The mix up (Closet to Ohia_Lehua)

Xeni had just gotten home from the youth center that she volunteered at and the lesson she had taught the kids was back yard gardening and somewhere in the lesson it became a mud fight that ended in laughter and dirty persons. It was a good things she had made the last minute decision to take the pots, plants and soil for the kids outside before she started. She remembered the day when she taught them how to make magic morph slime and how it got everywhere and the look from the director I got about the mess.

Dried mud flasks crumbled from Xeni's clothing as she walked leaving a trail behind her that she hope she would be able to clean up before she mom saw it. When she passed by the kitchen she got an idea and took a plastic bag and tore it open down it's side and placed it on the ground and stepped on it. Now there was only a trail from the garage to the kitchen. So if she were to get caught, which was very possible, she could argue that she had tried to only make a small mess. In her mind it sounded a lot better then just walking thru the house without a care getting dirt clumps everywhere as she made her way to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom she couldn't get out of her clothes quick enough. They were getting stiff and the dirty was finding it's way into places that it shouldn't. "Can you blow my whistle, baby? Whistle, baby, let me know. Girl, I'm gonna show you how to do it and we start real slow." Xeni sang under her breath as she peeled her tshirt off and caught a glimpse at herself in the mirror.

At 5'7" she was an inch and a sliver taller then Amber but about ten pounds heavier then her at 131. It didn't bother Xeni that she weighted more because she knew it was muscle over her sister's slim frame. There was also the breasts. In middle school and into her second year of high school Xeni was underdeveloped while Amber had proud A cups that seemed to keep growing. But then something happened and it was like over night Xeni grew breasts and they quickly grew to match her sister's and they kept going and going until she was the breasty one and her sister the underdeveloped one in comparison. Xeni unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor and noticed the way her large breast stood proud and taunt despite their size. "You just put your lips together and you come real close. Can you blow my whistle, baby? Whistle, baby, here we go."

Since Xeni didn't wear shoes in the house the next to go was her pants and panties which joined the shirt and bra already on the floor. As Xeni stepped over then she nonchalantly kicked them into the corner and nearest the dirty hamper. Not that these clothes could be mistaken for clean. Then she started her shower and like always it was hot to the point to making her skin pink, a nice color blend to the lightly tanned natural tone of her skin.

"I'm betting you like people and I'm betting you love freak mode and I'm betting you like girls. That give love to girls and stroke your little ego" The bottle of coconut body wash was squeezed into Xeni's hands as she sang and shimmied her body under the water that was hot enough to make the air steamy after only a few minutes. "I bet you I'm guilty, your honor. That's just how we live in my genre. Went to hell and paid the Rottweiler. There's only one Flo and one Rida. I'm a damn shame, order more champagne. Pulled a damn ham string, trying to put it on ya. Bet your lips spin back around corner. Slow it down baby, take a little longer." Xeni soaped up her body and danced like there was no one watching her. Little did she know that there was someone in the bathroom with her.

"Can you blow my whistle, baby? Whistle, baby, let me know. Girl, I'm gonna show you how to do it and we start real slow. You just put your lips together and you come real close. Can you blow my whistle, baby? Whistle, baby, here we- agh!" A hand covered Xeni's mouth and silenced her alarmed cry.

Xeni was close to panicking but the voice that spoke was familiar. Not believing it was the person who she thought it was she turned her head to make sure and saw the face of her sister's boyfriend. "Ben?!?!" It was a hissed whisper filled with anger, fright and confusion. "Amber?" His word were slow in Xeni's mind being too busy thinking about other things. Like her NAKED boyfriend. And there it was, Xeni's modesty and it kicking into action. Frantically she grabbed at the shower curtains, nearly tearing them from the rod and used it to cover her body and hide. "Why would you think I was Amber? And even if I was, what are you doing in here?" Not trusting the man in front of her at the moment, Xeni kept her eyes on his as she tried to turn off the water. The soap suds still clinging to her body forgotten to more important matter. "Oh boy is my Dad going to kill you." Xeni smile tiring her hardest to hold back her laughter after finding the hilariousness of this situation. "Like deader then dead kind of dead." She chuckled giving up on turning the water off.
Anger flashed in Xeni's eyes when the shower curtain was torn from her hands and it rose when Ben's eyes roamed over her body. This wasn't right. Flirting was one thing, him eyeing her like this was another. Then to top it he had the nerve to rest his finger on her lips and sooth her as if she was a flighty little deer caught in the headlights of him. AND he was going to blame this all on her if she didn't play along. The list of offences was growing by the second and this was quickly becoming a situation with some hilarity to something of a totally different nature.

