The Locker Room (closed)


Really Really Experienced
Aug 15, 2012
Olympia Summers had gotten into college for sports more so then grades. As her high school's start pole vaulter and state champion the offers from colleges came from all over the United States. When she heard from UCLA she got her hopes up, forgetting in the hush of excitement that her parents would never left her move so far away for something as "goal less" as sports. Her entire life they have been strict with her. Shorts were always knee length though her Father preferred her in jeans. Nothing every too flashy or cropped to show skin. Even tank tops earned her a stern look from her parents. And that was just about the way she dressed, you could imagine how the rest of it went. No boyfriends, no boys over the house and it didn't matter if her parents were home or not. She wasn't ever allowed to sleep over at her friend's house and she had to be in the house before dark.

Pia took the last folded shirt out of the box and placed it in the drawer. The dorm room was a two person shared but the half that was her's was bigger then her room at home and it was easy to fit everything into it with space to fill. Pia tossed the empty box against her bed with the other two. Even if she was only three hours from home this felt like a whole new world. It was kind of intense and overwhelming but she was ready for this, wasn't she?

On her bed laid the training uniforms for the track and field team. The top was made out of some kind athletic material and hugged her body. It also managed to be a tank top that ran short of meeting with the top of her shorts leaving about an inch of exposed skin of midriff. And the shorts! Thy were made of the same dark blue stretchy material and was higher then the length of her fingers. Added with the way that it hugged and clung to her, Pia could only imagine what her Father would say.

His voice rang out in her head and Pia burst out laughing. She didn't have to listen to him anymore. At least not in this matter.

When Pia was younger and had wanted to join the swim team her bad balked at the idea. He claimed it was dangerous but Pia knew it was because of the swimsuits so when he suggested the track and field team she went out of her way to work at joining the most dangerous event, pole vaulting. Which didn't phase her Father at all even thought it was more dangerous then swimming.

Pia checked the rubber wrist watch for the time and quickly changed into her training uniform. Today was the first day of practice with the team's newest members, a week the older class men called the Freshmen Flood. When she was fully dressed Pia looked at herself in the mirror. She looked different. Her shoulder were pulled back and her head was held high. Her Father would have a fit if he say her and she knew that it was for his benefit that she slipped on a pair of workout pants and a baggy shirt. Her sports bag was already packed with a clean set of clothing, soaps and a half towel and she picked it up on her way out and threw it over her shoulder.

Now if Pia remembered it correctly the field was past Sproul Hall and would take her about 15 minutes to get there. She had left early just in case and gave herself a good 20 minutes of cushion time.
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Ryzeal Jorganson stretched his wide shoulders, sitting down on the bed. He had finally finished unpacking at UCLA, and wanted to take a little time to relax. The last four years had lead him to where he was today, maybe even earlier than that. He remembered hearing that his dad had been transferred to a job in the US from Sweden. He had kicked and screamed, not wanting to leave his friends, but in the end, the job willed out.

Ryze had taken a while to settle into his school, but once he did, he quickly realized that he enjoyed being in California. It had the laid back atmosphere he had loved at home, and he had quickly made friends at his new school. He had to give up football, or soccer in America, because there wasn't really a school team for him to join up on. After middle school, he really wouldn't fit in in soccer, maybe football. Ryze had "blossomed", as his mother said, to a tall 6'5", with broad shoulders, and weighed in at right around 214 pounds.

He hadn't wanted to play American football, so instead settled for track and field. He immediately fell in love with the shot put and discus. When he went to State his freshman year, and then each subsequent year in high school, scholarships were bound to flow in. He had been dedicated to the sport, developing the technique and physique to do very well in his events. When UCLA came knocking, he knew immediately where he was going.

As Ryze snapped out of memories he groaned. The Freshman Flood was going to start soon, and he had to report to the field. He changed quickly, noticing how the new training clothes fit. The shirt was loose, but at the same time didn't restrict his movements or pinch him. The shorts were longer than he was used to, but allowed full range of motion, and were comfortable. Finally, he knew the shoes would allow him to get a better plant or push for his throws.

He packed his gym bag with extra clothes, as well as his shower stuff. He had an oversized towel, sandals, soap, shampoo, and deodorant. He figured that would be enough, as that was what he used in high school. He knew his roommate would be reporting in soon, so left his stuff on his side of the room and headed to the field, wondering what the Flood would really be like.
Pia knew she was early even without checking her watch. She slurped on her fruit smoothie thinking of the detour that she had taken to get it in hopes of killing sometime. She didn't want to be the person that was there first but this was her second pass by of the track field and she didn't want to risk anymore and be recognized as that fly by creeper.

There still didn't seem to be anyone around that was part of the track and field team. Pia had reached the bottom of her small smoothie and the empty pulls on her straw echoed loudly in her cup. Shouldn't the coaches at least be here? The plastic cup soared in the air and, swish, perfect throw into the trash can.

"Hmmm." Pia fought the urge to dig through her bag for the map she knew she had in there. What a way to peg herself as a freshman... She sighed and shrugged off her bag, hearing it thunk dully to the ground. There was nothing in there was should be breakable so she didn't fuss over the dropped bag. She looked around again and bit her lip. Everything looked set up but the place was fairly empty. Being twenty-three minutes early was maybe a bad idea.

Oh! Over there. Was that a group of what looked like thee or four people making there way over here?

