The Lounge Love Thread 2013


Classically curvy
Apr 23, 2004
As Valentine's Day approaches I thought we could do with a thread in which you can say something nice about another Lit member.

The day is known as 'friendship' day here and I'd like to think this thread could have a similar feel to it.
If you have nothing nice to say, then take it some place else please!

I'm not expecting outpourings of love everlasting but if we get any...great :D

But if there's a poster who's made you smile, or feel appreciated...a co-writer you want to give a special mention to...or whatever...why not give them a mention here...

Spread the love peoples! Spread the love!
Many come to mind when I think about those who I appreciate. So many of my fellow Litsters have done such small things to brighten my day, even if they may not realize they have.

I couldn't just name one or two, really I could give a long list of people I appreciate and am glad to have met. In some small way everyone who frequents the lounge has done something to make me happy.

So to all, thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for not always being sane and normal. Thank you for being kind, even if it isn't always.

You all provide me with the perfect escape from the real world when I need it. Please know, each one of you is appreciated.

With love,

P.S. A special heartfelt thanks goes out to Brit. She puts the effort into doing things like this and providing us with the monthly challenges. She's a beautiful and kind woman who's cheerful attitude is always a blessing. Thank you so much Brit! You deserve all of the love in the world!
Today's Love letter~



Thank you~

for forcing me to talk, even when I don't want to.
for being my friend, even when having a friendship with me is damned difficult.
for caring, even when I am a cunt.

I am blessed by your presence and you make me smile.



You get me, you've helped me through, helped me up, held me aloft and listened when I ranted, cried, or just stopped speaking all together. You are one of the VERY best things in my life and I will forever be grateful that I know you.

I adore you Kitty...and it's gonna be US, taking over the south when I come to visit. Believe that!

The plan is to think on my friends and post of my love so the Lounge can investigate, at least once a day. It was only fitting that I start with my besties, right??
There are several people whom I adore, that would be a hell of a list.

There are three people who really stand out for different reasons.


very people know me like you do. Despite knowing me that well you still hang around! In all seriousness though you have been an unwavering strength in my corner even when I didn't recognize it. Few people are lucky enough to find a friend who they can share anything with and that friend will accept it. Doesn't matter what it is. So thank you for that, and many other things.


What can I say? You are always smiling, always positive, always wonderful. It makes me wish I could be more like you. You are an inspiration to how humanity should treat each other. Kindness, respect. These are things you embody. I've said it once and I'll say it again, we are a better community here because of you.


You are 15 levels of awesome. You make me laugh and smile with ease even when I am in a horrible mood. There really aren't enough words to express it all, you know how much I adore you and that is what really counts.
Bounces around the room

First, my birthday is on Valentine's Day!!! So woo!!

Second... where do I even begin?!

Okay, I'm gonna have to think about this one, but leaving mad loves for all of you!!!
Bounces around the room

First, my birthday is on Valentine's Day!!! So woo!!

Second... where do I even begin?!

Okay, I'm gonna have to think about this one, but leaving mad loves for all of you!!!

Pick the highlight reel darling. I know I had a long list... you? We'd be here until the end of time.
Pick the highlight reel darling. I know I had a long list... you? We'd be here until the end of time.

FD! A man with whom I have a very, very, very, very long turbulent history, but with the help of time, meds, therapy and several awesome hours of apologies on both our parts we've discovered that we can not only be wonderful friends, but that we work well together. Also he's pretty. So that helps. :heart: Actually, I adore this man, and am lucky to count him among those who have changed my life in huge ways.
FD! A man with whom I have a very, very, very, very long turbulent history, but with the help of time, meds, therapy and several awesome hours of apologies on both our parts we've discovered that we can not only be wonderful friends, but that we work well together. Also he's pretty. So that helps. :heart: Actually, I adore this man, and am lucky to count him among those who have changed my life in huge ways.

What can I say? I leave emotional scars in my wake. :kiss:

P.S. A special heartfelt thanks goes out to Brit. She puts the effort into doing things like this and providing us with the monthly challenges. She's a beautiful and kind woman who's cheerful attitude is always a blessing. Thank you so much Brit! You deserve all of the love in the world!


What can I say? You are always smiling, always positive, always wonderful. It makes me wish I could be more like you. You are an inspiration to how humanity should treat each other. Kindness, respect. These are things you embody. I've said it once and I'll say it again, we are a better community here because of you.

Awww, thanks you two :eek:

Am all blushy now.

I'm another with a massive list of people but am steadily finding words for them so will post soon.

There are very few men that register for me as something other than a phallus carried around in cyber land. These next few are REAL in a way that most here can NEVER be. My trio of blush inducers.

Fr33kn3ss AKA PgoD~

You are the epitome of awesome. Caring, sweet with an ability to listen that is outmatched by just about anyone I have ever met. You make me laugh, cheer me up and cause me to blush with but a few well placed words. You are REAL. And amazing.

M13 AKA a patient male~

You are my friend. More than that, you are my unpaid psychologist and all around good guy cheerleader. You have helped me almost as much as Twin and DJ. You are an amazingly gifted writer and I am pleased beyond measure that you opened yourself up to getting to know me.

