like to do to it.

I'm smiling as you try to apologize, but when you begin to cry in embarrassment I take you into my arms and one hand strokes your hair as the other rubs up and down your back, "Now, now. No need for tears or to be embarrassed Mal. It's all new to you and I'm the Old Good Neighbor ready to be called upon when needed." Again breasts and hard nipples are pressed to my bare chest and my cock twitches and jerks in my shorts in reaction to the urges I'm feeling.

When you stop and I let you go you say you need to change and I bite my tongue, figuratively speaking, to keep from saying the only change you need to make it to take off the nightie so I can really see all of you again, as I did this afternoon.

I'm sitting patiently waiting when I hear a terrified shriek from upstairs.

In seconds I've bolted up the stairs and find you standing with a horrified look on your face at the spider on the bed.

I pull off a shoe, use it to 'flick' the spider off the bed and then kill it.

Turning back to you, "No argument Mal. You're coming with me. Now."

Back downstairs, get my light and pistol, have you get your house keys, out the door and lock it and into my house in minutes with me tut-tutting at your less than strenuious objections.

I seat you on the couch, pour you two fingers of whiskey and add a cube at your nod when I hold it up. Open myself a beer and come and sit beside you, but not too close, and hand you the glass.

"Drink and then it's to bed with you Mal. You can repay me by cooking breakfast in the morning.
"You get the spare bedroom upstairs. It's at the other end of the hall from mine if you need me and right next door to the bathroom, ummm loo I think you call in over there," I end smiling and chuckling.
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Sipping the dark brown liquid , it burns my throat and I think to myself , I dont like Whisky , but all the same it didnt taste too bad .

I heard Fred say, "Drink and then it's to bed with you Mal. You can repay me by cooking breakfast in the morning. You get the spare bedroom upstairs. It's at the other end of the hall from mine if you need me and right next door to the bathroom, ummm loo I think you call in over there,"

I had to smile then when he said loo , and I saw him chucking and smiling and then for a minute it really broke the ice , but then I saw him as just another man , who would proabably hurt me if I let him get too close , or would it be the other way around , would I hurt him.

Standing up , I turn to him .

"Thank you Fred for showing me such kindness , I really do appreciate it , and I will try and repay you one of these days , how I dont know yet , but I will , I can promise you that , now where did you say the Loo was , " I enphaise Loo , as he smirks again ..."and by the way , I will teach you proper English " , I giggle back to him , as he rises off his chair.

Letting myself into the bedroom , I lie on the bed , totally exhausted , wondering if sleep will reach me, and what the future will bring.
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Fred Johnson:

Once I have Mal settled into her bedroom I head off to mine.

My bedroom door is left ajar, in case she calls out in the night, so I'll be sure to hear her and I strip off the shorts. A pair of sweat pants is laid on the kingsized bed just in case I need them in a hurry and I sit down at the computer again.

I read for a bit, but my thoughts keep returning to all I've seen and felt, however innocently, of Mal's warm and very appealing body.

Eventually the mental pictures and imagining all of the things I'd so enjoy doing to and with her as well as having to do to and for me overwhelm the story on the computer.

I sit back with closed eyes slowly stroking my throbbing cock "seeing" her as I did in the window rubbing her hands over her body.

I "see" her with her large hard nipples poking out her t-shirt and her ass and shaved pussy when she bent over in the backyard and my hand grip a bit tighter and moves a bit faster.

I "see and feel" her breasts and nipples against my bare chest, her crotch rubbing on my hard dick as it did just a short time ago. I "see" those hard nipples as her tears made the nightie transparent and imagine their feel in my fingers, between my lips, as I rub my cock on them.. and my hand moves even faster.

I know you're in bed naked, other than that near transparent flimsy nightie just at the other end of the hall and imagine all of the things a naked man and woman filled with need, lust and passion would be doing to each other in my big bed and moan out softly as my stoking becomes nearly frenzied at the lurid images in my mind, "It's been over two years since you died Molly. That's a long time. Maybe she's the one to take your place in my bed." I say then I groan low and long as I cum and cum and cum on my belly.
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Mal ...