Pia tried to watch them from the corner of her eye but at the last moment the group turned away from the track field and walked past, the linger echoes of their conversation blown by the wind. Well that was it. She wasn't going to just stand here like some big eyed doe in the head lights. She was nervous and jumpy and a mix of all sorts of emotions. There would be people here in time she just had to learn to calm down and wait.

Deciding to play around Pia wondered over to the staring line and tipped over with her hands out in front of her. The world always managed to look less intimidating when it was upside down. She took a step forward on her hands, her body ridged as she tried to maintain her balance. The shirt that she had put over her uniform slid down her bog, too big to stay put and tangled around her head blocking her sight of things.

"Mumph-ah- there." Pia's body stared to waver without movement and she took a few hand steps to center herself and she shook her head free of the shirt. Free of her head the shirt ran down her arms and pooled at her hands and she simply walked out of it mind focused on how far she could go on her hands. In numbered counts Pia could get to about fifty or so before her ears started to ring with the rush of blood running to her head and she lost focus. She doubted with the shirt delay she would be able to get as far but she was going to try her best.

Her feet swayed back and forth balancing her body and the sweatpants ran up her legs and bunched at her knees, the cotton fabric whispering against each other with each hand step. Pia could feel the warmth of her face and knew that it would be a deep blushing red when she flipped back onto her feet. Her mind began to wondered as she imagined what her new team would be like.

"Oww!" Pia's hand jolted her body with a nice sharp explosion of pain, she had walked over something because she wasn't paying attention and it cause her to loose her balance and tumble to the ground, narrowly missing landing on her face. "What the-" She looked at her hand and in the center of her palm was the tiniest of rocks. Small, black and somewhat triangular in shape. "Little bugger." Pia sat up and crossed her legs as she flicked the rock away with her free hand. It wasn't sharp or large enough to draw blood and once she rubbed the small indention out of her palm it was like nothing happened. Except the frown on Pia's face at having lost her balance and falling.

This time when she looked around there were people starting to file onto the field, including what looked to be the coaches. Perfect timing, far enough away that maybe they didn't catch her tumble but close enough to make note that she was there early.
Ryze had gone ahead and gotten a protein shake before heading to the field. He had left close to 10 minutes early, wanting to be there to help set things up if need be, or at least get on the good side of the coaches. He figured that maybe the protein shake would eat up a few minutes.

He arrived at the field, seeing only one person there. He stood out of sight of her, knowing that the coaches would be coming from the locker rooms. He stood where they could see him as they came, and started to stretch a little. His back popped, and he sighed with relief. Driving all day earlier hadn't helped him settle down, but it finally felt like he had worked all the kinks out.

He continued to watch whoever it was seem to goof around on the track. He could tell she was in very good shape by the look of her body. Tall, lithe, and athletic. The telltale signs of a track and field participant. He smiled and wondered how he fit into that.

He almost laughed when he saw her doing a handstand on the track, but quickly shut his mouth when he saw her shirt fall to her head. She had a body to kill for. He realized he was going to start drooling, so shut his mouth and watched. He smiled as she walked out of her shirt, and then kept going. She had determination and skill, he had to give her that.

He saw her tumble, and started to get up to walk over to her, grabbing his stuff as he walked over. He heard the door open and smiled, seeing the coaches. At least the hadn't seen her tumble. He sighed and made his way over to the field for shot put and discus. He wondered what event she would be doing, but decided to focus on his own events, and the fact that he suddenly seemed to be the biggest guy on the field.
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Pia ran to pick up her shirt and turned to gather her sports bag when she saw him. The first word that came to mind was 'Viking'. She wasn't quite sure if that was a fair judgment of the tall beefy blond but it looked about right and she didn't feel bad for thinking it.

"Hi." Pia tried to be friendly and gave a little wave at the Viking, watching out of the corner of her eye as he made his way to the shot put and discus area. Go figure. It was what she would have guessed him to be in. I wonder how long he had been there and if he saw my tumble? She hoped that he didn't and tried to ignore the embarrassment over the fact that he might have seen it.

Pia stood near the pole vaulting layout and waited for the coaches. She met the pole vaulting team and the head coach and her team coach before she was put through a killer day of training.

"Alright that's it for the day." The head coach blew his whistle and called for the end of the day five hours later.

She had never been more sore in her life. They ran her, made her jump, timed her and put her through every every exercise they could think of. The only thing that made it better was that the whole team was going through the same thing.

It put into prospective how easy she had things in high school and how much more she needed to work on her core strength and stamina. Not that she was out of shape or anything, there was just room for improvement.

Pia picked up her bag, rethought about it and dropped it to the ground and sat down. She was covered in sweat and she could feel her muscles throb with every beat of her heart. She was going to feel like shit tomorrow. Not wanting to stiffen up Pia slowly got to her feet and started on some yoga.

She was lingering so that the other girls would be near to done if not gone before she headed to the locker rooms. It wasn't that she was shy or anything but getting naked in front of a group of strangers wasn't her cup of tea.

College girls didn't linger in the locker rooms like high schools and after just about five minutes a group of girls exited the locker room. Alright, her turn/ Pia picked up her bag then and hurried over to the locker rooms. Her body naturally wanted to go right but the sign on the wall pointed to the boys locker rooms.

Wait? Hhhu? She paused at the doors and bit her lip. But wasn't.... She turned around and read the sign on the other door. It pointed to the girl's locker room. She turned and walked the other ways and entered the locker room.