Xeni reacted before she could think and her hand was out and across Ben's face before she knew it and the sharp crack of her slap echoed in the shower. "You are my sister's boyfriend and this,' She waved her finger between them. 'Isn't my problem because when push comes to shove they are going to believe me over you and day of the week. So try and twist this in your favor and you won't have to worry about my Father because you'll have to deal with me." She hissed shoving Ben away. "I was respectful of this slip up but you pushed it over the line. Now please get out of my way."

Before Ben moved she brushed past him making sure to keep away from touching him. She hadn't even looked at him and kept her eyes to his face. It wasn't that she hadn't been tempted to know what he looked like, it was just that he was her sister's boyfriend. "Urg! Rah." Complained Xeni with frustration and anger as she wrapped a large oversize fluffy white towel around her body and stormed out of the bathroom not even bothering to close the door.

As she passed past her sister's door she knocked on it. "Hey your boyfriend is in the shower and I forgot to pick up my clothes can you make sure they make it into the hamper if you get in there before me? Thanks."

"Yeah- sure, whatever."

Still fuming about what happened Xeni stormed into her room and slammed the door shut and locked it. As she sat on her bed a thought came to her. How could she use this to her advantage against him and wouldn't it be so much fun to torture him with what he can't have. Xeni smiled as a plan started to form in her mind. She was going to pretend like this never happened, or the part where she slapped him and stormed off, and she would continue to flirt with him and tease him. Brush up against his body and wear skin tight clothing around him. As the plan grew Xeni's eagerness to begin bubbled inside her with excitement.
Sleep was always a problem for Xeni ever since she was a small child. Her dreams were always nightmares and while she loved horror movies it wasn't the reason for her night terrors. It was the mystery of the unknown and the what ifs that haunted her. The things that never bothered her while she was awake pestered her in her sleep. It was one of the reasons she went to bed late and woke up early, there was no comfort in sleep and she took pills to help her but only slept the minimal amount needed to be healthy. Which for her was about six hours, some kind of rare gene thing. Xeni didn't care what it was and didn't question it because it worked for her. Bedtime at midnight awake at 6.

So it was normal for her to still be up when she heard her sister and Ben get home. She had been listening to Giacomo Puccini's Madame Butterfly music track and turned it down a few more levels so it wouldn't bother them.

Dressed in her normal sweats and over sized shirt that she wears to bed Xeni smiles to herself and quickly changes into a pair of black lace cheeky panties and a worn old tshirt that she kept from before her breasts grew in that fits tight across her chest and without a bra on her nipples are clearly defined under the fabric. She looks at herself in the mirror happy with what she sees. The old shirt is short and gives a nice flash of taunt skin and her belly button and the panties ride low on her hips. She turns around and looks at the back half. The bottom most part of panties cut high and shows off the toned cheeks of her apple bubble butt. "Have a good look now." Xeni snickers hurrying out of her room so that she can catch the two of them on their way back to their rooms. And with the kitchen right there she can claim that she was getting a late night snack.
"No I haven't gone to bed yet." Xeni answered in a sing song like voice. "I guess I could but isn't it nearly thirty minutes past the time you should be home? I thought you were already in bed a asleep. I'll make sure to be more careful next time."

She had seen the way Ben's eyes moved over her body and how he quickly dismissed her sister so he could no doubt spend some time with her. "Night Amber." I whispered after her as she left the kitchen.

"You should. It was a mistake and I expect it never to happen again." Xeni crossed her arms under her chest which brought them together forming a deeper cleavage and up. "But I guess since you apologized I can forgive you." She walked to the fridge and opened the door to grab the milk. She was very careful not to touch you yet at the same time she got very, very close. "Just make sure to keep it from my sister. It would hurt her to know the reason behind that look of yours." Xeni walked over to the cabinets with the milk and reaching up on tip toe grabbed the large coffee cups off the top shelf. While on her tip toes she looked back over her shoulder at Ben knowing the view he was getting with her ass point out at him. "I don't like sodas, remember."

There was a kind of rush playing with Ben like this that she didn't expect to feel. It was almost like the thrill she got when she watched a scary movie for the first time.

