The moment the GOP lost the plot re: Hunter Biden and his dad

That is an amazing display of incompetence, rivaled only by Kellyann Conway's infamous defense of "alternative facts".
That is an amazing display of incompetence, rivaled only by Kellyann Conway's infamous defense of "alternative facts".

If Chuck Tood could go back in time, I bet he wishes he'd simply responded with: "You mean lies?"

But I get why he was caught off-guard. 😆
Ah. So, you agree it's a devastatingly bad look for the GOP. You're not saying it's meaningless - you're saying it's fake. That speaks volumes.

Excellent. Thank you so much for your triggered posts. :heart:
I didn't watch

Cause I know it's Jussie S of you
"Lost the plot" it's one of my favs and can be applied to the GOP and their sycophants here all the damn time.

This video is wonderful. 😄
My 2 representative senators are Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham.
My question to Jason Smith would be... What use do Log Cabin republicans serve in the American body politic?
Trumptards, 'Fake News! Doctored video!'

That clip is from Forbes News not NotverybrightBart. They don't have a reputation for faking their clips, and it's all across the internet (like Melania's chest - but the clip is real).
This thread & video hit Deplorables so hard that, apparently, it inspired a parody thread. :ROFLMAO:
And I love that the video is so embarrassing that the BB MAGAt is calling it "fake".
Doctored video
You have another version? I'm sure Fox had reporters there and broadcast this press conference on their channel. So where is your proof BB?

Got any......nah don't bother answering, I already know you don't......fucking liar is all you are.
lol 2 hours later and BB still hasn't posted the un-doctored evidence. I mean if you claim it was doctored, then you must have seen an unedited version...right?





and for those who don't because you're new here. There is no doctored video....