The Naked Party Thread

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You heard the lady, fellas... body shots... on me!

Dammit! I go for a few quiet drinks with HP, wake up in a seedy strip joint (HP, I'm assuming you abandoned me cos you got lucky with that statuesque, double-jointed latina from Albuquerque... :rolleyes:) with the cleaner hoovering none too carefully around my head, AND I missed body shots off anna, too??

Jeez, what's a guy have to do to catch a break round here...?

I think I may need IV coffee. Or a mortician.
Dammit! I go for a few quiet drinks with HP, wake up in a seedy strip joint (HP, I'm assuming you abandoned me cos you got lucky with that statuesque, double-jointed latina from Albuquerque... :rolleyes:) with the cleaner hoovering none too carefully around my head, AND I missed body shots off anna, too??

Jeez, what's a guy have to do to catch a break round here...?

I think I may need IV coffee. Or a mortician.

Rolf! Emergency Latte, stat!

So, Duchess...where would you like me to put these clothes? Umm....hello? Why you staring at me? :eek:
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Rolf! Emergency Latte, stat!

So, Duchess...where would you like me to put these clothes? Umm....hello? Why you staring at me? :eek:

Oh, I am just admiring your way of handling the ... um, piles of clean t-shirts. Just pop them in the drawer, sweet thing! Ignore those frilly knickers ;)

Rolf! Olaf! *shouts down stairs*, tell the cleaners to be gentle when they hoover Steve's head.

Any more coffee anyone? I forgot to buy milk this morning so there's none here in the house, :eek:, I'll have to take John back to Naked to get him a cup. I need coffee just like the people in that video! I've spent two effing hours filling in online forms to claim tuppency halfpenny bus fares :rolleyes: and saying, Yes, I am supporting lots of students, I love them and shower my attention on them at every available opportunity, now gimme the extra money for it; in spite of my colleagues saying "we are too busy teaching to fill in a form so F Off you stupid manager." I don't mind! I won't say F Off, just gimme money.. :devil:
Well, here's how I'm dealing with my day.
JohnEB87 B shared "IMAG0724.jpg":!323&authkey=!APxG-_kNr9vTaDo

Body shots sound great though, I'm game. You always know how to cheer a fella up, Anna.

You know, there are times when you guys can be real nasty, you know?
Here's me starving at the behest of my Doctor and you lot have a party with a burgher (which I am not permitted) and tequila which is another "Oh no you don't".

Well, I went off to bed at the wrong moment! You all had quite a party in here.

Where are the piccies of cars I was expecting after wading through drool about John's calendar on Isolated Blurt?

Morning, sweet things. I'll just pop the coffee on. I might actually have to work today <grimace>. Oh well, I suppose they do pay me. (And I love the students, LOL.)

Well, I guess that's the price of being good.
Oh, I am just admiring your way of handling the ... um, piles of clean t-shirts. Just pop them in the drawer, sweet thing! Ignore those frilly knickers ;)

Rolf! Olaf! *shouts down stairs*, tell the cleaners to be gentle when they hoover Steve's head.

Any more coffee anyone? I forgot to buy milk this morning so there's none here in the house, :eek:, I'll have to take John back to Naked to get him a cup. I need coffee just like the people in that video! I've spent two effing hours filling in online forms to claim tuppency halfpenny bus fares :rolleyes: and saying, Yes, I am supporting lots of students, I love them and shower my attention on them at every available opportunity, now gimme the extra money for it; in spite of my colleagues saying "we are too busy teaching to fill in a form so F Off you stupid manager." I don't mind! I won't say F Off, just gimme money.. :devil:

I won't ask about the lacy things either. ;)

I'll be heading off to bed soon, but I'll go for one more cup. I seriously wish that service was real. I am an absolute cranky bastard in the mornings if I don't get my coffee. Aww, you are a very kind teacher, Naoko, to do that for your students.
Oy, Olaf.
Would you make sure the vacuum cleaners are on Silent mode this morning 0please?
Steve is not in the best of states. I think he sort-of passed out after the second bottle.
Rolf; please make lots of coffee for Steve; thank you. He'll wake up sooner of later, I guess.
I believe in reciprocity. ;)

"Quid pro quo, Clarice."
You might believe in reciprocity, but I don't like straight tequila. I'll leave that for you guys. :)

Well, I went off to bed at the wrong moment! You all had quite a party in here.

(Edited to add: :eek:, my living room is full of piles and piles and piles of clean ironing! Get your jeans on, John - you can leave the shirt off mmmmm - and help me carry all these things up the stairs. Oh, you go ahead of me, sweet thing - and um, just sway those buns a bit ;).)
It was a nice party. I was trying to boost morale.

I am curious about one thing, dahlink. Since this is the Naked Party, why are you telling john to put his jeans on?

Dammit! I go for a few quiet drinks with HP, wake up in a seedy strip joint (HP, I'm assuming you abandoned me cos you got lucky with that statuesque, double-jointed latina from Albuquerque... :rolleyes:) with the cleaner hoovering none too carefully around my head, AND I missed body shots off anna, too??

Jeez, what's a guy have to do to catch a break round here...?

I think I may need IV coffee. Or a mortician.
:kiss: I'm sorry you weren't here, sweetie. The whole thing started because you'd said you'd had a difficult day, too. :kiss: If it helps... I saved you some tequila, limes and a few choice spots from which to claim your shots. :rose:

I hope today will be better for you.

You know, there are times when you guys can be real nasty, you know?
Here's me starving at the behest of my Doctor and you lot have a party with a burgher (which I am not permitted) and tequila which is another "Oh no you don't".

