The Naked Party Thread

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I've got family coming in this weekend and while I'm excited about it, I've got too much to do today.

More coffee, please?
I'm not sure I understand why you're annoyed your students did well. Unless they are being little snots and taking all the credit for themselves. *hug* Good on you for inspir... lighting that fire under their lazy arses!
(*Sigh* It's because I will get a letter from the manager saying my marking is ABERRANT, and I must be doing something wrong. And I am nervous just now because of the bullying manager, who is a different one but I fear they will all start pitching in if I teach too well.)

Runs in, yells "TOAST" because she's feeling mischievous then gives Naoko a big hug and makes herself a pot of tea.
Aww, that's nice! *hug*s back. :)

Pssst, anna, Shea, other gurly gurrlzzz. Secretly I have snuck in here to post this pic of my shoes. Aren't they the most? They are just like a Mondrian art work, especially with the blue Dior Sailor nail polish.


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Pssst, anna, Shea, other gurly gurrlzzz. Secretly I have snuck in here to post this pic of my shoes. Aren't they the most? They are just like a Mondrian art work, especially with the blue Dior Sailor nail polish.

I realise I'm a fellow and therefore not likely to be "into" a ladies footwear, so to speak, but those shoes look a bit "chunky" to me. The heels look like something made to support a tower block.

It's OK; I'll close the door on my way out.

PS. What's a 401(k) ? and how/why would one close it?
[see here ]
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I realise I'm a fellow and therefore not likely to be "into" a ladies footwear, so to speak, but those shoes look a bit "chunky" to me. The heels look like something made to support a tower block.

It's OK; I'll close the door on my way out.

PS. What's a 401(k) ? and how/why would one close it?
[see here ]


Not a BTB story...again!
I realise I'm a fellow and therefore not likely to be "into" a ladies footwear, so to speak, but those shoes look a bit "chunky" to me. The heels look like something made to support a tower block.

It's OK; I'll close the door on my way out.

PS. What's a 401(k) ? and how/why would one close it?
[see here ]

A 401k is a retirement account, generally held through your employer. You and usually your employer [most employers match your contributions up to a certain amount] contribute funds to it.
In this case the character was closing it to prevent his wife from accessing the funds during a divorce proceeding. Often they're fairly easy to close, you contact the brokerage firm who manages the account and tell them you'd like to close it. You then pay a penalty for withdrawing the funds [401k's are under certain tax regulations, the penalty is for tax purposes and designed to make you think twice before tapping the money].
I realise I'm a fellow and therefore not likely to be "into" a ladies footwear, so to speak, but those shoes look a bit "chunky" to me. The heels look like something made to support a tower block.
I said gurrly gurrllzzz! I don't know why you are peeking at my shoes. :rolleyes: Those heels are very practical, the shop assistant assured me of this when I went in to get something to wear on the schoolrun and found these.

Coffee, anyone?
I said gurrly gurrllzzz! I don't know why you are peeking at my shoes. :rolleyes: Those heels are very practical, the shop assistant assured me of this when I went in to get something to wear on the schoolrun and found these.

Coffee, anyone?

HP seems interested. You could give him some lessons on heels and stuff :D

I'll have to get out now. Can you save a pot for me?

HP seems interested. You could give him some lessons on heels and stuff :D

I'll have to get out now. Can you save a pot for me?


A pot? :eek: You do mean of coffee?

HP is a heterosexual Englishman :rolleyes:, they are beyond educating on women's shoes. Once you have taught them to get their credit card out when nudged, you are done. But you are better off having your own salary and relying on the shop assistant (who is not usually heterosexual if male) to spend an hour watching you walk up and down in different pairs and to advise you on how 'practical' the shoes are going to be.

Gosh, there was this one pair that was sort of leopard fur sandals with buckles and a stiletto heel. I put one of the shoes on for a joke and it looked fantastic! but even I felt it wasn't quite right for the schoolrun.
HP seems interested. You could give him some lessons on heels and stuff :D

I'll have to get out now. Can you save a pot for me?

