The Mystery of - Conversation


Half a brick in the wall.
Feb 12, 2003
What's the deal? I thought all I had to do was nod and agree with people, but now all of a sudden women are asking me to talk about things, and I have nothing to talk about! I sit there and go uhhhhhh...and then I draw a blank! It's not like I don't do anything in my life, and I feel as though I SHOULD have things to talk about, but what do women like to talk about?!

Ahhhhh! :confused:
Girls like to talk about clothes, hair, makeup and boys, or so my dad always said.

Currently, I just wanna talk to someone about motherboards.

Beyond that, the only thing I'll disagree with that Gusty posted is that I NEVER want to hear a lie from someone about how they feel about me.

Um. And romantic stuff gives me hives.

So yeah, talk to girls about motherboards and power supplies and a good argument about Intel v. AMD is always good. *nodsnods*
I can't do the lie stuff very well so I just talk about dumb things to begin with...usually I try to get the girl to talk about herself...which is sometimes hard to do.
curious2c said:
I can't do the lie stuff very well so I just talk about dumb things to begin with...usually I try to get the girl to talk about herself...which is sometimes hard to do.

That's cuz we're trained to talk to guys about THEM, not about us. *grins*

Ya know, JAG, it doesn't matter so much what you talk about, as long as you talk (nobody likes sitting there with someone who won't be an active participant in the conversation) and listen!

I think the thing that will impress a woman the most is if you listen to what she's saying, ask questions about it, and actually give a damn what the answers are.
Of course not, Gusty. You didn't say anything wrong and I agree with everything else you said.

My point of view is that there's always something *honestly* nice to say to a person. I think sticking to the truth as much as possible just keeps people from getting their feelings hurt in the end.
I think I am seeing this book..."Little Miss lady training manual."

Chapter seven, how to catch a boy...Page sixty two, paragraph six. 'Should you find yourself in a conversation with a male of the species...':devil:
If only I knew more women who talk like gusty! *nods* Yes, uh huh.....oh, sure.....ya.....uh huh......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Not in bed yet ya
that's pretty much how it goes, C2C.

And thanks, Gusty! You have a wonderfully sexy evening, too! :)
It isn't creepy to just say things about the way they look and keep a conversation going by asking them questions? :D