The color of the rooms were muted college colors and didn't give any clue as to the gender of the locker room. Pia could hear a shower on but there only sounded like there was one. One Pia could handle and she quickly undress and grabbed her small towel, slipped on her shower slippers and grabbed her shower soaps.
Ryze waved at the girl who had taken the tumble. She seemed fine, and he wasn't going to embarrass her by letting her know he had seen her tumble. Instead, he just kept moving to the shot put and discus area. In high school, the areas had been enclosed so that they were just throwing in one direction. Now, these were wide open, and he knew someone was going to throw in the wrong direction. He just hoped it wasn't him.

He quickly forgot about the girl, focusing solely on his training. The team coach was a stickler for proper form. Ryze knew he had okay form, but knew that he would have to work on it a lot more to please the coach. All of the veteran athletes seemed to have their form down perfectly, and he knew that, even if he could throw further than any of them, their skills and technique would win out.

The day seemed to go on and on. His arms, legs, core, everything was tired. He hadn't had this kind of a workout ever for track and field. He knew he was going to be sore, so stuck around and stretched a bit. He also didn't like to shower with other guys. There was too much horsing around, and he didn't need them commenting on his stature, or the common viking jokes that they told. No matter what, his accent and his looks always brought about those comparisons and jokes.

He smiled before making his way into the empty boy's bathroom. He quickly stripped, stuffing his clothes into the end of his duffel bag. He grabbed his bathroom supplies and quickly turned on the hot water. He let it get a little too hot, knowing it would help relax him, before turning it back just a bit to help him calm down. He finally started to wash, hearing another shower starting up. He didn't know who was with him, but he didn't want to get caught out and be hazed his first day on the team.

He knew that was going to happen anyways when he heard a loud group of guys starting to come in. He shook his head, before stiffening. The soapy smell that he had just inhaled wasn't the normal old spice or axe fragrance. It was flowery. He knew something was up, and wasn't sure what to do. Instead he just waited, not quite sure what was going on, continuing his shower.
Pia took the open shower two down from the occupied one. The showers were another difference that she noticed when she walked in. In high school there was a common shower pole with four shower heads pointed in each direction so that you had to shower in a circle of three other girls. College showers were long narrow rooms with shower stalls on each side separated with a full running wall on each side and a thigh to chest half door. It was a nice change and she suddenly felt silly for having waited until the other girls left.

She had just started her shower, opened the soap bottle, squirted some into her hands when she heard the voices.

"No I swear. I know what I saw."

Pia froze uncertain of what she heard and turned off her water so she could hear better.

"You really think it worked then?" A different voiced asked, a male voice!

Everything slowed down the same time her heart jumped up and started racing against her mind. What was she going to do?!?! Pia had already turned off the water, gathered her soap stuff and wrapped her towel around herself or at least she tried to. The towel was too small and only covered the front half of her body and then only from her mid thigh to just above her breasts. "Shit. Oh, crap-crap-crap!" Pia moaned under her breath pacing from her stall to the last stall and back again.

She knew something was wrong when she tried to walk into the Woman's locker room and saw the Men's sign. What had happened?!?! Why were the signs mixed up and why was she the only one to fall for it?

Pia whined in the back of her throat and felt like crying. There was no where to hide and the voices were getting closer.

"Then where is her stuff? If a girl walked in here then where is her stuff?" A third voice asked, it was just around the corner and Pia was standing in the middle of the shower way like a deer caught in the head lights.

"I don't know, maybe in a locker we didn't look through them. But I know what I saw. It was a chick with tit and everything." Defended the first voice.

"I'm fucking her first!" Was that a fourth voice?

Pia's body was shaking now, tears blurring her vision.

"No way! I saw her first!" Shouted the first voice.

Oh God they were arguing over who was going to fuck her first. Was this some kind of cruel joke? Of course it was. But would they at least let her voice her opinion over the matter and let her go? From the way they were talking it didn't sound like it. Damn it, her Father was right! Men were dogs and she should have just stayed home. If she had she wouldn't be in this situation about to get team tagged by four or more strange and cruel men.
Ryze heard the voices getting steadily closer. He heard them arguing, and suddenly the smell he had picked up on made sense. There was a girl in the bathroom with him. He was happy they were still searching the locker room, which was separated from shower area. He thought quickly on what to do, and decided that if he saw the girl, he was going to help her.

Ryze had grown up alone, but his best friends always seemed to be women. He had been raised to not be the chauvinistic pig that his father had grown up around. That had been stressed that women were treated with respect.

He turned his shower off and waited to see what was going on. He heart wet feet lightly moving across the floor. He stuck his head out to see, and sure enough there was a girl trying to figure out what to do. He could also see that she was starting to panic with what to do. The things these guys were saying showed it was far from a prank, but that they were going to seriously do this.

He decided to act, stepping out of the shower stall and quickly grabbing the girl's arm. He pulled her in and then pushed her under his shower. He pulled the curtain back in place, before setting in front of her.

"Don't move. I'm sorry that this seems so awkward, but it's the only way that they won't catch you," he said quietly, hoping she would go along with this. She hadn't screamed yet, but he wanted to make sure she wouldn't.

"Where the fuck is she!? You said she was in here, yet we haven't seen anything that would suggest she is!" the apparent leader said harshly.

"I swear she was here. I saw her going in, and knew we could continue the tradition," the softer voice said.

Ryze heard footsteps approaching, and grabbed his towel. He started to dry his hair as his shower curtain was pulled open.

"I fou...Nevermind, it's just that bigass viking," the leader said.