Well, I guess that's the price of being good.
*tear forms* But... the whole party was intended as a morale boost! First steve, then john came in, saying they had had or were having a bad day. I just wanted to help!

For the next party, what can you eat/drink, HP? I can't have burgers either. In fact, yesterday I had my braces adjusted, so I can currently barely open my mouth.
Good morning nakeds. Nothing like waking up to the lovely sound of.....jackhammers. Grrr. The city is doing some construction on the adjacent street.

So I was feeling a little artistic and sinister last night, got out my camera and a left over peep from Easter, and this was the result. JohnEB87 B shared "DSC_0136_Snapseed.jpg":!324&authkey=!ADZ-9QQjUFkTlvY

Really glad the weekend is almost here. Maybe Anna will be offering more body shots tonight. ;) Is anyone in the shower room? Need to take my shower then off to work.
Good morning nakeds. Nothing like waking up to the lovely sound of.....jackhammers. Grrr. The city is doing some construction on the adjacent street.

So I was feeling a little artistic and sinister last night, got out my camera and a left over peep from Easter, and this was the result. JohnEB87 B shared "DSC_0136_Snapseed.jpg":!324&authkey=!ADZ-9QQjUFkTlvY

Really glad the weekend is almost here. Maybe Anna will be offering more body shots tonight. ;) Is anyone in the shower room? Need to take my shower then off to work.

Exorcising the demon bunny, John? ...and on the shower room question...were you hoping for a yes or a no on occupancy?
Hullo all! nearly the weekend, when most of you can have a good lie-in and some of us can rush around collecting more children to amuse the ones we already had before some friend could persuade us to stick to four-legged friends.

anna - you must check John's lovely piccie of himself helping round the house to understand why he must put his jeans on but keep his shirt off to help carry the laundry about. :devil:

Well, I'll stop by anna's first and show her how to post pictures on the forums, then come over and help you clean. Deal? ;)

HP, I've found a really great video of Sunshine and Lollipops, which you must see!

Wow, TGIF is getting off with a bang - flaming rabbits all round I think! (Surely there must be a cocktail called that - or shall we invent the flaming plot bunny, LOL). Hope Steve is feeling better.

Hi, Tio! I'll be over in Free shortly.
:kiss: I'm sorry you weren't here, sweetie. The whole thing started because you'd said you'd had a difficult day, too. :kiss: If it helps... I saved you some tequila, limes and a few choice spots from which to claim your shots. :rose:

I hope today will be better for you.

Well aren't you just the sweetest thing...? <hug>
TBH, I wouldn't have been great company. Even when HP was demonstrating how to slip dollar bills into Gabriella's garter using only his (newly-crowned) teeth, I was still grumbling into my Guinness...

I seem to be amassing quite the collection of body shot rainchecks here. Do I get extra for bulk redemption... ;)

I'm off to a pub quiz fundraiser at the rugby club tonight, to raise money for new kit for my son's team (#2, that is...). My freakish memory and ridiculously extensive reading (not my choice of words) make me an asset, apparently... :rolleyes:
Well aren't you just the sweetest thing...? <hug>
TBH, I wouldn't have been great company. Even when HP was demonstrating how to slip dollar bills into Gabriella's garter using only his (newly-crowned) teeth, I was still grumbling into my Guinness...

I seem to be amassing quite the collection of body shot rainchecks here. Do I get extra for bulk redemption... ;)

I'm off to a pub quiz fundraiser at the rugby club tonight, to raise money for new kit for my son's team (#2, that is...). My freakish memory and ridiculously extensive reading (not my choice of words) make me an asset, apparently... :rolleyes:

You're always an asset, Steve. Not least because of the lovely hugs you give.
Mmm, that was a nice round of hugs. Now I must dish up tea and go and watch Pirates of the Caribbean 1 or 2. Or 4 maybe ....

Very healthy, HP! Boiled new potatoes, spinnach (prob beet leaves really, so relieved to know that they have iron in too), and lamb chops - yum yum.
Good morning nakeds. Nothing like waking up to the lovely sound of.....jackhammers. Grrr. The city is doing some construction on the adjacent street.

So I was feeling a little artistic and sinister last night, got out my camera and a left over peep from Easter, and this was the result. JohnEB87 B shared "DSC_0136_Snapseed.jpg":!324&authkey=!ADZ-9QQjUFkTlvY

Really glad the weekend is almost here. Maybe Anna will be offering more body shots tonight. ;) Is anyone in the shower room? Need to take my shower then off to work.
Ugh, street construction is... inconvenient. Love the flaming bunny!

After a round of body shots, that shower sounds like a good idea. Especially if there might be more tonight. ;)

Oh Duchess, you just want to watch, don't you.

Anna, this is the pic. I'm very efficient. ;)
Of course she does! Can you blame her? Especially with that picture. ;)

Well aren't you just the sweetest thing...? <hug>
TBH, I wouldn't have been great company. Even when HP was demonstrating how to slip dollar bills into Gabriella's garter using only his (newly-crowned) teeth, I was still grumbling into my Guinness...

I seem to be amassing quite the collection of body shot rainchecks here. Do I get extra for bulk redemption... ;)

I'm off to a pub quiz fundraiser at the rugby club tonight, to raise money for new kit for my son's team (#2, that is...). My freakish memory and ridiculously extensive reading (not my choice of words) make me an asset, apparently... :rolleyes:
I try. *hug*

Oh, I love pub trivia challenges. I was once on a team where each of us had crazy world experience. No matter what the question was, one of us either had been there, done it, or read it, or could come up with a reasonable guess. We kicked the rest of the pubs collective asses.

You're always an asset, Steve. Not least because of the lovely hugs you give.
Seconded! *hug*

And another hug for Andy! *hug*
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