FHD AKA the Daddy

You are. Just that. You ARE. You are yin to my yang. Pain that matches and sometimes outpaces my own. You are the gift, a friend, a person who's voice always lifts me out of myself. I am pleased beyond measure that after all this time, we are finally getting to know one another.

Thanks guys. I adore you.

Today's list is brought to you by the letter B.


A true lady~loving, sweet, intelligent, hella great writer with a devious mind that is hidden behind that blindingly innocent smile. You are one of the better class of people here and I love to sign in and see you, even if it is only in passing.


I love you. You are my friend, my personal cheerleader and someone who inspires me to pick myself up when I am feeling beat down. There could never be enough words to explain what you have given to me just by being my friend and mere words are not enough anyway.

And the Letter V.


You amaze me. You are strong, beautiful, gifted. You have a way with words and a lightness that most people can only hope to get next to, one day. I am grateful, so fucking grateful that you and I started speaking and proud of you in ways I can not ever begin to explain.

Thank you.


I don't shout it all over the forums and I doubt if you will ever see this~ but
I love you. I've loved you for a very long time, through all sorts of permutations, through fights and arguments and not speaking and pout fits. You are one of the very best emotive writers I have ever read and I strive daily to get my characters to express their feelings in way that makes sense~closer to your level and less like my own.

You rock.
And the Letter V.


You amaze me. You are strong, beautiful, gifted. You have a way with words and a lightness that most people can only hope to get next to, one day. I am grateful, so fucking grateful that you and I started speaking and proud of you in ways I can not ever begin to explain.

Thank you.

We're going to start somewhere, because I don't know who to begin with...

Thank you Luna for your kind words.

You are fire and earth and sass and everything that I want to be when I learn how to grow up. That you are not aware of how strong you are continues to amaze me. I am simply in awe of you darling, and have been for quite some time. Your support continues to buoy me in my weakest moments and sometimes it feels as if it's more than I can ever deserve. I adore you.

Someday, my darling this place will be safe for you, and back here triumphant and wonderful you shall come back into the arms of those who love and admire you. Your words, support, and love have left me feeling adored. Wonderful. I am so thankful, for you, love.

There are very few men that register for me as something other than a phallus carried around in cyber land. These next few are REAL in a way that most here can NEVER be. My trio of blush inducers.

Fr33kn3ss AKA PgoD~

You are the epitome of awesome. Caring, sweet with an ability to listen that is outmatched by just about anyone I have ever met. You make me laugh, cheer me up and cause me to blush with but a few well placed words. You are REAL. And amazing.

M13 AKA a patient male~

You are my friend. More than that, you are my unpaid psychologist and all around good guy cheerleader. You have helped me almost as much as Twin and DJ. You are an amazingly gifted writer and I am pleased beyond measure that you opened yourself up to getting to know me.

FHD AKA the Daddy

You are. Just that. You ARE. You are yin to my yang. Pain that matches and sometimes outpaces my own. You are the gift, a friend, a person who's voice always lifts me out of myself. I am pleased beyond measure that after all this time, we are finally getting to know one another.

Thanks guys. I adore you.

Thank you, Luna. Your words about me lifted my spirits when I needed the boost. Plus, hearing you speak of the other two gents here, and what you think of them - after deciphering what looked like a typo in freeks - gave my mood that little bit more of an upward nudge. I am glad that I have had the chance to both write with you, and get to know you as well.
We're going to start somewhere, because I don't know who to begin with...

Thank you Luna for your kind words.

You are fire and earth and sass and everything that I want to be when I learn how to grow up. That you are not aware of how strong you are continues to amaze me. I am simply in awe of you darling, and have been for quite some time. Your support continues to buoy me in my weakest moments and sometimes it feels as if it's more than I can ever deserve. I adore you.

:eek: You stop that.:rose:

Thank you, Luna. Your words about me lifted my spirits when I needed the boost. Plus, hearing you speak of the other two gents here, and what you think of them - after deciphering what looked like a typo in freeks - gave my mood that little bit more of an upward nudge. I am glad that I have had the chance to both write with you, and get to know you as well.

I am glad that my words made you just a tad bit cheerier. Your words do that for me, ALL THE TIME.


Because they should know.

Lady aka DW

Thank you for tolerating me when I am practically intolerable. Furthermore, thank you for the sweet missives and pretty pictures and kind words and all of the many, many things you have done over the past~hell~ I don't know how long. You are an amazing woman with a vast capacity for love. It shows.



Sometimes, not often, but sometimes...I stumble upon a person who leaves me completely unable to figure them out or place them in a little box marked *only fit for play*. YOU are that person. You have given me much to think about and lovely conversations that no one will ever know about. You have taken me into your confidence and tried, in your way, to share yourself with me. You make me smile and make me think and make me wish...oh so many things. Thank you...for being you.

Big Cat

You left me...but you came back and somehow, just your presence brings laughter to my heart and spanks to my bottom. You are good person, a beautiful woman and a brilliant writer. I am so glad you've returned and lucky that we are still friends.
I am glad that my words made you just a tad bit cheerier. Your words do that for me, ALL THE TIME.