Lying in the bed , just tossing and turning , not being able to sleep too many thoughts milling around my brain , I decide I need a glass of water , assuming a glass would be in the bathroom I get out of bed and pad over the landing opening the bathroom door , looking in , and searching through the cupboards , no glass. I knew that Fred was still awake as I heard him a couple of minutes ago on his computer , just the odd click of a key , I thought I had better ask him if I can go to his kitchen to collect a glass , so walking down the hall , but only quietly , just incase he was dozing , I see his door ajar , peering in I see him sat in his computer chair.

"Fr" , I start to say , then realise he is busy , seeing his head back and watching his hand , I can see from where I am stood , he is totally naked with his hard cock in his hand , he was fucking himself , going faster and faster on his cock , as I heard him moan slightly , my mind races , watching him , I am getting so aroused , my hand goes to my breast , my nipples so hard , feeling them through the sheer material , squeezing each one , my finger circling the outside of them , then back to the inner harden nub , then down over my belly to my already wet pussy. Watching Fred all the time , wanking , while my own finger , find my inner lips and entering 2 fingers into myself , I slump against his door , and start to finger fuck myself , going faster and faster as he is going faster and faster on his cock. Closing my eyes wanting him inside me not my fingers , dreaming it is him fucking me harder and harder , his hand squeezing my nipples , his lips sucking them , fucking me more and more , needing him , wanting him , then I hear his slight moan and realise he has cum , mirroring my own cum. I just hope he never heard me , leaning against the door still I feel totaly spent , it was years since I had cum like that , so hard , then peering through the door again , I see him still sat in his chair , totally spent , his head just looking towards his computer , persumably he never heard me, thankfully .

Reaching up to get the bacon from the fridge , I must remember I only have this towel on , as I havent got my own clothes here and my nighty was dirty from last night , tucking it around me further , I mustnt let it slip at all , but why are all the fridges and freezers so big , and why do they have to put everything on the top shelf. Putting the bacon on the grill and the eggs in the frying pan , pouring out the orange juice and finding the bread to put in the toaster , I find a lovely tray , very pretty infact , so thinking he must have a woman who lives here sometimes , as it is definately a feminine tray , a feeling of disapointment runs through me , I just assumed he was single , what a pity, I knew he must have lost his wife , as he mentioned Molly last night when he was cumming , but another woman aswell , unless he never got rid of her stuff , who knows. Setting up the tray and noticing his flowers in his garden , I pop out , hoping he wont mind and pick one and put it in the little bud vase I found in the cupboard . The tray looking very pretty and feminine now , with its lacy doiley , and the best , well i persume it is his best crockery , which I found in the cupboard , another feminine touch I realise with dismay , was that Mollys aswell , I wonder , even after watching him last night , he still set me on fire , feeling my nipples stiffen under the towel even now , I set about the stairs.

Knocking on his door ,

"Fred , are you decent , I have brekkie here for us both , may I come in please " ...
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Fred Johnson:

"Huh... wha.. Yeah, come on in."

As you push the door open, I'm pulling a sheet over me and you get a glimpse of the hard cock you saw last night laying on my belly.

"Hi Mal," I say smiling and rubbing my eyes.

Opening them, "Wow, what's this breakfast in bed?
"I don't know what I did to deserve this service. You'll have to tell me so I do it more often."

The sheet lays on me outlining my body and what you glimpsed as I very appreciately look over what I can see of you and hope like hell that towel falls off.

Not very gentlemanly, but I was male before I learned to be a gentleman.

"Glad to see you have enough for two," I say sliding over so you have a place to sit.

"Sit down and join me Mal," I say patting the bed next to me.
while still wishing and a hoping for major towel tuck failure.

Looking at Freds body through his sheet , I am remembering his hard cock in his hand from last night and cant help but blush.

