The magic of nighttime


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
I love night and darkness. I always have.

I think it goes back to when I was a small child and had to be in bed by 8pm. We lived in an apartment complex and I could hear all the noises outside and imagined what went on "after dark." Night has always be mysterious and romantic to me. At what is probably about the half-way point in my life, and having spent so much time out in the night, when I'm out at 3am and the road's are almost empty and most people are sound asleep in their little beds, I can still get that occasional feeling of "wow, this is so cool being out in the middle of the night."

Do you like the night or the day more?
I'm more of an Alaskan night kinda guy. It's nighttime, but it doesn't feel like nighttime.
Yeah, I know. Its bad enough in June in California. I hate it when it stays light till almost 9pm. :mad:

I love the daylight late into the evening. I feel like it's a bonus to the day. But I do know the feeling you describe. I think of trips taken when I was young. Passing houses in the dark. No other cars on the road. The silence of the moment.
I love night and darkness. I always have.

I think it goes back to when I was a small child and had to be in bed by 8pm. We lived in an apartment complex and I could hear all the noises outside and imagined what went on "after dark." Night has always be mysterious and romantic to me. At what is probably about the half-way point in my life, and having spent so much time out in the night, when I'm out at 3am and the road's are almost empty and most people are sound asleep in their little beds, I can still get that occasional feeling of "wow, this is so cool being out in the middle of the night."

Do you like the night or the day more?

Am I the only one thinking "whoa, rr is finally admitting his night creeper activities."?

But, yeah, I used to get fucked up on druuuuuuugs and wander the urban landscape with friends at 1 am looking at architecture which I really enjoyed. So quiet and peaceful plus there were deer (occasionally), racoons and coyotes wandering about at that time.

On the whole though I'm pretty happy with longer warmer days. Like done with long nights at this point.
Am I the only one thinking "whoa, rr is finally admitting his night creeper activities."?

But, yeah, I used to get fucked up on druuuuuuugs and wander the urban landscape with friends at 1 am looking at architecture which I really enjoyed. So quiet and peaceful plus there were deer (occasionally), racoons and coyotes wandering about at that time.

On the whole though I'm pretty happy with longer warmer days. Like done with long nights at this point.

Honestly it all depends on where you live. Up north I could see being done with nights because it's cold as fuck, but down south, or maybe even on a coast, long nights are much appreciated, at least by me.
I prefer daytime x though most of my fantasies are imagined in night-time outdoors alone x In reality when alone outdoors after dark, I feel vulnerable and nervous and my imagination runs amok, so feel the need to get indoors safely as soon as possible, but then later...
Alaskan summer nights are fantastic, so much time in the day to enjoy and get things done. Winter is for recovering from summer.
I'm more an early morning, just before the sun kinda girl.

But I'll admit that travelling through the wee small hours, being in a cocoon of moving light, illuminating just the edges of people's lives or the land feels very surreal.