Luna, your words made me more than a tad cheerier. It was your words to the other gents that added the tad of cheeriness to the hefty mood lift your words gave me.


Sometimes, not often, but sometimes...I stumble upon a person who leaves me completely unable to figure them out or place them in a little box marked *only fit for play*. YOU are that person. You have given me much to think about and lovely conversations that no one will ever know about. You have taken me into your confidence and tried, in your way, to share yourself with me. You make me smile and make me think and make me wish...oh so many things. Thank you...for being you.

Probably the best set of compliments I have ever received. Stale stagnation and predictability are things that I hate. I would rather fail uniquely a thousand times than succeed the same way a thousand times. I'm honored to be counted among those you write about here. I will always be a conundrum for such a strong caring downright sexy woman.
@ Luna - You, my wolfling, are a fantastic and beautiful woman. I'm glad I can bring a smile to your face even when your moods are dark. The things I've learned from you are countless and I'm eternally grateful for you seeing things that I do not. I never wanted to leave, and I'm thankful every day that you still see me as a friend.

P.S. *Grin* I will gladly smack your ass any gets my hand on your butt :p
I don't know what's up, but you make me happy with your random messages. I certainly hope this Leaving Plan is simply a breather from the crazy. I know how that is.

You let me be a goof with you and send you stupid things and... Other stuff...
And I love it when you call me little fox. :cathappy: you make crappy days a thousand times better. (And keep trying to break me of bad habits that I know I'll never lose.)

You damn stalker.
He's still my e-hubby.
We have an adopted son, Pepito, in Guatemala. (You didn't know? SURPRISE!)
You're a brat, a pain in my ass, and I luv you. Even if sometimes I want to bop you in the nose. One of these days I'll tie you down and give you a piece of my mind. (that over due bday present, sweetie.)

Because they should know.

Lady aka DW

Thank you for tolerating me when I am practically intolerable. Furthermore, thank you for the sweet missives and pretty pictures and kind words and all of the many, many things you have done over the past~hell~ I don't know how long. You are an amazing woman with a vast capacity for love. It shows.



Tolerating does not enter into it. Thank you, dearling for taking the time to find those little somethings when you know I need a little something from someone. You manage to make me smile when I least feel like it. Thank you for the small lessons you have showed me over the past~hell~I don't know how long. *grins* You are a hummingbird. :kiss:
It is very hard to write here without feeling like I will make someone feel overlooked. Everyone here has meant something to me in some way. It is only the way the Universe aligns itself that I have gotten closer to some more than others. Either way, I want to say something about those I care for most. So, in no particular order, I will follow Luna's lead and post about a person or two over the next few days.


You are such a dear friend. You are the reason I have the courage to write. We started a story and you encouraged me...and encouraged me. You make me laugh many times every day. You let me be blunt and vulgar when I usually don't let myself be that way around people. So here you go, a public admiration. Deal with it or fuck off! ;) Ruv!

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You damn stalker.
He's still my e-hubby.
We have an adopted son, Pepito, in Guatemala. (You didn't know? SURPRISE!)
You're a brat, a pain in my ass, and I luv you. Even if sometimes I want to bop you in the nose. One of these days I'll tie you down and give you a piece of my mind. (that over due bday present, sweetie.)


You're pretty awesome yourself, e-wifey. I always enjoy swapping IMs and messages in general on whatever random subjects happen to catch either of our attention at the time and then seeing where stuff goes from there as we rabble onward. Not to mention the pestering where I always seem to find ways of blaming everything that happens on you in some way or another. *smirk*

But badgering you for my own amusement aside, you're a cool chick with awesome tastes and a wickedly strange sense of humor which makes me smile far too easily at times. If we somehow met each other as kids, I'd totally make you an exception to the 'girls are icky' stage and invite you over to play with my superhero toys. Just don't start doing weird stuff to my Joker figures.

Also, Pepito better not hog the milk to himself.
This morning's admiration

Sia, aka my long lost sister,

It is so nice to have gotten to know you, though I feel like I have known you for a very long time. When I sign on to chat with you, it is like I am transported to a cafe and we are sitting and talking like old friends do. No matter what the topic there is always an interesting, fun, and intelligent conversation to be had with you. I am quite sure in a parallel universe, you are my sister. It is nice to know someone as lovely as you...and I am totally borrowing all of your clothes in that parallel universe. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me.

Sia, aka my long lost sister,

It is so nice to have gotten to know you, though I feel like I have known you for a very long time. When I sign on to chat with you, it is like I am transported to a cafe and we are sitting and talking like old friends do. No matter what the topic there is always an interesting, fun, and intelligent conversation to be had with you. I am quite sure in a parallel universe, you are my sister. It is nice to know someone as lovely as you...and I am totally borrowing all of your clothes in that parallel universe. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to me.


*sniffles* Aw, dearest thank you! I feel the same way. I so rarely bond with other women, especially on the internet; however you and I share a very special friendship.

*tight huggle and kiss to the cheek*

You made my day. :)