A Circle Of Spies, And Joe Biden


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

How a circle of spies, Blinken covered up Biden scandals: Miranda Devine’s new book exclusive​

Miranda Devine
Published Sep. 19, 2024, 8:42 p.m. ET

It wasn’t the first time the CIA had intervened to protect the Biden's. A congressional whistleblower claimed that the CIA had interfered with the IRS investigation into Hunter, his business partners had been asked to become CIA informants, and Burisma had the whiff of a CIA operation.Like Morell, the Dirty 51 were part of Washington’s cozy, bipartisan consensus of the spook, military and foreign policy elite that Obama officials dubbed the “Blob.”

These are the people responsible for the weapons-of-mass-destruction intelligence hoax that justified the Iraq war, and the warrantless spying on American citizens that followed 9/11. They are devotees of color revolutions and regime change to preserve US global dominance. They work together in the same think tanks and lucrative consultancy firms. They speak at the same events and on liberal TV shows, write for the same publications, pal around with the same journalists, and some even pretend to be journalists. They retweet each other’s anti-Trump memes and share hawkish views about Russia.

The Dirty 51 were the Blob, and Biden was their guy.


Miranda Devine drops another big bomb on the Biden's and the CIA. The article is too long to excerpt here but the article teases the corruption of the Biden's and the intelligence community and the notorious 51 who will be the first to be dealt with if Trump is sworn in in January.
If Trump did it, the MAGAts have to blame President Biden. It's the MAGAt way.

A federal appeals court has upheld the conviction of a Republican operative who had been pardoned by Donald Trump in the waning days of his presidency.
The District of Columbia Circuit Court rejected an appeal by Jesse Benton, a former senior aide to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand Paul, of his November 2022 conviction for orchestrating a scheme to conceal a $100,000 donation from a Russian national to his GOP consulting firm — and pocketing most of it.

Russian businessman Roman Vasilenko wired the money under his own name to the consulting firm, but Benton kept $75,000 for himself and gave $25,000 under his name to the presidential campaign for Trump, who posed for a photo with Vasilenko. Benton then filed a false report with the Federal Election Commission to conceal the source of the funds, the court found.

The Trump campaign was not aware of the true source of that donation.

Benton had appealed the conviction, saying Trump's 2020 pardon should have prevented the jury from hearing about his previous election crimes before convicting him of the newer charges.

When news of Donald Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting with Russian officials to discuss potentially damaging information on Hillary Clinton broke this summer, few had heard of the former Moscow region based prosecutor, Natalia Veselnitskaya. In a matter of days, her name was plastered in all the headlines, as it was clear a new player had just entered the game.

In June 2016 Trump's son, his son-in-law, and campaign manager all met in Trump Tower with a Russian agent who had promised them dirt on Clinton.
Trump openly encouraged Russia to release emails that he believed the country had hacked from Hillary Clinton’s private email server. When Russia did start releasing leaked Clinton campaign emails through the WikiLeaks website, Trump was eager to promote them.

Trump ally Roger Stone boasted of working with WikiLeaks to obtain Clinton emails -- and Stone even went so far as to acknowledge that Russia was the one leaking them.

Trump campaign's multiple contacts with Russians in 2016 were so alarming that Trump's own deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was worried the then-president was compromised by Russia and ordered special counsel Robert Mueller to conduct an investigation into the matter.

NSAmail.us runs on servers located in Russia. This way they avoid any subpoena issued by US law enforcement.

Clients include Mitch McConnell, Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson.

NSAmail has been hosted since 2014 on the same server owned by Mir Telematiki (AKA Hostkey) that hosts Wikileaks.org

RonRobinson working for Atlas/Koch has been signing Republicans up touse Yandex emails hosted in Russia, thereby avoiding US law. Yandex provides the Kremlin with back-door access to data content

Well if that doesn't prove that it was all Biden dealing with Russia, nothing will.
Miranda Devine drops another big bomb on the Biden's and the CIA. The article is too long to excerpt here but the article teases the corruption of the Biden's and the intelligence community and the notorious 51 who will be the first to be dealt with if Trump is sworn in in January.
I was talking about your expectations based on the book. I've put them in bold for your reference.
It isn't my book but I'm sure Miranda will do well on it.
Yes you did, assbite, but they came from the source I cited. Go get your bottle and take a friggin' nap.
No, it was your words after the excerpt.

Jfc....learn to read

Perhaps you need to put down the bottle, since it seems to be a focus of yours

Miranda Devine drops another big bomb on the Biden's and the CIA. The article is too long to excerpt here but the article teases the corruption of the Biden's and the intelligence community and the notorious 51 who will be the first to be dealt with if Trump is sworn in in January.
Please tell me how these aren't your words. They aren't in the article you sourced
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