"Wow, what's this breakfast in bed? I don't know what I did to deserve this service. You'll have to tell me so I do it more often." he says to me , so replying,

"You helped me Fred when I needed it , so this is just a quick Thank you to you " , then gesturing me to sit down he says ,

"Glad to see you have enough for two, sit down and join me Mal," well I didnt need to be told twice , I jumped on the bed right by him and snuggled down , sitting up against the pillows , which were now all pumped up by him , and smiling I offer him the orange juice.

After a very nice leisurely brekkie , I tell him that I had better really go home now and start to sort out my house , there was so much still to do , but if he did have any time to spare I would really love to have his help.

Getting off the bed , still in the towel , I turn and giggling say to him ,

"Any chance of borrowing one of your teeshirts so I can walk home in that rather than this towel " , without a hesitation he gets out , totally naked , so I look down , rather embarrassed , but first looking shyly at his taut bum and his toned body , he goes to his chest of drawers and as he turns around , his cock hard and glistening on the end of his knob from pre cum , he throws me a very nicely pressed teeshirt , which would go down to my mid thighs , and turning I head out of the door , padding down the hall to the bedroom. Changing I come out and he is stood there , looking at me , with a glint in his eye, I wonder what he is thinking right now.
Fred Johnson:

I didn't stop to think about my lack of clothing as I got up to get her a t-shirt, after all it's how I was accustomed to walking around the house all of the time.

By the time it hit me I was naked and rock hard it was way past time for false modesty so I just continued as if being naked in from of Mal was the most natural thing in the world.

I pulled out an orange t-shirt Molly'd gotten me on a trip to the Virgin Islands. The front was covered in drawn people engaging it every imaginable sex act and if you looked closely there were even two dogs fucking on one edge of huge group of drawn figures. Molly and I had first joked agreeing if this is any indication then there wasn't a virgin anywhere in the Virgin Islands and then laughed when we saw the dogs and included the critters in that statement too. Later that night we'd begun to do all of the positions shown on the shirt. It had taken us long past the vacation to do them all. A whistful smile at the memories and a twitch of my cock at some of them broght me back to the present.

Turning I handed her the folded t-shirt, "Here you are Mal. Give it back when you wish.

"Sure I'll give you a hand. Let me clean up the dishes and kitchen and finish the back fence and I'll come on over. How's that?"

I watch as her barely towel covered ass sways and jiggles down the hall and want so badly to have it in my hands as I fuck her from behind. 'Damn a woman hasn't effected me this way in a very long time,' I think to myself.

I think about pulling on my cut offs, but with this raging hard on it wouldn't be comfortable and she's seen it all now anyway.

When she comes out of the bedroom she slept in last night I watch her breasts moving under the t-shirt and how her hard nipples poke it out. As she walks toward where I stand, breakfast tray in hand, I looks as if all of those lil drawn people are fucking or sucking or whatever they're engaged in as her breasts move the shirt with each step.

'I bet she never bothered to look at what was under the "VIRGIN ISLANDS" across the top of the shirt,' I think to myself.

We walk downstairs together chatting about Rocky and chuckling and go into the kitchen. She's already washed up the cooking utensils so I start on the dishes, after putting the bud vase and it's flower in the window so it can be seen from out back, as she puts away the tray.

"I should have about an hour or two left on the fence Mal. I'll come over then orrrr if you want you can stay and be the fence builder's assistant and I'll be done in half the time and we can go over together. It's up to you.
"Oh, by the way, since you've seen all of me anyway, this is how I normally "dress" ( and I chuckle ) around the house. I was building the fence because I knew the house had been sold and I didn't plan on changing how I choose to live and walk around.
"Well what'll be be? Mal, the fence builder's assistant, or I'll see you in a bit?" I ask as I put the last of the things in the drainboard to dry.

Helping Fred put away the rest of the dishes , he turns and says ,

"I should have about an hour or two left on the fence Mal. I'll come over then orrrr if you want you can stay and be the fence builder's assistant and I'll be done in half the time and we can go over together. It's up to you"..

"Thanks Fred for the offer but I do think I should get back and phoine my son , he will be worried about me , but as soon as I am finished can I come over to help you , will that be ok?"