When she got the mug down she poured herself some milk and with her hips swaying returned the milk to the fridge all the while never taking her eyes off him. "I would love to, Ben." Xeni whispered his name like it was something sinful and pleasurable. "But I'm just here for some milk and a snack." She told him taking a banana from the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Slowly she peeled the banana and with her eyes still on Ben took it into her mouth, her lips dragging on it as she bit off the first bite. "Would you like a bite?" Xeni asked in a husky tone. Her tongue poking out to lick the side of the banana and run over the flat top she had just bitten off. The textures were different, something that she never noticed when she ate a banana the regular way. "It's really good." She added wrapping her lips as far down the banana as she could go and then pulling back so she could take a more manageable bite.

She chuckled watching Ben's face. "I better go and so should you. Wouldn't want to keep my sister waiting." Xeni picked up her milk and turned around and started to walk out of the kitchen but not before she stopped right before you couldn't see her to blow him a kiss. After that you could hear Xeni's hurried footsteps going back to her room and her evil whispering laughter following her thru the house.
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OOC: Opps, it's supposed to be "I would love to, Ben." Xeni whispered his name like it was something sinful and pleasurable. "But I'm just here for some milk and a snack." My mistake, sorry.​

It wasn't the best feeling growing up and being the chubby ugly one where Amber was the pretty one that everyone cooed and awed over. In middle school Xeni lost the extra pounds and thought she had a chance at some of the attention but Amber was growing breasts so once again she was going looked over. It was the same story until her second year of high school when her breasts started to grow and kept growing. Amber had always flaunted her nearly C cup breasts in front of Xeni but when the late bloomer over night became a large D cup she stopped rubbing it Xeni's face that she got breasts first. And now it seemed that she had the attention of Amber's boyfriend.

"This is kind of fun." Xeni giggled jumping into bed and burrowing under the covers. She wasn't feeling tired yet so she pressed play on her ipod dock and madame butterfly filled her room with soft tones. Xeni know it was mean of her to play with Ben like this because in the end it would only hurt Amber but she felt that this is what Ben deserved after the shower thing.

A knock at her door had her sitting up clutching the bed covers to her body. Xeni wasn't even given the chance to answer when her door opened and Ben walked in. She had never had a boy in her room before and it made her nervous. "A trade?" She asked slowly wondering if this was a trick of some sort.

Ben walked further into her room and showed her the banana and Xeni just smiled some of the nerves dying down. After listening to Ben's offer she grabbed the banana and placed it on the bedside table. Xeni knew there were plenty of towels in the bathroom but she had a feeling this was more about seeing her then needing a towel.

"I don't really carry towels in my room but..." Xeni threw back the covers and on her hands and knees crawled to the far side of the bed to where her towel that she had used earlier was. And making sure to give Ben the best angle she leaned over the space between her bed and the window seat and grabbed her towel. "It's still a little dame but it should be fine if you don't mind that it covered my wet naked body." Xeni whispered using her husky voice again as she crawled back to the side of the bed that Ben was nearest but stopped about a foot from the edge. It was a king size bed with enough room that she had more then enough space to stop away from the edge and not have to worry about falling off the other edge behind her.

"Here you go." Xeni held the towel to her side and smiled at Ben knowing he would have to either reach to grab it or walk closer to her in bed.
Xeni giggled at his repeat of her words. "It would be the damp towel that covered my wet naked body from our shower together." She answered.

Ben had that look in his eyes again and it made Xeni swell with confidence. "I might have a few things that have been on my naked body and isn't damp. But you are right in thinking this is all you're going to get from me." She told him pushing the towel into his hand.

It was clear to Xeni that Ben was falling into this moment and it was an amazing feeling knowing that she had a certain power over this man. Sitting on her tucked under legs she braced up so that she was leaning closer to Bed and he leaned into her. But at the last minute her finger pressed into his lips. "How good are you at keeping secrets Ben?" She threw at his kissing his cheek and pushing him away firmly.

Xeni got off the bed and continued to direct Ben out of her room. "Good night Ben and wet dreams." And for the cherry on to she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and retreated into her room locking the door behind her.

Her heart was racing and her breath seemed to be coming in quick short gasps and when Xeni got back under the covers she couldn't help the hand that wondered to her panties. Something Ben had said about having something that was on her body and not damp and the way his eyes moved to her panties. They hadn't been wet then but as her fingers came in contact with the lace she could feel the wet spot that was there.

"No. I'm not going to masturbate to the image of Ben. No, that's wrong." And jumping out of bed she quickly changed out of the cheekie panties and slipped on a pair of her regular hiphuggers and got into her favorite sweatpants. She also took off the shirt and changed it for a stretched out a size too large tshirt and got back into bed and forced herself to fall asleep.
Xeni could feel herself start to get up and knew it was about a quarter to six. She stretched her body out with a big yawn not yet opening her eyes. The first rays broke thru the dark night sky in a purplish blue-black, it was faint but soon it would light up the whole sky.