Ryze turned quickly, making sure they didn't see the girl. "Watch who you're calling a viking, pipsqueak. Otherwise, I'll go viking all over your ass and leave you in a heap on the ground," he said.

The leader scoffed, but then sized Ryze up. He easily stood a head above all of them, and was solid muscle. He backed away before saying, "She's not here. Lets go before we get into trouble," the leader said.

Ryze waited until he heard the door open and close to the locker room before turning to the girl. "We're safe now. I'm sorry for grabbing you, but you can finish your shower now," he said, his voice quiet, as he blushed.
Maybe if she screamed really, really loud someone would hear her.

"Wa-gah!" Some one grabbed her arm and she was pulled into a shower stall, thrust under the water and released as a large body settled between herself and the shower door. It had all happened so fast and Pia was quick to recover but the man's voice made her calm down a bit.

He was trying to help her? He wasn't part of this prank? And that voice? Where was this guy from?

She turned against the body that was hiding her and looked up at the man who was trying to help. It was the Viking! She opened her mouth to say something but the other male voice shut her up.

They were getting closer. Pia tried to make herself small as she pressed herself tighter against the Viking, clutching her painfully small towel to the front of her body her mind racing with other problems and passing over the fact that her wet, bare body was flush against his his wet, bare body.

"I fou...Nevermind, it's just that bigass viking."

Pia scrunched her eyes closed and wiggled back against the Viking, trying to crawl into his skin and hide. She wasn't sure if the other guys could see her but the Viking was using his body and his towel to hide her.

"Watch who you're calling a viking, pipsqueak. Otherwise, I'll go viking all over your ass and leave you in a heap on the ground."

The Viking's words made her smile and she peeked up at him without trying to move and draw attention.

"She's not here. Lets go before we get into trouble."

Are they really going to go?

"We're safe now. I'm sorry for grabbing you, but you can finish your shower now."

Pis nodded her head. She had heard the locker room open and close but had't moved. "Thank you." She finally whispered stepping away from him. She kept her eyes on his face as she tried to cover herself with her towel. "I don't know what I wou-

The door opened again and the same voices returned.

"I don't care if the Viking scared you. I smell like shit and I'm taking me a shower!" It was the voice that had claimed he saw a girl walk in to the Men's locker room.

Oh no, they're back! Pia had taken one step out of the shower when she jumped back and hide behind her Viking savior.

"Just don't bother him and I'm sure he'll leave us alone." Lectured the one voice.

The group had returned and were coming back to the showers.

"Hide me." She whimpered pressing her body tight against him again.
Ryze smiled down at this girl in his shower. She started to say something, but then he pressed her back into the shower as he heard the door open.

"I don't care if the Viking scared you. I smell like shit and I'm taking me a shower!" It was the voice that had claimed he saw a girl walk in to the Men's locker room.

Ryze groaned. He looked down at the girl and then smiled helplessly at her. He leaned his head down towards her ear and then whispered, "It looks like we're going to be here for a while, unless you are finished showering and would like me to car-"

"Just don't bother him and I'm sure he'll leave us alone." Lectured the one voice.

He groaned a little louder, but not enough to hear. Now the whole group was back. He knew that there were enough showers at least six people, but he wasn't sure how big the group was.

"Hide me." She whimpered pressing her body tight against him again.

Ryze nodded, turning around and squatting down. He moved back, before brushing against the girl's body. "Sorry," he muttered, before picking her up, carrying her piggyback. He knew it was the only surefire way that the guys wouldn't see two sets of legs in his shower.

He heard someone turn on a radio, listening to what sounded like rap filter through the noise of the showers. He was happy about that, because he didn't have to whisper. He was already filtering out what the guys said, knowing they would probably want to get out quickly to catch the big parties that were going on for the athletes before everyone else got to the college.

"If you weren't done showering, go ahead and finish. We are going to be here until they leave, so you may as well finish cleaning yourself," he said over his shoulder. He was trying to make her comfortable and relax, so smiled and continued, "You could also wash my back if you'd like. It's kind of hard for me to get all of it, and you're in the perfect position to get it all."

He tried to forget that a naked, beautiful girl was pressed up against his back, his hands clasped under her wet thighs. He wasn't in danger of touching anything inappropriate, but he was as hard as he had ever been with just the skin contact of her on his back. He knew he was blushing, and just hoped it would go back down before he was caught.
Like me to car? Pia's brows crinkled together in confusion. She didn't know how long the Viking had been speaking English but so far it had been perfect. Was he perhaps offering to take her back to her car? She didn't have a car and lived on campus but the idea of not walking back alone did sound nice. Not that she was too sure she wanted her Viking in naked glory, you know like knight in shining armor, to know where her dorm was.

When the Viking turned around and squatted in front of her, Pia wasn't quite sure what he wanted. Does he want me to get on? She looked around confused again, she did however wave off his 'Sorry'. He was just trying to help and with the small space that they were sharing they were bound to touch. The only thing she didn't get was how was this going to better hide her? She wanted to ask questions but didn't want to risk being heard and climbed on. He stood up and lifted her as if she weighted nothing. It was impressive and spoke volumes of his strength. Not so much because she weighted alot but more because of the intense work out the coaches put them through. Her body was still a little sore and would have nagged at her having to lift something her weight.

Pis tried to keep space between her and the Vikings but it was near to impossible not to be close to him with her legs around him and her arms hooked over his shoulder. Still she tried to keep her towel covered chest from bumping into his back and tried to keep still so that his hands wouldn't need to mover from the back of her thighs.