Putting the key in the door , I let myself in , that man certainly had a charm about him , he was good looking , intellegent and as far as I could tell , I hope , single , he was on about Molly , which was persumably was his wife when I saw him wanking , so hopefully he has no other female in his life , Ohhhh I could do with fucking him senseless really .

Stepping into the lovely water of the bath , without even thinking my hand goes down to my pussy lips and I start to finger the outline of my slit , up and down , and pushing inwards , on to my already moistening inner lips, my legs widen , as my finger delves in deeper , and then up to my harden nub , circling it with my forefinger , bringing it harder and harder , then going down to enter 2 fingers and finger fucking myself , right up to the spongy area of my g spot and back down , the sensations start to reign through my body , the heat of my body and the heat of the water intermingling , then back up to my clit so swollen , a little bit of pressure on it , and it is Freds fingers , his mouth , fucking me , that my cum hits me so hard , I scream out with pleasure as he is fucking me in my mind. Lying there in the bath , all hot and red on my neck from my cum I feel totally spent. Ohhh I wanted to fuck that man so badly. Standing up , dripping from the bath , I go to the window, and opening it , still soaking wet , I look out , he is out the back nailing wood up , working hard , looking away from me. With my mind made up , to seduce him now , I go to the bedroom to dress.

Getting out my shortest of shorts , blue ones , and my little white top , which left nothing to the imagination , without my underware as normal , I walk down stairs , looking at myself in the mirror , my blonde hair shining , my eyes twinkling , thinking to myself , right Mr Fred Johnson , I am going to shag you senseless today , whether you want it or not . Think it is time for me to act little Miss Innocence.

Opening the door , I can sense he is looking at me , so stretching as I am stood on the door frame , my hands accidenently go down to my breasts and rub them hard , causing my nipples to harden immediately , and then they slide down my tummy on to my crotch and rub it simulating the outline of my slit, smiling inwardly I know he is watching me.

Walking over to him , I say , smiling.

"Fred what can I help you with please" , as I stand there with one leg up on the wood he was working on, and my hand on my hip, seductively , and the other one touching his arm.
Fred Johnson:

I stop working when I notice the back door to Mal's open and look over to see if she's coming back yet. I've been kind of laxidasical about the work waiting for her return while recalling all that I've seen of her and wondering where this will all lead.

I nearly drop the cordless drill I've been using to screw the slats to the runners when she steps out in shorts that barely cover her crotch and hug it tightly enough I'm almost sure I can see her pussy lips through it.

The bare midriff top she has one in moulded to her firm and full breasts and, even from here, there's no mistaking the fact that she's braless. It's even more evident when her hands slide down over her breasts and her nipples spring to attention as they pass over them to poke out at the thin fabric of the top.

I watch as she walks, hell no sways and struts across her yard into mine and strikes a sexy pose with her hand on my arm. With her foot raised and her legs apart there's no doubt she's not wearing underware. I can easily see both pussy lips as the fabic hugs each of them and dips into her pussy slit. The blue fabric even shows a small wet spot. 'From being hot and horny, I wonder.

"Well if you'll fetch and tote the slats I can finish this about about 30 to 45 minutes Mal," I say as I shake myself and turn back toward the fence and ajust my tight jean shorts hoping, since I don't have any briefs on, my growing cock doesn't poke out of the bottom of the shorts leg. "Then we can have a cool drink inside or go to your place and take care of what needs to be taken care of.

"Well if you'll fetch and tote the slats I can finish this about about 30 to 45 minutes Mal, Then we can have a cool drink inside or go to your place and take care of what needs to be taken care of", Fred says to me , and I agree.

After about an hour we finish , gosh I felt so worn out , and so hot , my arms were burning from the sun , I wasnt really used to this mid morning sun , and unfortunatly I hadnt put on sunscreen , well normally in England we dont need it and I keep forgetting I am miles away from home.

"Fred , I am in pain" , I said , touching my shoulders, "Look at this blister , what shall I do ?", I show him as I turn around.

