The Naked Party Thread

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Cup of strong tea, please, Rolf! :)

Fingers crossed Piglet's tusk responds to initial dental first aid and she doesn't have to be taken to the children's dental hospital. I give my only lecture of the whole year today! Prat of the year award to the Fella for saying: "How did she get a cavity in her tooth?" Unable to refrain from saying, "Because when asked to do so, Someone refused to believe it was necessary to take three minutes away from their email to supervise her brushing her teeth in the evenings. Dental hygiene is not where you start development of autonomy." :rolleyes:

The wishy washy wiper saga continues. I made an attempt at filling the container yesterday and managed to get the bonnet open. Yeay! although only after rolling around the front seats of the car for ten minutes with the manual in one hand searching for the lever under the dashboard. Why are these manuals all designed by car-minded people who have no sympathy for the MILF mentality? Possibly it didn't help that I started laughing at not being able even to find a lever to open the car bonnet and pulling every bit of plastic in sight. :eek: Lucky it was a quiet time of day and no passing person discovered me rolling around there waving my legs in the air. It would probably have ended up in Loving Wives - if they had offered to fill the b**y thing for me!
Good news! The painters have turned up to do the front of the house and so I've been able to open the car bonnet and ask them which one is the wishy washy wiper water bottle. Stop LAUGHING, HP! They were very polite about it and even checked my water levels. I mean my car's water levels.

Anna - they are hotter than the builders but two of them are terribly young, I mean like barely cubs! ROFL. I fed them tea and biscuits and now I must tootle off to give my lecture. Piglet said her tooth still hurt but I filled her with painkillers and sent her to school. My faith in her fitness was restored when she and the Fella started a kick-boxing match as I was trying to get them out of the house.

Lucky Naoko! It's always nice when the hot young painters decide they can take a few minutes to help with identifying troublesome auto parts. I was once able to talk the guy who was here to inspect and clean the fireplace (and inspect the furnace) into installing an energy-saving thermostat control.

Here's hoping your lecture goes well and that the piglet's tooth feels better soon.
Lucky Naoko! It's always nice when the hot young painters decide they can take a few minutes to help with identifying troublesome auto parts. I was once able to talk the guy who was here to inspect and clean the fireplace (and inspect the furnace) into installing an energy-saving thermostat control.

Here's hoping your lecture goes well and that the piglet's tooth feels better soon.

Lecture was good! I love to teach, they said they could actually understand what I was talking about too - always a bonus.

The painters are going to leave their number :devil:, as they say they can do interiors as well as exteriors. I'm sure I've mentioned frequently how much the whole house needs doing up LOL.

Whoo-hoo! Yeah, the fact that they understood what you were talking about makes the lecture that much better. :rose:

Your painters do interiors? If I wasn't on the wrong side of the pond, I'd ask for their number. I have a few rooms that could do with repainting..
Whoo-hoo! Yeah, the fact that they understood what you were talking about makes the lecture that much better. :rose:

Your painters do interiors? If I wasn't on the wrong side of the pond, I'd ask for their number. I have a few rooms that could do with repainting..

I'm sure these lads would be worth getting round to give you a quote ;). Perhaps they would like a trip over the pond. And they could always fix your broken wing mirror for you while they're there.
OMG! A stiff scotch, and quickly! I don't care what brand - for God's sake, no not a blend!

I was just flirting gently with TheeGoatPig in the Wish thread to encourage him, since HP and I so want him to finally get laid, and MyNameIsBen came and said the most ... outrageous thing! I was laughing all the way to pick Piglet up from school, and I had to try and hide it from everyone because I couldn't possibly say why!!! :eek:

I'm sure these lads would be worth getting round to give you a quote ;). Perhaps they would like a trip over the pond. And they could always fix your broken wing mirror for you while they're there.
Oh, how very helpful of them!

OMG! A stiff scotch, and quickly! I don't care what brand - for God's sake, no not a blend!

I was just flirting gently with TheeGoatPig in the Wish thread to encourage him, since HP and I so want him to finally get laid, and MyNameIsBen came and said the most ... outrageous thing! I was laughing all the way to pick Piglet up from school, and I had to try and hide it from everyone because I couldn't possibly say why!!! :eek:

BWAAAAH!! I just love days like that. You sit there with that secret smile and just get a private giggle that nobody else will ever understand... except here.

Hey all, mocha please Rolf. Here are a couple more pictures from the weekend. Sigh, hoping I can make it through the rest of the week. Never thought that I could get burnt out by Monday.
John, I love that first picture! On a day like today, that bit of color is just what I needed.
Originally Posted by MichaelinChina
Why am I the only one wearing clothes in here?
Something needs to be done about that.

OMG, the sexy silver-tongued wolf in here! Something definitely needs to be done about his clothing :devil:

Hooray! the wishy-washy thing works. I can actually see through the car windows!

I think a Dragon is allowed to keep his scales on.

But the wolf must take his sheep's clothing off. :devil:

At the university where I studied, there was a student once who put his hand up during an exam and when the invigilator went over, he said: "I want my quart of beer and piece of cheese please." He'd read up the regulations and found that you were entitled to this refreshment during the rigours of examination.

The invigilators went away and eventually one of them came back and whispered, "I'm sorry, sir, but you aren't wearing your sword."

Olaf! A quart of beer and a piece of cheese, please. ;)
I think a Dragon is allowed to keep his scales on.

But the wolf must take his sheep's clothing off. :devil:

At the university where I studied, there was a student once who put his hand up during an exam and when the invigilator went over, he said: "I want my quart of beer and piece of cheese please." He'd read up the regulations and found that you were entitled to this refreshment during the rigours of examination.

The invigilators went away and eventually one of them came back and whispered, "I'm sorry, sir, but you aren't wearing your sword."

Olaf! A quart of beer and a piece of cheese, please. ;)

Weapons must be checked in at the doorway.
I think a Dragon is allowed to keep his scales on.

The invigilators went away and eventually one of them came back and whispered, "I'm sorry, sir, but you aren't wearing your sword."

Olaf! A quart of beer and a piece of cheese, please. ;)

Which reminds me;
Where's Steve ?
He posted in six words that he was going to a concert.

What are you doing back in the naughty Avengers' thread, you naughty Dragon!

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