The Naked Party Thread

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G'day Tx!

I've been here, there and nowhere. Spent most of the year battling long bouts of "what's the fucking point?" and "why do I even bother trying?"
So haven't been feeling real sociable and seem to have completely forgotten how to write.

VM: Glad to hear you got that sugar beat! Wish my other 3/4 (he's too big for half!) would take a leaf out of your book.
G'day Tx!

I've been here, there and nowhere. Spent most of the year battling long bouts of "what's the fucking point?" and "why do I even bother trying?"
So haven't been feeling real sociable and seem to have completely forgotten how to write.

VM: Glad to hear you got that sugar beat! Wish my other 3/4 (he's too big for half!) would take a leaf out of your book.

Honey, that sounds like clinical depression. Been to a doctor? As for the weight loss . . . Get a book called The South Beach Diet. He'll bitch about the first two weeks because beer is the biggest no-no, but once he's lost the first 14 lbs in two weeks you can start rationing him on red wine. The major point is to cut out all highly refined starches and replace them will whole grains. It's magical. I eat four times a day and still lose weight. Best part is, I'm never hungry!
Tom, I've been VERY bad! :devil:

VM: yeah, I come from a long line of depressives, manic depressives, psychotics and assorted other weirdos. A trip to the doc is looming I fear - added stress of aged parents needing to go into care (and being as difficult as humanly possible about it) not helping matters.
Tom, I've been VERY bad! :devil:

VM: yeah, I come from a long line of depressives, manic depressives, psychotics and assorted other weirdos. A trip to the doc is looming I fear - added stress of aged parents needing to go into care (and being as difficult as humanly possible about it) not helping matters.

Got that right. I remember when we finally realized Dad had Alzheimers (worst part was so did he . . . ). And the years that followed were not fun!
Tom, I've been VERY bad! :devil:

VM: yeah, I come from a long line of depressives, manic depressives, psychotics and assorted other weirdos. A trip to the doc is looming I fear - added stress of aged parents needing to go into care (and being as difficult as humanly possible about it) not helping matters.

You can expect a visit when everyone else is asleep dreaming of sugar plums or whatever. :devil:

I can relate to both your problems sweetie. It ain't no day at the beach. :( Hang tough.
She'll be right! My brother's having to deal with the revered elderlies more than me - joys of being the favoured child and living a helluva lot closer (not for nothing did I move a long way away :p) I just get the phone calls from each side and will have to make the long drive a few times in the next couple of months till this all settles down.

I was hoping to be in the house this Christmas, but it's not to be. The kitchen arrived in flatpack form and totally without plans, so it's taking forever to put together. But we have all interior walls, internal wiring and plumbing done. Still need drains out and pipes in and to hook up wiring. The bathrooms need tiles and then the fittings can go in ( we have a bath!!! but no way of getting water into or out of it safely yet).
Hi Molly! You happier today or has that broomstick been sticking splinters in your tail?
She'll be right! My brother's having to deal with the revered elderlies more than me - joys of being the favoured child and living a helluva lot closer (not for nothing did I move a long way away :p) I just get the phone calls from each side and will have to make the long drive a few times in the next couple of months till this all settles down.

I was hoping to be in the house this Christmas, but it's not to be. The kitchen arrived in flatpack form and totally without plans, so it's taking forever to put together. But we have all interior walls, internal wiring and plumbing done. Still need drains out and pipes in and to hook up wiring. The bathrooms need tiles and then the fittings can go in ( we have a bath!!! but no way of getting water into or out of it safely yet).

Aren't you the clever one. ;)

Y'all have accomplished quite a lot on your new home since last we spoke. Are you doing all the wiring and plumbing work yourselves or are you using professionals?

What's flatpack form? And why no instructions?
Hi Molly! You happier today or has that broomstick been sticking splinters in your tail?

It's a splinter-butt day. Woke on the wrong side of the bed a few days ago and I'm still in a bad mood. Nothing really wrong, just in a pissy mood.
Flatpak - like Ikea furniture, all the cabinets need screwing together etc. They even supplied a box of assorted screws, hinges, funny little plastic doohickies, and other use-unknown items. The lack of instructions is just par for the course with this project. We were told everything came with plans/instructions etc and a handyman could put it together. As usual, they lied. When pressed, they did fax out two pages showing the 3D style drawings of what the kitchen looks like when finished, with cupboard dimensions shown. But that's all.

Plumbing and wiring must, by law, be done by professionals.I'm worried about the electrician - hubby mentioned in passing the other day that he and his wife have moved to Sydney... eek! I don't know if this is a permanent arrangement or a "to get away from the heat until she gives birth (she's damn close and carrying twins)".
Plumber is a mate and father of girl in my son's class. Said girl thinks son is the bee's knees. Son thinks girl is a vacuous twit, but he's been told to keep his opinions to himself, at least until the house is done!
Flatpak - like Ikea furniture, all the cabinets need screwing together etc. They even supplied a box of assorted screws, hinges, funny little plastic doohickies, and other use-unknown items. The lack of instructions is just par for the course with this project. We were told everything came with plans/instructions etc and a handyman could put it together. As usual, they lied. When pressed, they did fax out two pages showing the 3D style drawings of what the kitchen looks like when finished, with cupboard dimensions shown. But that's all.

Plumbing and wiring must, by law, be done by professionals.I'm worried about the electrician - hubby mentioned in passing the other day that he and his wife have moved to Sydney... eek! I don't know if this is a permanent arrangement or a "to get away from the heat until she gives birth (she's damn close and carrying twins)".
Plumber is a mate and father of girl in my son's class. Said girl thinks son is the bee's knees. Son thinks girl is a vacuous twit, but he's been told to keep his opinions to himself, at least until the house is done!

You want I should muster up a curse for ya? I could curse 'em real good like.
Not yet, Molly. I still may have to deal with them again - but I'll certainly let you know when the time is right. There will be a major worldwide hexfest rained down on these kind and wondrous gentle business folk...
Not yet, Molly. I still may have to deal with them again - but I'll certainly let you know when the time is right. There will be a major worldwide hexfest rained down on these kind and wondrous gentle business folk...

Just let me know. I'm in the mood to send out a case of boils or something.

:D The "fuck it" thread is getting ridiculous.
Flatpak - like Ikea furniture, all the cabinets need screwing together etc. They even supplied a box of assorted screws, hinges, funny little plastic doohickies, and other use-unknown items. The lack of instructions is just par for the course with this project. We were told everything came with plans/instructions etc and a handyman could put it together. As usual, they lied. When pressed, they did fax out two pages showing the 3D style drawings of what the kitchen looks like when finished, with cupboard dimensions shown. But that's all.

Plumbing and wiring must, by law, be done by professionals.I'm worried about the electrician - hubby mentioned in passing the other day that he and his wife have moved to Sydney... eek! I don't know if this is a permanent arrangement or a "to get away from the heat until she gives birth (she's damn close and carrying twins)".
Plumber is a mate and father of girl in my son's class. Said girl thinks son is the bee's knees. Son thinks girl is a vacuous twit, but he's been told to keep his opinions to himself, at least until the house is done! I get it. I bought 8 pieces of office furniture in flatpak and putting it together with instructions was a PITA. I exhausted my vocabulary of curse words in the first hour of assembly and had to repeat myself many, many times before the task was completed. ;) may be looking for a new electrician, but at least you'll have plumbing. You can always take a bath by lamplight. ;)
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