The Naked Party Thread

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Ain't it always ?
Care for a glass of something, Bear?

I've got a poorly Signal Generator that needs some serious TLC. Sadly, it's mechanical, and that's a problem.
But I'll get there somehow somewhen
Ain't it always ?
Care for a glass of something, Bear?

I've got a poorly Signal Generator that needs some serious TLC. Sadly, it's mechanical, and that's a problem.
But I'll get there somehow somewhen

Hullo HP, cup of tea? I have a pot on the go just here.

I'm just playing your Desert Song. I love silly stuff about the exotic East (tee hee!) and Turkish Delights. I used to love the Fry's Turkish Delight adverts.

Hullo HP, cup of tea? I have a pot on the go just here.

I'm just playing your Desert Song. I love silly stuff about the exotic East (tee hee!) and Turkish Delights. I used to love the Fry's Turkish Delight adverts.


like this one?

A cup of tea would go quite well, thanks.
I had a very lazy day yesterday so I was wide awake at something stupid past four am. And I'm teaching this morning, I think [a lot depends upon whether my students turn up]

We need a "cup of tea" emoticon
like this one?

A cup of tea would go quite well, thanks.
I had a very lazy day yesterday so I was wide awake at something stupid past four am. And I'm teaching this morning, I think [a lot depends upon whether my students turn up]

We need a "cup of tea" emoticon

LOL, I am up tidying the kitchen and hoping to get in a bit of editing before the Sunday cookathon starts and I have to supervise even more badge sewing on the infamous cub top. I'm starting to see Cub Scout green everywhere I look.

They have a biscuit emoticon on Mumsnet, and a glass of wine! The biscuit has an interesting political history.

When Gordon Brown went on Mumsnet, they were posting questions for him which were being passed to him by moderators. Someone posted What's his favourite biscuit? but the moderators insisted on sticking to questions about Education, the Budget and the like. Someone took it up and soon lots were posting What's his favourite biscuit. He never got the question put to him but the story was leaked to the press as he'd refused to answer! and subsequent politicians on Mumsnet had to rush to say they liked Cream Puffs or whatever.

Now they have a biscuiticon which you pop in your post whenever you want to make a response but not say anything particular. LOL.

LOL, I am up tidying the kitchen and hoping to get in a bit of editing before the Sunday cookathon starts and I have to supervise even more badge sewing on the infamous cub top. I'm starting to see Cub Scout green everywhere I look.

They have a biscuit emoticon on Mumsnet, and a glass of wine! The biscuit has an interesting political history.

When Gordon Brown went on Mumsnet, they were posting questions for him which were being passed to him by moderators. Someone posted What's his favourite biscuit? but the moderators insisted on sticking to questions about Education, the Budget and the like. Someone took it up and soon lots were posting What's his favourite biscuit. He never got the question put to him but the story was leaked to the press as he'd refused to answer! and subsequent politicians on Mumsnet had to rush to say they liked Cream Puffs or whatever.

Now they have a biscuiticon which you pop in your post whenever you want to make a response but not say anything particular. LOL.


I heard about it but never clocked the whole thing (it wasn't reported in full as I recall). ( I wonder if the moderators had primed the question list, for example ). The solution is never to have an MP type on a question session. Not only do they lie, but they never answer the question.

I wonder if we can ask Manu about emoticons. I have seen one of a handbag (elsewhere), which could be quite handy in some threads. . . .
I heard about it but never clocked the whole thing (it wasn't reported in full as I recall). ( I wonder if the moderators had primed the question list, for example ). The solution is never to have an MP type on a question session. Not only do they lie, but they never answer the question.

I wonder if we can ask Manu about emoticons. I have seen one of a handbag (elsewhere), which could be quite handy in some threads. . . .

I think a handbag could come in very useful.

John, rough night? Coffee alright? Would you like a cup of tea and a non-political biscuit? Do you need a hand getting out of that wall?

Hullo all. Is there a nice soothing drink in here? It's been a long weekend, what with the Cub Scout badges and setting up my lovely new thread. If it catches fire, TXRad has promised to post hot firemen in it so feel free to go in and make the discussion as inflamed as you like.

OK, I'm done! Kitchen cleaned, last laundry load in, piccie uploaded into naughty new thread for TX.

I'll just get Olaf to put a cup of decaf tea out in case HP wanders in - hope your teaching went well this morning, my dear.

Og, your collection of bellydancing beauties has been much admired in my new thread, the Bear seems very taken with one of them if you have her phone number.


OK, I'm done! Kitchen cleaned, last laundry load in, piccie uploaded into naughty new thread for TX.

I'll just get Olaf to put a cup of decaf tea out in case HP wanders in - hope your teaching went well this morning, my dear.

