Bombshell Trans Report Ignored By Leftwing News


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Left-Wing News Orgs Completely Ignore Bombshell Trans Report​

April 19, 202411:33 AM ET

Various left-wing news organizations completely ignored the bombshell Cass Review, a report commissioned by England’s National Health Services (NHS) which found there was “weak evidence” for the efficacy of puberty blockers in minors, a Daily Caller review found.

The peer-reviewed report found that there is “weak evidence” for the use of puberty blockers “regarding the impact on gender dysphoria, mental or psychosocial health,” according to an overview of the findings.

“For most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress. For those young people for whom a medical pathway is clinically indicated, it is not enough to provide this without also addressing wider mental health and/or psychosocially challenging problems,” the overview continued.

Following the report, England’s NHS banned the use of puberty blockers in children in March, except in clinical studies. Scotland’s only clinic that prescribed puberty blockers for children will also stop prescribing them to children under the age of 18, the clinic announced Thursday.

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The trans movement is an evil aberration of civilized norms.
which ones specifically?

but your scat, man on man sex fantasies, and piss fetish are very normal. 🙄😅
The subject is in relation to your removed scrotum and subsequent rise in vocal tenor, not your crazy hallucinations about me.
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Funny how RightGuide, who never passes up a single opportunity to bash Britain's NHS, starts a post extolling the virtue of their research when it agrees with his anti-Trans agenda.
Missed Caller doesn't know the difference between England and the UK.
Following the report, England’s NHS banned the use of puberty blockers in children in March, except in clinical studies. Scotland’s only clinic that prescribed puberty blockers for children will also stop prescribing them to children under the age of 18, the clinic announced Thursday.
Another trend ends. I think it exists because socialized medicine will pay for this, therefore luring people into it became a big business, sort of like how they pay for electric mobility scooters for 800lb patients.
Another trend ends. I think it exists because socialized medicine will pay for this, therefore luring people into it became a big business, sort of like how they pay for electric mobility scooters for 800lb patients.
Things would be much better if the government removed itself from the private sector.
In many cases, things would indeed be better if the government removed itself from the private sector. But yet, you would absolutely cheer and applaud if government intertwined itself into people's private lives, and ruled over people's personal private choices with a spiked iron fist. Because you've said- and done so many times. So in other words, stop with the hypocritical bullshit.
You have differing forces at work here who are trying to use the government for social engineering. And both are equally nefarious and wrong in their own ways.

You have, on the one hand, the radical left (Not the mainstream liberals, or even the moderates) who want everyone to give up their gas powered cars, lawn mowers, fireplaces and gas stoves, and use government as a tool to push for the "Third Gender." Even as an environmentalist and a person who is generally pro GLBT/trans rights, I would agree (as would most people) that this is going too far.

And you have, on the other hand, the radical right, who are trying to use the government to install some sort of Taliban-esque hard-line religious government very similar to the one currently operating in Iran: One where women have no rights other than to serve as breeding stock, and personal freedoms are heavily curtailed in an attempt to force strict, hard-line religious values down everyone's throat. Freedom of expression? Freedom of religion? Sexual freedoms? Personal choice? Gone!

Sadly, it is this second option which is the biggest threat to personal freedom right now, as far more Republicans seem to be on board with implementing it, than there are leftists who are pushing for the first thing. And sadly, these same people who decry "Social Engineering" would have absolutely zero problem if the government implemented a "Social engineering" policy to create their own nightmarish "utopia."