The Naked Party Thread

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You had me until your final sentence.

I have never served in the armed forces, although that makes me a rarity in my family. Do you think I am incapable of being a competent person in office? What of the disabled? What of someone with flat feet?

Your concept that a person in power should have to fear the consequences of his decisions affecting their own loved ones is one I agree with completely. But the idea of following any kind of exclusionary policy in a true democracy is sour to my tongue, and not in a good way.

We must strive for inclusive solutions, not exclusive ones.

Oh I firmly believe in inclusion. If someone wants to exercise their citizenship but is physically incapable of military service, then it is the government's responsibility to find that individual a way to serve and qualify, no matter how inconvenient it might be to those in charge. I'm sure you have read Starship Troopers. I honestly believe that Heinlein was onto something there, I really do.
I had a thing for mandatory National Service at one time. But I am not sure what that has to do with getting nekkid and partying.
I had a thing for mandatory National Service at one time. But I am not sure what that has to do with getting nekkid and partying.

Nothing. And you're right. Okay, everyone. Clothes on the hook, drinks in the fist, sparkles in the eye . . . let there be party!
There will be mandatory service of some kind if Molly catches them getting serious in here.:eek:


sweetness de jure
offer me a smile
as payment for mandatory
yet to be rendered
in kind
serious in nature
to be caught
in flagrante delicto
serious in our sin
or at least in our decadence
sweetness de jure
offer me a smile
as payment for mandatory
yet to be rendered
in kind
serious in nature
to be caught
in flagrante delicto
serious in our sin
or at least in our decadence

You always amaze me.

I love the way your mind works.:kiss::kiss:
Oh I firmly believe in inclusion. If someone wants to exercise their citizenship but is physically incapable of military service, then it is the government's responsibility to find that individual a way to serve and qualify, no matter how inconvenient it might be to those in charge. I'm sure you have read Starship Troopers. I honestly believe that Heinlein was onto something there, I really do.

I think you missed the point of Starship Troopers. :rolleyes:

It's an unfortunately common error.

Enough. That is not the purpose of this thread and I apologize for starting a political discussion here.
Sweetness, that new AV makes my heart beat faster and my palms moist. Do you realize that now, everytime I get the PM notice, my heart leaps into my throat like a teenaged girls when the phone rings? "Rise up my love, my fair one and come away. For lo, the winter is over and done in the land . . . "
I'd like to propose a toast if I may - please top up your favourite beverage (and, yes, mine is coffee - it's not 10am yet !)
I think you missed the point of Starship Troopers. :rolleyes:

It's an unfortunately common error.

Enough. That is not the purpose of this thread and I apologize for starting a political discussion here.


The purpose of any thread here is to shatter the misconceptions of the innocent; denigrate the obtuseness of the arrogant; obfuscate the meaning of the succinct; and generally piss off the world...

The purpose of any thread here is to shatter the misconceptions of the innocent; denigrate the obtuseness of the arrogant; obfuscate the meaning of the succinct; and generally piss off the world...

oh, I'm good at pissing of the world.

After all, part of why I am now a full time author is that I dared to write erotica while employed by a VERY catholic bank...
OK then.
To BB - thank you. I don't know why you did it, but you made my boy's day, his week, his year! Thank you so much

[now the reason:

Background first - my boy is very smart, too bloody smart for his classmates, gets on better with adults because they get his sense of humour. He's 10 and very small for his age. He desperately wants to fit in with the other boys and sees sporting prowess as the be-all and end-all of social success. He's an average sportsman but highly enthusiastic.

Recently he tried out for the school soccer team, was very keen to play, thought he'd made the team and was cut at the last minute two weeks ago. Came home in tears.
Yesterday he came home with a permission note for an away soccer game. Seems one of the other boys, who is in every sporting team in school, dropped out asking that my boy be given his spot.
I could kiss that boy, except it would embarass him totally.]
OK then.
To BB - thank you. I don't know why you did it, but you made my boy's day, his week, his year! Thank you so much

[now the reason:

Background first - my boy is very smart, too bloody smart for his classmates, gets on better with adults because they get his sense of humour. He's 10 and very small for his age. He desperately wants to fit in with the other boys and sees sporting prowess as the be-all and end-all of social success. He's an average sportsman but highly enthusiastic.

Recently he tried out for the school soccer team, was very keen to play, thought he'd made the team and was cut at the last minute two weeks ago. Came home in tears.
Yesterday he came home with a permission note for an away soccer game. Seems one of the other boys, who is in every sporting team in school, dropped out asking that my boy be given his spot.
I could kiss that boy, except it would embarass him totally.]

To altruism, fairness, and goodwill.

Moring all. How goes the party?

Seems like it hit a serious note . . . ;)

Morning, Starr. :kiss:

Morning, Starr. Evening, Slyc.

I think you missed the point of Starship Troopers. :rolleyes:

It's an unfortunately common error.

Enough. That is not the purpose of this thread and I apologize for starting a political discussion here.

LOL, no problem. You will however be required to do some form of penance.:devil:

Sweetness, that new AV makes my heart beat faster and my palms moist. Do you realize that now, everytime I get the PM notice, my heart leaps into my throat like a teenaged girls when the phone rings? "Rise up my love, my fair one and come away. For lo, the winter is over and done in the land . . . "

Pretty words.:kiss::kiss: I guess that means you want more PMs?;)
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