The McOz - just another reason to hate Australia?

I have to build on of those and try it. It's beet season.
Does it have a fried egg on it, too?

I had a burger in Oz that was a burger in name only. The beet root did not help matters.
egg and beetroot? now that doesn't tickle my tastebuds :gag-emote:
Nah, the McOz is great and all, but what you really want to wrap your laughing gear around is a 'serious lamb burger'

Yummy, lamby eggy beetrooty goodness, add some bacon for good measure.

call me nuts but i loved it. when i was in australia for doctoral research made me thrilled
People who eat macca's aren't right in the head.
I think it's all that sugar in the buns - does something to their brains.
I met quite a few American backpackers in Darwin this last week, and one thing they seemed to all agree on was that the maccas was better here.
More flavour, apparently.
I met quite a few American backpackers in Darwin this last week, and one thing they seemed to all agree on was that the maccas was better here.
More flavour, apparently.
Rumor has it that American McDonald's burgers have kangaroo meat in them.