The Manchurian Handkerchief:


Jan 23, 2011
THE MANCHURIAN HANDKERCHIEF: As Ace writes, “Debate Truthers: Liberals Can’t Believe Their God Bled, So They’re Claiming Romney Cheated.” He had a magic handkerchief apparently, which you can see in action here.

Shades of the 2004 debate between Bush and Kerry, when the left’s conspiracy du jour was that GWB wore magic Wi-Fi-transmitter, as even liberal New York magazine notes today:

Just as George W. Bush was accused by Internet sleuths of wearing a wire during a 2004 debate with John Kerry, online paranoids have decided that Mitt Romney must have cheated to win Wednesday’s presidential face-off. A slow-motion YouTube clip circulating today shows Romney removing something from his pocket as he approaches the podium, and if it were pre-written zingers, that would be a violation of the debate’s “no props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings” rule. That theory has been floated by the usual suspects of left-leaning message boards, including Democratic Underground, Daily Kos, and Reddit, but even made its way to CBS. Juicy! Except it was a handkerchief.

Our crack team of research assistants has helped us track down secret test footage of the original prototype of Gov. Romney’s customized debate handkerchief undergoing rigorous R&D testing:
Hanky or Notes: Did Mitt Cheat?

A Romney spokeswoman says it was a handkerchief, but the Internet isn't buying it. A video circulated on Friday showing Romney pulling an item out of his pocket and putting it on the podium before his debate with Obama. The liberal blogosphere immediately suggested he had prepared notes, which is assumed to be against the debating rules. The Commission on Presidential Debates has not released debate rules for 2012, but in the past, the commission has said that "no props, notes, charts, diagrams, or other writings or other tangible things may be brought into the debate by any candidate."
He brought it along to offer to the President in case started crying about the outcome.

I can't wait until the next debate. Obama will be energized, aggressive, and spewing more lies and bullshit than anyone expected.
While teh LIBZ are screeching.............CRIB NOTES

There is a video out there, where OTHER LIBZ are saying..........THEY SHOULDA LLOWED OBAMA TO USE A TP:D
He should have brought tweezers to remove the splinters from the broken chair.:)
I can't wait until the next debate. Obama will be energized, aggressive, and spewing more lies and bullshit than anyone expected.

He'll have to clueless on the subject it's going to be about.