The Man in the High Castle



I've been reading the said novel by PKD. Have read once a while ago, but this is a re-read. I re-read the beginning and his piss-taking is brilliant.

Can Anyone transrate this gibberish for me?

Gott, Herr Kreisleiter. Ist dies vielleicht der Ort wo man das Konzentrationslager bilden kann? Das Wetter ist so scho''n. Heiss aber doch scho''n...

Speaking of Si-Fi, Hulk Horgan's ''Contact'' is on in fifteen minutes. Jodie is yummy. Is she a lesbo too?
ChilledVodka said:
Gott, Herr Kreisleiter. Ist dies vielleicht der Ort wo man das Konzentrationslager bilden kann? Das Wetter ist so scho''n. Heiss aber doch scho''n...

God, Mr Kreisleader. Is this perhaps the place where one can picture the concentration camp? The weather is so beautiful. Hot but still beautiful.

A pretty poor translation, I apologise. Kreis can mean circle, region, group, and probably other things too. Leiten is to lead in the sense of leading gently (I think).
''Contact" is pretty good movie. The best line was what the blind guy said:
Nice to smell you again, Mr. Kitz.

My pet peeve is that how the hell in the world that riligious nut guy from Utah (had to be a mormon, hadn't it?) got into to the site one. Do I smell the workings of CIA, NSA, Secret Service, the Mob, etc.?

So, looks like yayati went superturbo while I was away, eh?