At six on the dot Xeni opened her eyes and threw the covers back and sat up. She stretched again then got up to make her bed. Every morning was the same. Wake up, make the bed, change into her morning clothes, go to the bathroom. Grab a homemade morning bar. Workout. Take a shower and change into her day clothes and have a proper breakfast.

Today the outfit was black yoga pants, low-rise cotton boyshorts panties and a sports bra and her pair of broken in running shoes. Knowing that she was the only one up Xeni didn't have to worry about the way she was dressed. Out of her room it was a quick stop at the bathroom, a bar from the fridge and out to the backyard where she started with warm up yoga that seamlessly moved to tai chi. When Xeni felt limber and warmed up depending on the day that's when she started her workout. Because yesterday was resistance she was going to jog today with sporadic sprints.

Xeni went back into the house for her reflector belt and ipod that were in her room. On a normal day she would have brought it down with her the first time the day felt off in some way and she didn't know why.
Xeni had lost track of time while out on her run. She had let her mind wondered and before she knew it she was much farther from the house then she had expected. "Dang it." She muttered glancing at the clock on her ipod. If everyone else was running on time her parents had just woken up and was about to take a shower. That meant that she would have to run the way back to the house if she wanted to get her shower and her breakfast done with before the rest of the house woke up.

Because their parents went to work early and Xeni was always up before them she normally made them quick breakfasts of what she was having as they left the house. But because she was running late she caught them just as they were reversing out of the driveway.

"Hey Sweetheart we missed you. Is everything okay?" Her Mom asked stopping when she saw her daughter.

Her Dad who was right behind her Mom's car rolled down his window and stuck his head out. "Hard run?" He asked his voice concerned at the amount of sweat that poured off Xeni.

"Yeah everything is okay." She answered her Mom. "I was just trying to make it before you guys left so I could say bye." She told her Dad.

"Well that's sweet but don't work yourself too hard your day is just starting." Her Mom lectured with care as she leaned out of the car to kiss Xeni bye. "Oh you smell." She cringed pulling back. Tell your sister we love her and you have a good day." She gave one last wave and then drove away.

Xeni stood where she was knowing that her Dad wanted to say goodbye too. "Your Mom's right kiddo, go take a shower." But he kissed her cheek anyways. "See you tomorrow morning?"

"For sure." Xeni smiled waving bye as her Dad drove away. "Urg- they're right. I do smell." She gagged putting her arm down. Not sure if anyone was up and not wanting to disgust them with her workout skunk Xeni detoured to the hose and did a quick wash down. It helped the smell but now she was soaked and it made the yoga pants cling to her body even more then they already did.

When Xeni opened the front door she heard water running and frowned. It was still early, why was anyone up? And worst yet in the shower? As she passed the bathroom she knocked on the door. "I call next shower." She told the unknown person. It was a 50/50 on who was in there but she wasn't going to play the guessing game and went to the kitchen to make herself a breakfast smoothie since she was running behind and lost the motivation to cook a full breakfast.
"Where else would I be Ben?" Xeni smiled turning off the blender and pouring her mixed fruit, veggie and yogurt smoothie. "Would you like the rest of this?" There was enough for another serving if he wanted.

Xeni looks down at herself and nods. "I got lost in my jog and it ran a little late and I ran home." She informed him as if he really cared about the scheduling of her morning. In a normal situation she would have avoided looking at Ben but because it was some kind of twisted game she came around the other side of the island and made it obvious that she was checking him out. True it wasn't something she hadn't already seen last summer when they went do to the family lake house but she was letting know Bed that she could let her eyes wander just as easily as he could.

"Yeah it was. I guess if I had known it was you we could have saved some water." Xeni winked as Ben left the kitchen.

Wanting to make sure to grab the shower before Amber woke up and spent hours in there, Xeni put the blender top and her glass in the fridge so it would stay cold and she could have it when she got out of the shower.

Twelve minutes Xeni was wrapped in a towel and smelling faintly of lavender and chamomile. It wasn't a surprise that when she walked past Amber's room it was still closed. Xeni checked her ipod, it was a little past 8:30. Here sometime in the next half hour Amber would be waking up. It was a risk but Xeni stopped by the guest room that Ben used and knocked on his door but just like he didn't wait for an answer the night before she didn't wait for his before walking into his room.

