The Maiming Of Young Girls


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

The transgender medical agenda’s horrific toll on young girls gets exposed​

ByBrad Polumbo

August 17, 2024 6:00 am

Marci Bowers, president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, went on CBS News last year to reassure viewers that gender transition surgery on minors “really is not done under the age of 18, except in severe cases,” further suggesting the number of minors who have received such surgeries is less than 60. Well, we just found out that the narrative that minors almost never get surgery is, at best, an ignorant falsehood and, at worst, a dishonest lie.

Data recently highlighted by the Manhattan Institute’s Leo Sapir show that thousands upon thousands of such surgeries have been performed on female minors in just the last few years.

“A new analysis by the Manhattan Institute, using a more up-to-date all-payer national insurance database from 2017 to 2023, found evidence of 5,288 to 6,294 ‘gender-affirming’ double mastectomies for girls under age 18,” Sapir reports for City Journal. “This includes 50 to 179 girls who were 12.5 or younger at the time of their procedure.”

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The transgender medical agenda’s horrific toll on young girls gets exposed​

ByBrad Polumbo

August 17, 2024 6:00 am

Marci Bowers, president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, went on CBS News last year to reassure viewers that gender transition surgery on minors “really is not done under the age of 18, except in severe cases,” further suggesting the number of minors who have received such surgeries is less than 60. Well, we just found out that the narrative that minors almost never get surgery is, at best, an ignorant falsehood and, at worst, a dishonest lie.

Data recently highlighted by the Manhattan Institute’s Leo Sapir show that thousands upon thousands of such surgeries have been performed on female minors in just the last few years.

“A new analysis by the Manhattan Institute, using a more up-to-date all-payer national insurance database from 2017 to 2023, found evidence of 5,288 to 6,294 ‘gender-affirming’ double mastectomies for girls under age 18,” Sapir reports for City Journal. “This includes 50 to 179 girls who were 12.5 or younger at the time of their procedure.”

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lol at the margin of error.
You would think there would be more people who actually transitioned coming forward and warning against it as opposed to how many have said the transition saved their lives.