Urg, great, rap music. If there was one music type that she couldn't stand it was rap. Go figure they listen to rap. If Pia didn't like them before their choice of music would have been a red flag.

"I don't think I'll be able to wash myself from your back." Pia had thought about how it would work and could figure out a way that wouldn't require they to bump against each other. "Maybe if you just let me down again and stand behind me like before." She kept her voice low so the horrible music hid her voice but was loud enough the the Viking could hear.

She had thought about it while she was on his back and was almost a 100% sure that if they kept close and angled out with their back to the other showers they could get away with not being seen.
Ryze nodded and then set the girl down. He wanted to let her get situated, so he turned around, making sure the screen was fully covering them. He was happy that there were latches to hold the curtain in place, as there could be gaps otherwise.

He listened to what the other guys were saying, which was typical guy stuff. They were all wanting to find the girl who had apparently come into the shower, and do all sorts of things to her. He was hoping that they were close to leaving, as it would make things much less awkward.

He could feel water spraying against him, so figured it was okay to turn around. He gulped, noticing the girl's wet body. He looked away before his body had time to react, before starting to finish his shower. He hadn't gotten very far, so knew he still had a ways to go.

"Let me know if we need to switch positions so you can wash something else or whatever," he said quietly as he soaped his hands and started to wash his chest, shoulders, and arms, finally feeling the muscles starting to relax from practice.
Pia was grateful that her Viking was so sweet and accommodating. When he set her down he turned and gave her as much privacy as he could. She could hear him fiddling with the curtain, why was this the only shower out of, like a dozen, that had a curtain instead of a door? It didn't feel any bigger then the shower she had been in before she heard the voice and the tiles were arranged in the same patterns and colors.

These were the things that she tried to fill her mind with as Pia clutched the wet towel to her body ignoring the other voices in the shower room. Pia wanted to keep the towel on her but with it's small side and the way it clung to her body left little to hide behind. It was used less and she rolled it up in a ball and placed it in the corner where her soaps were. She picked up her flowery sweet smelling soap and paused. She couldn't use her own soap, someone would no doubt smell it and be on the look for her again and there was only one place they hadn't looked.

Pia nodded under the spray of the shower. "Umm..." She was trying as hard as she could to keep her eyes on his face and cover her front half when she turned to him with a shy smile. "Can I borrow your soap?" She whispered. "I don't want to use mine and give myself away." Pia was hoping that he had liquid soap because knowing her luck she would be the one to drop the soap bar.

This was crazy. She could count on her hand how many times she had seen a boy in his bathing suit on one hand. Never had she been so close to a boy in her life and to make matters worse he was naked. It made her dizzy just to think about it. There was this handsome, knightly Viking that saved her naked just inches from her body. She had seen the bodies of the boys on her track team as they worked out and ran and had always wondered about the physical differences. It was a curiosity that burned the back of her mind with questions as she fought to stay polite and not look over his body.

Her mouth felt dry and her heart was beating too fast. What was that noise in her ears? Was that the pounding of her heartbeat? Yes, she believed it was. Pia bit her lip and turned around so she wouldn't have to look at her Viking anymore and stared at the wall, her hand open palm up over her shoulder wait for him to share his soap.

I'm not looking at him again. Not even once more! She promised herself with a sharp nod of her head, water streaming down her face.
Ryze kept his eyes ahead of him as he listened to what she was asking. He realized that it actually made a lot of sense. She used very flowery, feminine soap, and it would be a dead giveaway that she was in here. He didn't bother to speak, instead bending down to pick his bottle of soap up. He put it in her palm and waited until she took it.

Okay, I need to relax and just go about my shower routine he thought, picking up the shampoo he used. He was happy it didn't really smell, since it would allow him to do something while she was doing something. He also didn't want two conflicting smells coming out of his shower stall.

He continued to listen to the guys talking, finally hearing that they were getting finished. He finished working the shampoo into his hair and then tapped the girl on the shoulder before leaning down to whisper into her ear, "I need to use the water really quick. Could you either help to rinse the shampoo out of my hair while I lean over, or can you and I trade places quickly so I can rinse it out?"

He had his eyes closed as he waited for an answer, feeling the shampoo starting to run down his face. He wasn't sure that it would be the best idea for them to switch places, but didn't know if she would be okay with helping him.
Pia took the soap from him and squirted some into her hand. She hadn't thought that far and stood there for a moment with the bottle in one hand and the soap in the other. Normally she would have just bent down and put it on the ground but bending oven would mean... She looked over her shoulder to guess the amount of space between their bodies and figured there would be enough space that she wouldn't invade him person bubble anymore then she already was.

Bending at the waist Pia quickly realized how wrong she was she she bumped up against something with her bottom. She had a good idea at what it was and quickly placed the bottle on the ground before standing up. She had tried not to make a sound when she came into contact with her Viking but she wasn't quite sure if she had succeeded and decided to pretend like nothing had happened.

She rubbed the soap over her body and worked it into a thick lather. There were certain places she felt weird washing with another person in the shower with her and skipped her privates telling herself she could take another shower later and wash the rest of her body.

Pia jumped when she felt the tap on her shoulder and blushed at her skittish nerves. "Umm..." The low rumble of his voice in her ear sent chills down her back and she shied away from him with a tiny giggle. She looked over the shoulder her Viking wasn't at and peered around him. If they traded spots and they other men in the showers looked over they would be able to see two set of legs. That wouldn't work and Pia quickly tossed out that idea. "If I step forward as close to the wall as I can you can step in behind me and rinse your hair." She whispered back turning her head towards him so he could better hear her words over the showers and the music.

