The Naked Party Thread

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Sleep well, early riser. Now, where are all the rest of the party-er's?

I think I'll just wonder down the baths and see what's going on there.

I prefer humans. Female bears are only fun once a year. You primates have it all over them. The hybrids are a bit quirky but we manage.
Tonight is the last official sawdust night until next fall. It's also the night HM comes home. Don't wait up for me . . .

See yer tomorry!
Better now. :)

Hi, Honey.

I'm celebrating surviving family dinner with something malted and peaty.

Oh good! Good for you!
Malted and peaty?!? Huh? Whiskey? Whisky? Di?? And whisky?? Just fake it, dh, they'll never know how clueless you are.

Well! That sounds positively divine!

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