Og, your collection of bellydancing beauties has been much admired in my new thread, the Bear seems very taken with one of them if you have her phone number.



Bear would need a time machine.

Most of the bellydancing beauties are old enough to have been contemporaries with my grandmother, and she was born before Queen Victoria had her first Jubilee...
I'll just get Olaf to put a cup of decaf tea out in case HP wanders in - hope your teaching went well this morning, my dear.


De-Caf ?
Good Grief, woman; This one needs the real thing, I'll have you know.
And no; it did not go well, unless you count a sudden reduction in the number of students as a good thing.
LOL, I am up tidying the kitchen and hoping to get in a bit of editing before the Sunday cookathon starts and I have to supervise even more badge sewing on the infamous cub top. I'm starting to see Cub Scout green everywhere I look.
Wow, I'm having an interesting weekend. Naoko, I totally read that as "Sunday cock-athon."

There was a little bit of snow falling earlier this evening. I hope we're not getting a substantial amount because I have a big shopping day ahead of me tomorrow. Okay, I could put it off, but it would be good to get over and done with.
Wow, I'm having an interesting weekend. Naoko, I totally read that as "Sunday cock-athon."

There was a little bit of snow falling earlier this evening. I hope we're not getting a substantial amount because I have a big shopping day ahead of me tomorrow. Okay, I could put it off, but it would be good to get over and done with.

Dare we all hope your injury is getting better ?
Wow, I'm having an interesting weekend. Naoko, I totally read that as "Sunday cock-athon."

Oooh, that would have been fun! I'm afraid it was all stuff I can go and put in the Bear's What Did You Eat Tonight thread with complete propriety. I think I might have inadvertently picked up another cub but with cubs I really keep an eye over them until I can push them off on suitable cubettes. I lower my voice and type in a husky typeface for them; just to make them giggle - that makes them sparkly and attracts the cubettes.

HP, I'm very sorry about the students. It's most dispiriting but often happens. I have a set of them I'm going to have to gird my loins and pursue, although probably not today as Piglet has toothache and I may have to go off-lline and to the dentist's.

Cup of tea anyone? Olaf, is there any toast? Perhaps one slice with some Vegemite and one with some marmalade from darkest Peru.

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Evening nakeds! The sun actually came out today, so I took a nice walk to the park and got a few pictures.

Took this one Saturday night as I walked through the mall after closing hours.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Naoko, got any darjeeling tea? Would love some with milk and sugar.

I ordinarily drink a stronger blend with Assam in for breakfast, however I'll just ask Olaf to rootle in the cupboards. (In the afternoons I like to go to a favourite cafe where they do proper tea and have some kind of flowery Orange Pekoe. One day when I am feeling very :devil:, I shall steal some of my salary from the schoolshoe fund and go to a hotel near here famous for its high teas and have proper tea.)

What a lovely walk that looks like. I particularly like the photo of the reflection in the puddle.

How many sugars, my dear?

Two sugars, thank you. :rose: As soon as I finish my tea, I'm heading off to bed. I have been feeling light headed and dizzy since late this afternoon.
Two sugars, thank you. :rose: As soon as I finish my tea, I'm heading off to bed. I have been feeling light headed and dizzy since late this afternoon.

I'm not surprised with the hours you've been keeping. I hope you're getting a good rest now.

Just popped in for a quick cuppa before I wash the kitchen floor and then take off to pick up Piglet. I put her in school for a bit but I think she may wipe out at lunchtime.

I'm not surprised with the hours you've been keeping. I hope you're getting a good rest now.

Just popped in for a quick cuppa before I wash the kitchen floor and then take off to pick up Piglet. I put her in school for a bit but I think she may wipe out at lunchtime.


And the last thing one needs is a wiped-out Piglit.

There's a cup of ordinary Yorkshire Tea to hand, if that will do until later ?
Dare we all hope your injury is getting better ?
It is better, thank you. :) I managed to get a whole lot of walking in this weekend, although I kept myself to comfortable shoes.

Oooh, that would have been fun! I'm afraid it was all stuff I can go and put in the Bear's What Did You Eat Tonight thread with complete propriety. I think I might have inadvertently picked up another cub but with cubs I really keep an eye over them until I can push them off on suitable cubettes. I lower my voice and type in a husky typeface for them; just to make them giggle - that makes them sparkly and attracts the cubettes.
Saturday certainly was fun. A friend and I went to a sex tradeshow - displays of toys and/or clothing and seminars - it was a hoot!

Evening nakeds! The sun actually came out today, so I took a nice walk to the park and got a few pictures.

Took this one Saturday night as I walked through the mall after closing hours.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Naoko, got any darjeeling tea? Would love some with milk and sugar.
Beautiful pictures there, john.

I have a theatre event to organize for Friday and I am feeling a serious lack of motivation.
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