"What are you and Amber doing today?" Xeni asked her voice normal despite the fact that he towel hung low on her breasts and the opening at her side was wide enough to show off the entire length of her thigh.
"I'm not worried." Xeni waves off about the drink. "I have a glass in the fridge." She steps towards the bed and leans over to see what he is doing, knowing full well that Ben had a great view down the towel if he wanted to look. "Amber can make all the jokes she wants about them but I love it. Easy, tasty, healthy and I heard it makes girls breasts bigger and boys, well, um..." Her eyes travel down Ben's body and rest on his crotch. "Grow." She smiled looking back at his face.

Xeni shrugged stepping back into the doorway and leans against the opening. "Slight difference between then and now. We're both kind of dressed and you're not offering to help with my hard to reach areas." She smiled wickedly. "As far as my point of view..." Again her eyes traveled over Ben's body. "I'm starting to enjoy the change in scenery."

Xeni shakes her head no. "Grandma wanted to get him a membership at the Country Club but didn't expect the yearly cost to be as much as it was. She offered to split it with us and I was the only taker. I don't know what they plan to get him but I've done my share." Xeni was purposely playing with the bottom corner of the towel. "I thought by now Amber would have gotten him something and would be spending the day with you." She stuck out her bottom lip and gave Ben a pout. "Looks like you're going to be all alone."

Hearing Amber's phone go off Xeni wiggled her fingers at Ben in a goodbye wave. "Maybe I'll see you later. I'll be at home, while it seems everyone else will be out. Oh- except you." She left him with that finial thought to think about and was in her room with the door closed but not locked behind her before she heard Amber's door open and her walking out.
It didn't bother her that Ben was trying to get Amber to stay home. It was probably a good idea. It was wrong to be teasing Ben this way and she didn't want to hurt her sister she just wanted to get back at Ben for walking into her shower. She didn't expect there to be a kind of power rush to this.

Xeni dropped the towel in the middle of her room and walked to her wardrobe dresser pulling on a clean pair of cotton boyshort panties, her favorite pair of butt hugging bell bottoms, plain white bra and jersey cotton tanktop that stretched lightly over her chest. It was normal wear as Xeni made up her mind that for the sake of her sister she was done playing this game. She had made her point and she was done with it. From now on Ben was just back to being Ben. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Morning Amber." Xeni greeting as she passed her sister in the hall. "Oh- Mom said she had to do a few quick things at work but would be back soon if you two were still going shopping for Dad." She informed her sister as she started down the stairs.

"Yeah, Okay, thanks." Amber nodded stepping into her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

"Good morning Ben." Xeni said as if nothing all had happened between them and everything was all good. She opened the fridge took out the nearly empty blender top and her glass. After pouring the rest of the smoothie into her glass she rinsed out the blender and put it in the dishwasher to be washed. She was about to leave the kitchen then changed her mind grabbing herself an oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookie. "Shark week is on the Discovery Channel if you want to join me in the living room. Or you can wait for Amber, she should be down in a few." She smiled kindly at Ben then turned and walked out heading for the couch and remote.
Xeni tried to ignore how awkward this was and turned on the tv drowning out Ben and Amber's voices. It doesn't stop her from watching and her jaw dropped when she saw the tattoo. From here she couldn't see what exactly it was but now she knew her sister had a tattoo. She still couldn't believe it as she watched them go upstairs together.

And for some reason Xeni was angry at Amber. Why did everything seem so easy for her? Why wasn't she afraid of what their parents would do if they found out she had a tattoo. Or having sex! Xeni turned back to the tv just in time to watch a great white shark throw a hope helpless baby seal in the air. "I don't want to be that baby seal up against the shark that are my parents." She told herself out loud. She loved her parents dearly but it couldn't be denied that they were controlling.

There were rules for everything in their house and Xeni obeyed all of them and then made her own that she thought her parents would approve of and lived her life by those as well. She never had a true boyfriend, just going on a date here and there but never letting it escalate to a status relationship because she knew her parents thought they were too young to be having boyfriends. Every thing she did was so that it would make her parents proud.

Xeni annoyed with herself turned the tv off and sat there in the silence. She didn't want Ben to go upstairs with Amber because she knew what they would do but there was no stopping it. Unless... No she wouldn't, couldn't do that to Amber it was too mean. Xeni had the idea that she was going to call her Mom but decided against it. Her next idea was to holler out to her sister and ask her to return her jacket but that was childish and Amber would get upset at her timing.

So instead she went to her Father's office and music room and sat at the baby grand piano to play her favorites songs and distract herself within the music.