The Naked Party Thread

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I'd go look, but that would involve getting up :eek:

well I sure hope you don't think you'll be able to get away with partying all night and sleeping all day when we all get together in Chicago......... *toughen* up those party muscles and that drinkin' bone within the next 10 days....
well I sure hope you don't think you'll be able to get away with partying all night and sleeping all day when we all get together in Chicago......... *toughen* up those party muscles and that drinkin' bone within the next 10 days....

If I survive the day, I'll be fine in Chicago
[size=-3]Yeah, too much drinking, not enough . . . non-drinking entertainment. Blame it on Molly's refusal to be caught or something. No, better not, she'll just hit me again, only harder this time![/size]
Rolf, Blue, cleaning up means getting the drunks out of the way too! :(

At least move them to a room :rolleyes:
Rolf, Blue, cleaning up means getting the drunks out of the way too! :(

At least move them to a room :rolleyes:

[size=-3]Yeah, move us down to the Baths where the hand maidens can bathe our foreheads, hold our hands and feed us soft sherbert. Oh, and lots of normal saline, IV. [/size]
*18 oz of hot espresso later*

[size=+2] Yo, Bel! How fare's the kilted on this fine Tuesday afternoon? Up for a little caber tossing?[/size]
*18 oz of hot espresso later*

Yo, Bel! How fare's the kilted on this fine Tuesday afternoon? Up for a little caber tossing?

Actually, my excitable friend, I believe we may be opening a Salle d'armes in the back of Abs joint.

The ring of steel and stamping of feet echoes in my mind. I need to find a fencing class... it's been far too long.
My son was rather an enthusiastic fencer some years back. I've never wanted to get that close to an opponent, myself. I was rather a decent archer in the university, though. I've always considered 70 yards close in fighting.
My son was rather an enthusiastic fencer some years back. I've never wanted to get that close to an opponent, myself. I was rather a decent archer in the university, though. I've always considered 70 yards close in fighting.

Some I know equate a loss in respect given to others to date to the widespread use of gunpowder. Being able to kill at a distance without threat to your self.

While I disagree with that very strongly, given the increase in the value of human life in recent centuries and the fact that gunpowder rather leveled the playing field and began the downfall of the doctrine of aristocracy, I do sometimes feel that the time may have come for a resurgence.

Do you honestly think Bush/Cheney would be so aggressive in certain situations if they faced the threat of steel in their face?
Do you honestly think Bush/Cheney would be so aggressive in certain situations if they faced the threat of steel in their face?

I think that the entire Washington aristocracy would be a lot less aggressive if their own children or grandchildren had the strong possibility of being involved. I think that artistocracy would be a lot less aggressive if they had faced gunpowder themselves rather than advising the nation that that national service would be to inconvenient at this time. I think pure civiians should be banned from seeking office.
I think that the entire Washington aristocracy would be a lot less aggressive if their own children or grandchildren had the strong possibility of being involved. I think that artistocracy would be a lot less aggressive if they had faced gunpowder themselves rather than advising the nation that that national service would be to inconvenient at this time. I think pure civiians should be banned from seeking office.

You had me until your final sentence.

I have never served in the armed forces, although that makes me a rarity in my family. Do you think I am incapable of being a competent person in office? What of the disabled? What of someone with flat feet?

Your concept that a person in power should have to fear the consequences of his decisions affecting their own loved ones is one I agree with completely. But the idea of following any kind of exclusionary policy in a true democracy is sour to my tongue, and not in a good way.

We must strive for inclusive solutions, not exclusive ones.
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