The Naked Party Thread

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I've never met you, so I couldn't say. Nice to meet you, Beastie. heating the room up. ;)
I've not had the pleasure of meeting you, either, Mr. mc. But I must ask, is it 'em cee' or is it 'Mc?' If it's the latter, we might be risking a surfeit of Scots...
The spread looks lovely Di and Patty. Perhaps a cracker and some cheese, and some a couple grapes. :rose: she has an appetite! How typical. :D

Come to think of it, I'm starving as well. And what a healthy spread! With that, think I can indulge in another scotch whiskey tonight.
I've not had the pleasure of meeting you, either, Mr. mc. But I must ask, is it 'em cee' or is it 'Mc?' If it's the latter, we might be risking a surfeit of Scots...

Hello Tio, the wise. Let's see...I could lie and say Master of Ceremonies...nah.
Just MC or Freefall would do. Throw in a ma'am, and I may tutor you!
I am a bit of scots as well, french, native american...mutt. But I don't tend to conform to any group, I don't think. *scratches head*.
I've never met you, so I couldn't say. Nice to meet you, Beastie. heating the room up. ;)

Good, thought not. Well the basics: I'm Beastie, Scot, engineer and mad naked painted cyclist (the avatar picture is based on reality).

Pleased to meet you.

But now I really must dash. It's, well, rather late (early) over here and I must get some sleep. Today was a big equipment demo at work, and this has been the perfect release for all the stress that built up in the run up to that, and tonight one late night doesn't matter, but there's late and there's bloody ridiculous!

Good night, friends (and in some cases, lovers)!

:kiss: :rose:
Hello Tio, the wise. Let's see...I could lie and say Master of Ceremonies...nah.
Just MC or Freefall would do. Throw in a ma'am, and I may tutor you!
I am a bit of scots as well, french, native american...mutt. But I don't tend to conform to any group, I don't think. *scratches head*.
My apologies, Ma'am; I should have looked further than your profile, and not have leapt to confusions. And in what shall I be tutored, Ma'am?
My apologies, Ma'am; I should have looked further than your profile, and not have leapt to confusions. And in what shall I be tutored, Ma'am?
I am a bit of scots as well, french, native american...mutt. But I don't tend to conform to any group, I don't think. *scratches head*.

And with that variety, we might have a very enjoyable year's end, going from Ononharoia through Reveillon to Hogmanay. Quite the party, I daresay.
My apologies, Ma'am; I should have looked further than your profile, and not have leapt to confusions. And in what shall I be tutored, Ma'am? observation, you would outmatch me in intelligent design discussions.
But I am told I have other skills. For instance, I can grip a yard tool with my bare feet. Oh, and I can grip a full opened soda can between my thighs over a washboard road without spilling a drop! A little rhythmic lift if you pleeease.
I wonder what this button does? *Boom*
I hope there were fireworks with that Boom. :devil:

How do you know I'm not wearing flip flops. :D
Molly heard you come in. But then, she apparently hears all, sees all, juggles all. I suppose she could have heard you flip-flopping in. Does that mean you're wearing a bathrobe as well?
One of my favorite childhood toys was the gadget with all the mysterious buttons to push. It must be innate curiosity that I never grew out of.
Hey all!

*Peeks in, sees Tx in flip flops and a bathrobe, shrugs and ambles over to the bar*

Quick rum and coke if you please. How's everyone doing tonight? Looks busy in here. :D
Molly heard you come in. But then, she apparently hears all, sees all, juggles all. I suppose she could have heard you flip-flopping in. Does that mean you're wearing a bathrobe as well?

Actually, it's a t-shirt, shorts, and moccasins. I have a day off at work, if that makes sense. :D observation, you would outmatch me in intelligent design discussions.
But I am told I have other skills. For instance, I can grip a yard tool with my bare feet. Oh, and I can grip a full opened soda can between my thighs over a washboard road without spilling a drop! A little rhythmic lift if you pleeease.
I invariably argue against intelligent design; if some one designed the human back, it surely earned a failing grade in Engineering 101.

But now, your skills and abilities intrigue me...hold a tool in your feet...clasp a cylinder with your thighs...this could be the start of a beautiful friendship...
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