He takes me into his kitchen , and gets out some Aloe Vera Gel , now we do have that in England and I feel such relief as he dabs it on over my arms and my shoulders and then he notices my blood red legs , and advises me to have Aloe Vera Gel on those , and offers me the bottle and the cotton wool, refusing I ask him to do it , and lift up one leg on to the chair , knowing he can now see my fully pussy lips through the leg of the shorts and my neatly trimmed bush, wonder if he likes that , think he does from the bulge in his shorts. His hand feels so good roaming up my leg , feeling it touching my inner thigh , I sigh out loud and without thinking I start to finger my nipples , right infront of him , then looking at him , trying to catch his eye, I wonder exactly what he is thinking.
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Fred Johnson:

I was so busy working and eyeing your tits as they bounced and your ass as it did too that I didn't see the sunburn until you mention it to me and then it was too late for sunscreen.

Back in the house you see the Calomine Lotion and tell me it's what's used in England for sunburn. I pick up the bottle of Aloe Vera Gel and explain just how good it is for all burns. Also, unlike Calmine Lotion you won't be covered with pink since the Aloe Vera Gel soaks into the skin.

I've gently rubbed it into all I can get to without getting it on your clothing and have had a verrrry long and very good look at your trimmed pussy, even smell the scent of your arousal as I've been doing one thigh and then the other. Plus I can see the now large wet spot between your legs on the crotch of your shorts. Of course those two hard nipples have been poking out at me nearly all the time we've worked. There's no doubt in my mind at all how hot and aroused you are.

"Mal, ummm well you've seen me as naked as the day I was born. The reason I've said that is, well, if you don't want to risk stains to your shorts and top around the edges of your sunburn then you're going to have to undress so I don't get any on the cloth.
"Or, of course, you can take it home and do it yourself," I say as I look from your pussy to your tits and hard nipples, very obviously by the way, and up into your eyes as I wait to see what you'll decide.
Mal ...

Freds hands on me are sending electric shocks through my body , then he turns and says ,

""Mal, ummm well you've seen me as naked as the day I was born. The reason I've said that is, well, if you don't want to risk stains to your shorts and top around the edges of your sunburn then you're going to have to undress so I don't get any on the cloth. Or, of course, you can take it home and do it yourself"

Standing infront of him , just looking at the desire in his eyes , mirrored by my own , what harm would it do just to fuck him and turn around and walk out , isnt as thou I am in love with the guy , he is only a neighbour and I need a good fuck , so why not use him , after all men are only bastards in my eyes arent they, after what my hubby did, and after all I dressed like this to get him to fuck me after all.

Lifting up my arms I take off my top , right infront of him , my breasts tumble out , my nipples totally hardened already, and taking my hands to my waist band of my short I undo the button and zip , and quickly remove them. Looking over at him now , seeing him so aroused in his shorts , I walk over to the table , and leaning against it , so I dont fall down , I spread open my legs , open up my glistening pussy lips and say ,

"Do you want this Fred ?" ....
Fred Johnson:

I watch as Mal undresses.

I watch as she sways over to the table, leans back so her breasts are pushed out and spreads her legs so I can not only see her pussy lips, but also her hard clit, her cunt and how wet it and she is.

She can see how hard I am. It'd be impossible to miss since the head and a bit of cock is sticking out of the bottom of the leg of my shorts. The head has to be glistening. I can feel moisture on my inner thigh.

When she pulls her pussy lips open, showing me allll over her and asks,"Do you want this Fred ?" I slowly rise from my squat.

Wordlessly I walk over and fondle her breasts, tweak both nipples, cup and squeeze her pussy as a finger slides into her wetness.

My other hand opens my shorts and they slide to the floor around my ankles. My rampant cock stands straight out twitching and bobbing as my hand returns to her breasts, her nipples.