It would bring their bodies very close but Pia was convinced that it would be alright. That was when the memory of putting down the soap bottle came to mind and she shivered glad that her Viking's eyes were closed. "And I'll help if you need it." She breathed ever so quietly, blushing madly. She might be touching a naked man soon. True it would be an innocent touch on the top of his head but that didn't add clothes to his body or make him any less naked.
Ryze smiled as he listened to the girl talking. He thought it was funny, so finally bit the bullet and asked, "Umm....Whats your name?" He wasn't sure he'd get a reply, but he needed something other than girl playing in his mind.

He heard what she said, and thought of an idea. "I won't be able to see with my head underwater. How about you turn around, so that you can see what you're doing. The last time I tried to see what I was doing, I ended up with a really bad reaction to the soap, and would rather not have that happen," he said quietly, holding his posture and waiting for an answer.

He wasn't sure what was going to happen, so decided to make things a little easier. "I'm going to stand up straight and put both of my hands out while keeping my eyes closed. When you are in position, just take one of my hands and pull me forward under the water, okay?" he asked, knowing it was really the only thing he could do to make sure that some form of modesty was maintained for them.
"My name?" Why hadn't it occurred to her to exchange names beforehand? "Pia." She whispered holding her hand out to shake his in greeting but his eyes were still closed and she quickly dropped her hand feeling foolish. "It's actually Olympia but everyone just calls me Pia." She was rambling and closed her mouth with a snap of her jaw. "What's yours?" Not that it really bothered her not knowing his name. She liked referring to him as 'her Viking' in her mind and the more she thought about it the more she got nervous. If and when she learned his name it would make this situation more real and far more intimate then she was trying to pretend it wasn't.

Turn around? "Umm..." Pia was hesitant in facing her Viking but knew that what he said make sense and if she wasn't here he wouldn't have to be worried about getting soap in his eyes. So it was really her fault and her responsibility to make the situation as easy on her Viking as she could. "Sure, just wait and give me a second." Pia closed her eyes and turned around and counted to ten. She was going to have to open her eyes soon but if would only be after her count to ten. She was giving her mind time to mentally prepare for what she was going to see. Do I have to see? She asked herself silently. As long as I don't look down.... It made sense to her and she opened her eyes and nodded realizing that he couldn't see her.

"Okay." She looked up at her Viking and took his arms and guided him forward so that he stood under the spray of the shower. It didn't leave much space between his body and the wall but it was okay as long as they didn't-

"Eeek!" She covered her mouth with one hand and grabbed out reaching for anything to keep her on her feet. There must have been a spot of soap on the ground and she slipped and grabbed her Viking's arm and pulled at him. With his eyes closed and her sudden pulling on his tipped him off balance and the pair slammed into the shower wall.

The tile was cold against her back and Pia had to swallow her squeal. But that wasn't what was the problem, was it? No... Her Viking was pressed against her body pinning her to the shower wall with his man part between her spread legs. He wasn't in her but his length was nestled between her and was spreading her lips over his thickness. "Oh my." Pia blushed heat flooding her face.
Ryze smiled as he learned her name. "Pia," he said quietly, rolling it over his tongue and lips. He liked how it just kind of fell off. "I'm Ryzeal, but call me Ryze," he said softly, keeping his voice low so that they couldn't be heard over the music. He still kept his eyes closed and waited.

He heard her talking, to herself he guessed. When he heard her confirm that she was going to help him, he waited patiently and wondered what it would be like to have someone helping him shower. He hadn't needed help since that bad reaction. He was waiting patiently when he heard the music shut off and feet filing out of the showers. He heard the guys finally leave, and sighed happily.

"Well, I think we're-" he started to say, and then heard her squeak of fright. His hand was suddenly grabbed and he stumbled. He realized what was happening, as Pia apparently slipped. He tried to steady himself, but quickly slipped as well. He put his arms out and caught the wall, before settling in. He realized that he had regained his balance, but also realized something else.

He could feel wetness surrounding him, and for some reason knew it wasn't the shower. He slowly moved his body back and forth before realizing that he was pressed against his shower mate. He opened his eyes and looked down, swallowing as he realized what happened. He gulped loudly and blushed at seeing Pia's body. She was gorgeous, but the real thing that caught his notice was his cock nestled between her legs.

That was the wetness he was feeling. His his involuntarily started to slide himself through her lips. He moaned softly from the feeling, feeling himself getting harder and thicker. His hands were above Pia's shoulders and he looked at her, shock and lust fighting for control. He whispered, "I'm really sorry," even as his hips continued to slide himself between her lips. He tried to stop, but it seemed like his hips wanted one thing, and they were going to win. He looked at Pia and knew that a worried look was on his face as he knew she was starting to realize that even though he wanted to stop, it just seemed like he couldn't.
Pia was frozen on the spot. She didn't know what to do, she had never been in a situation like this and didn't know what to do with a hard boy, no, man.

The showers were overly quite with the exit of the other men and made everything that was happening in their shower seem that much louder. The water falling from the shower head sounded as if it were at war with the tiles and were taking an extra measure to beat the shower floor as hard as they could. Pia almost swore she could hear the echo of the falling water and the faint cry of the tiles that lined the bottom of the shower. Okay the last past was an exaggeration but she wouldn't be surprised if a noise similar to crying tiles reached her ears.