Your departure is a little tardy. Go whilst you still live. . . :)

A pot? :eek: You do mean of coffee?

HP is a heterosexual Englishman :rolleyes:, they are beyond educating on women's shoes. Once you have taught them to get their credit card out when nudged, you are done. But you are better off having your own salary and relying on the shop assistant (who is not usually heterosexual if male) to spend an hour watching you walk up and down in different pairs and to advise you on how 'practical' the shoes are going to be.

Gosh, there was this one pair that was sort of leopard fur sandals with buckles and a stiletto heel. I put one of the shoes on for a joke and it looked fantastic! but even I felt it wasn't quite right for the schoolrun.

Yes, Duchess, HP IS a heterosexual Englishman.
Fortunately for me, none of my wives ever got round to even trying to get my credit card for their shoes. There would have been blood on the shop floor, I suspect; and not mine.

Surely you'd need a pair of industrial boots for the school run ?

PS. Anyone need any rain ?
We got lots here.
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Surely you'd need a pair of industrial boots for the school run ?
Well, the only comment I had was that the other day some of the Dads said my cycle helmet was not the thing. I don't know why cuz it's blue, so it did match my too-short navy stripes dress and the high-heeled shoes I was wearing.

And we've got an unnaturally hot sunny day here, after 3-4 days of clammy rains.

How 'bout we barter it?


If you take 50% of our rain, you will still get a flood! LOL. It's bucketing down so hard that the cats have not stepped out for a frog all night.
If you take 50% of our rain, you will still get a flood! LOL. It's bucketing down so hard that the cats have not stepped out for a frog all night.


That much rain out there, huh?

Well, I guess I have to cancel our deal, HP :rose:

You can always try and barter with those Sahara Nations though. They'll be very greatful for that :)
I spoke too soon :rolleyes:, a bubbling scream from the garden indicated a frog in distress. I put on my armour and rushed out there. (Translate into domestic terms: I grabbed a tissue cuz I am not picking up one of those slimy beasts with my bare fingers.)
I spoke too soon :rolleyes:, a bubbling scream from the garden indicated a frog in distress. I put on my armour and rushed out there. (Translate into domestic terms: I grabbed a tissue cuz I am not picking up one of those slimy beasts with my bare fingers.)

Naoko the toad savior!


Frog flinging? The newest international game. :D

Where's the coffee before a plot bunny hops out of that last line.
Phew! What a day. After spending most of the morning at the post office and the bank I stopped off at our nursery and bought to XL bags of orchid bark and after lunch proceeded to re-pot and divide cymbidiums. All in all, I used up both bags plus some I had lying around and re-potted thirty orchids. That is, sadly, merely a good start. We have something around one hundred fifty though a goodly number are hanging from the roof of the shade house on 'sticks' and don't need any further attention. But still, it's going to be quite a week . . .

This is what happens to one hobby when you let another start absorbing your time. Fortunately the website is up and running (and gaining followers), the grant proposal is written and submitted to the funding agency and the novel is on the editor's desk awaiting final action and publication. Now, back to the shop and the garden.

And it's time for a cold beer.
And it's time for a cold beer.

I think you definitely earned that cold beer!

We went to a gamelan workshop yesterday, it was really nice. The thing with gamelan is, you can play a tune immediately. It's soothing and meditational, too, just concentrating on playing your small part.

Then we came home and in a moment of absentmindedness said Piglet could watch Wild Child on Netflix without realising it was a 12 cert. The swearing was epic! and there was a lot of talk about "shagging", LOL, although not much action and Piglet ran out of the room whenever there was snogging. Still, I figure since the poor kid had to suffer the Sex Education video this term she should get to see something fun about sex too.

I am toasting chelsea buns for breakfast here if anyone wants a toasted bun. ;)
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