"Mal, I want to be inside of you someplace more that you can know.
"My wife, Molly, died two years ago and I haven't been with a woman since then.
"However, I don't what a quick fuck and see ya later. I could have had that any number of times.
"I don't want a sympathy fuck either. Again I could have had lots of those after her death.
"I don't 'use' women and don't want to be 'used' by them either Mal. My physical attraction to you has been so obvious you'd have to be either blind or dumb not to know... and you're neither."

I pause looking into your eyes as my hands play, fondle, knead and that finger slides in and out then continue, "Mal, if you're as attracted to me as I am to you, if you want this to be the start of a deep friendship and physical relationship that could possibly lead to more that's one thing.
"However, if you just want a fuck I'll thank you very much. I'll tell you how pleased I am to have been asked, but I'll, as gracefully as you'll allow me to, decline and hope we can remain friends and good neighbors."
"However, if you just want a fuck I'll thank you very much. I'll tell you how pleased I am to have been asked, but I'll, as gracefully as you'll allow me to, decline and hope we can remain friends and good neighbors." hearing those words from Fred, made me realise what a bitch I was being , I was just using him totally.

Pulling away from him , now in tears , I turn and look at him ,

"Fred , I was only using you to get back at my hubby and all men who are bastards, I am so sorry, I truely am sorry" , and looking back at him I flee through the open back door and run over to my house , not worrying that I am totally naked, I just want to get into my house and hide , I feel such a whore.

Lying on my bed after crying for it seems like hours , I look at the clock and realise it had only been just over an hour , how on earth am I going to face him again , after being so rude to him , he is such a nice man , I am sure we could have been such great mates , and the problem is , I feel so attracted to him , he really does excite me for him not just cause I wanted to get back at a man. I realise now what a fool I have been , and I am so desperatly upset about it all. Getting out of bed , I wonder to the bathroom , looking at myself in the mirror , I tell myself , you are such a slut Mal , you have just ruined possibly the best thing in your life for such a long time.

Dressing after a lovely long shower , this time in a longer skirt and a top which is not sexy in any shape or form ,I get my head in order , I think apology time is in order , tell him exactly what you think.

Knocking his back door , he lets me in , without a word spoken.

"Fred sit down please , let me explain " , well after telling him all about the trials and tribulations of what happened with my hubby , his deceit and then his coming out of being gay , I finish with .

"You know I find you very attractive and you are the best thing which has happened to me for years , but can you ever forgive me , and it was just my body taking me over not my brain , I am not normally a tart like that , just I felt such anger at men , can we start over again please , will you accept my offer of a nice meal out , your choice ?"...
Fred Johnson:

I sit and listen, shaking my head when I hear about your 'out of the closet' husband.

After your explanation and apology I rise and walk around the dinng room table, where we've been sitting as you talked.

I don't say a word at first. I just smile down into your eyes as I begin to slowly undress you. Then I begin to speak, "Mal, you're one sexy and hot looking woman. I've seen all of you twice now. Once in your bedroom window yesterday and again just awhile ago in my kitchen."

Now your top is off and your standing trembling slightly with just your bra covering your breasts.

My hands move to the waist of your skirt as I continue, "I've wanted to fuck you since that first time.
"Last night it took all of my willpower not to come into the room where you were sleeping, not to rip off that nighty and take you right then and there.
"Today in the kitchen never happened Mal. We all make mistakes. It's part of being human." I say as your skirt falls and pools at your feet leaving you in just bra, panties and shoes.

"I think 'tart' must be Brit slang for a whore. Hope I'm right because that's what I want in my bed. A wanton slut, a wild whore or 'tart' who'll do anything and everything to give us pleasure.
"However, in this country a 'tart' is a sweet pastry that's sweet and juicy.
"I don't want food Mal. I want you. Strip off the rest for me then undress me too.
"Once we're naked I want you on this table, ass at it's edge. I want you on your elbows watching as I sit down, your put your legs over my shoulders and I eat a 'tart' until she's screaming and begging to be filled, to be throughly fucked.
"Of course you can just slap my face for undressing you, gather your clothing and leave.
"You see Mal, the final choice is up to you," I say as I unzip my shorts and take out my cock so it's pointing right at you as I wait to see your decision.