That wasn't the only sound that seemed to ring in her ears, her heartbeat filled her head with it's offbeat pulsing and there was a background sound of her quick and choppy breath. Gods, it sounded like she had just ran the mile long at a sprint. This was crazy and what was that shrill buzz and where was it coming from? It turned out that it was the sound of her clenching her jaw together and sawing her teeth back and forth.

Pia was staring at the shower wall willing herself to only hear and not feel. Was it possible to turn off one of the five senses? With a huff she concluded that it wasn't possible and was forced to deal with the feeling between her legs. Was her Viking, wait his name was... um.... Why was her mind so fuzzy and cloudy. "Ryze..." She said to herself with excitement at having remembered it, sure that she was butchering it somehow.

When she looked up at him and smiled her achievement at having remembered his name she realized that maybe excitement in her voice at a moment like this wasn't wise and to have said his name in that tone... She smiled shyly and blushed before looking away again as her body took over again, her mind hiding with embarrassment.

His man thing was getting bigger she decided after the second or third rubbing pass over her body. It was either that or she was shrink or making it up and she didn't think she was doing any of that. Of course there was a chance that she was indeed making this up and she was unconscious on the shower floor after hitting her head on the tile and passing out. Yes, she nodded her agreement. That was what was happening and this was all a dream. Her Viking wasn't pressed against her with his hot member between her legs sliding back and forth. It just wasn't possible that this was happening.

His moan made her look back at him and she was once again assuring herself that this was some kind of unconscious dream. The look on his face was a mixture of many different emotions but the two that she read clearly was shock, worry and lust. She heard his whispered apology over the rainfall of the shower and she nodded her head in acceptance. See this has to be a dream because if it was real life he would have said sorry and stopped not apologize and keep going. It made sense in her mind and she relaxed in the comfort that this wasn't real.

"It's okay." Pia soothed him, her tone of voice soft and comforting. "Things happen." She shrugged wanting to laugh because things like this didn't happen in real life. "It feels nice." Hell why not? Pia thought to herself. What harm was there in telling her dream Viking that his thing-ie between her lips felt good. If she was any braver she would tell him how every time he moved his hips and touched the top of her girl area he rubbed against something that made her knees want to buckle.

As a young adult in her late-late teens she should have known more about her own body but with the parents that she had and the school that she went to that part of her was simply referred to as the 'No-No Spot' and was a forbidden topic as she grew up. When she to old enough that her parents though that she needed to have 'The Talk' they had fidgeted and quoted scriptures and left Pia with more question then before. And unlike all the other people she knew it wasn't even like she could go on the internet and look up the information because the family shared the only computer and it was heavily parental controlled with passwords to everything even remotely R-rated.

So what was happening to Pia now was brand in and still in the packaging. If I was an original star wars toy I would be worth hundreds. She giggled out loud at her own joke. "Does it feel good for you?" Her question felt daring and her cheeks turned a brighter red as she locked eyes with her Viking Ryze.
Ryze was fighting a losing battle. His body wanted one thing. Well, one part of his anatomy wanted one thing, but his mind wanted another. He listened to how Pia was saying what she was, and something wasn't quite clicking. His mind finally was able to snap out of the trance it was in, and he slowly stopped moving. He looked down at her, seeing her almost far away look. She wasn't fully with him, he could tell. It was like she was thinking this wasn't real or something, like it was a dream.

He stepped back slightly, moaning softly as he lost the hot, wet feeling between her lips. He looked down, ashamed of how he acted. "I'm so sorry," he said softly, not sure if she could hear him, or even understand him. Without even thinking, he quickly rinsed his hair out and grabbed his stuff and moved to a different shower, turning it on cold, trying to get rid of the urges his body was trying to control him with.

He couldn't believe what had happened. It was true that he thought Pia was gorgeous, and he would love to be able to lose his virginity with her, but not unless she was fully there and willing. He also knew that this wasn't right. Not in a locker room, not after she had hidden from a group of men who had tried to catch her and rape her.

He didn't want to be like them, taking advantage of her. His parents had raised him a lot better than that. He slumped against the wall, not even caring that the door was open, and he could be seen if anyone walked in. He was angry at himself for not doing the right thing right away. He sighed and turned the water to a warmer setting, letting the heat soak into him as he tried to relax.

It was true that he thought Pia was gorgeous. She had that toned, sleek body of an athlete, yet still had curves in all the right places. He would love to maybe ask her out, date her, see where things went. Not take advantage of her in a locker room. He looked down, still hard as ever. He knew what his body wanted, but knew that he couldn't do that unless she wanted it as well. He sighed again and let the heat continue to soak, wondering whether or not she would even talk to him after what just happened.
Pia frowned confused at what was happening. Why was he telling her sorry again and why was he stepping away? This wasn't how she wanted her fantasy to go. She wanted him to keep going with the rubbing and he was supposed to touch her all over her body. This wasn't right!

Was it her?

She didn't know if it was or wasn't. Pia didn't know what turned on a man and what felt good for him. For all she knew what was caused her to feel good was painful for him. But he moaned didn't he? He sure had and didn't that mean that he liked it? Pia's brows crinkled together and she thought about it. Was it a moan of pain?

The shower felt too big and far too empty and she quickly gathered her things, throwing her soaked towel over her shoulder her bath tote in hand as she turned off the shower and stepped out.

Ryze hadn't moved far, just the next shower over and Pia leaned against the wall that separated the two showers and watched him with large eager eyes. He was slumped against the wall unaware that she was there watching. It sent a shiver down her body knowing that she should leave him alone and walk away but not being able to. Oaky, that wasn't the truth, she could walk away she just didn't want to. Her eyes drifted over his body not at all embarrassed anymore. Pia was going to take charge of this dream and she was determined to get something from it. He moved under the water and Pia hid her body by hugging closer to the wall trying to blend in. She didn't want him to see her yet.

"Do it." Pia whispered stepping away from her hiding spot to stand in the middle of the shower doorway. "Play with yourself if it'll help." She whispered blushing as she twisted the corner of her towel between her fingers. "Did I hurt you before?" She had asked him before if it felt good but he didn't answer and she wasn't going to let her question go unanswered this time.
Ryze was still trying to think of how badly he had screwed up. He didn't hear what Pia said, only concerned with his own little world. He was worried about what she would think, about what they would do now. They had to see each other at every track practice, and he wasn't sure how he was going to handle it.

When Pia said, "Do it", he turned around suddenly. There she was, twisting her towel, looking at him expectantly. "Do what?" he asked, and then heard what she said. He blushed and looked down at his hardness. "Do you want me to really do that?" he asked, looking up at her.

He thought for a minute, and decided that this was better than actually having sex. It wouldn't be what he thought his first time would be like, pushed up against a shower stall going at it. Instead, he could deal with mutual masturbation. He smiled at her and then started speaking. "If you want me to do that, I think it's only fair that you do the same. We can mutually take care of ourselves, and see where to go from there?" he finished, posing it as a question as he waited for her answer.
"You know you have the worst habit of not answering my questions." Pia frowned crossing her arms under her breasts. "But yes," She stared with a shy smile. "I really want you to do that. I've never seen a man before and would really like to see what it look likes when he pleasures himself." She answered.

It wasn't something that Pia had ever really thought about but since seeing Ryze naked and hard thoughts and questions started to fill her mind. So caught up was she in her own mind that she almost missed what her Viking had said to her. "Do the same?" What did he mean? Pia looked down at herself suddenly unsure about this whole thing. "I-" Her tongue licked her bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth to chew on her full lip.

Pia's hands dropped from the towel and she blushed as she prepped herself for what she was about to tell Ryze. "I've never..." The heat in Pia's face grew and it felt like her cheeks were on fire. "Touched myself before." She whispered turning her face away. "But." Pia turned back a half smile on her lips. "I want what I want and if that's what it takes to get it." Her cheeks were still colored but the look in her eyes was a sparkle of mischief.

Her hands slowly moved up her body to her breasts and she cupped them, her thumb brushing over her nipple, it tightening into a little peak as it started to harden. "Will you answer my questions now?" She asked her voice a little breathless as her body warmed to her shy, hesitant touches.
Ryze nodded as he watched Pia start to play with herself. He could tell she was shy. She was blushing, yet it looked really good on her. When she started to tease her nipples, he groaned involuntarily, seeing them harden beneath her touch. He knew he wanted her body, just like it seemed like she wanted his.

He shook his head, trying to remember her questions. Finally, he was able to recall the question. "You didn't hurt me. I just didn't want to hurt you, or do something that I'd feel ashamed of doing, like taking advantage of you. I want you, and it's obvious, but I don't want to take it from you like this. So I tried to move away to clear my thoughts. Instead, we are masturbating together," he said.

He took hold of himself, happy the water was still flowing onto his chest and running down to his hand. It let his hand slide easily along his shaft as he slid his hand slowly up and down. He was mesmerized by what Pia's hands were doing. He wished he could feel her breasts, but decided it was well worth it to see her playing with them.

"Aren't you going to play with your clit, or tease your lips?" he asked, remembered what his old girl friends used to tell him. They had told him they were trying to get him ready for a girl, but he thought they were just teasing him. He knew his way around the female body from watching them work on each other, but still, he had never done anything.

"Is this what you wanted?" he asked, looking down at his hand slowly sliding along his shaft, getting a little faster, as he started to add a subtle twist on each slide, and started to lightly tease his head with his free hand. He knew that he could reach orgasm this way, but wasn't sure exactly what Pia wanted.
Ashamed of doing? Shouldn't they be ashamed of what they were doing now, of how close their bodies were in the shower they had shared? Now like he said they were masturbating together and wasn't that shameful?

Pia knew the answers that her parents would tell her and even though they weighted in on her decisions in her life she, at this moment, couldn't agree with them or what she knew to be right. Ryze, her Viking, was attractive, protective, honorable, sweet and caring. In what little time she had spent with him she knew him to be a good guy and she trusted what her gut told her. Plus she wanted this and the feeling that was running up and down her body was exciting, she wanted to feel more of it.

"Oh..." Pia's hands stilled, her thumb and pointer finger that was pulling at her nipple frozen in the middle of it's action. "Yes?" It was her answer but when she said it sounded like a question. Slowly her hands moved down her body, rubbing across her taunt stomach, sliding up over her hips, down the sides of her legs. She looked up at Ryze's face and her hands moved from the outside of her legs to her inner thighs. The skin was soft and she could feel the muscles in her legs tremble as she shivered as her hands moved up towards her hairless girl parts.

He asked her a question and Pia nodded her head yes and took a single step forward into his shower. "Yes." She breathed her hands brushing against her outer lips. Her fingers were light and gentle as she touched herself for the first time. Pia traced her smooth lips once, twice, three times each time pushing deeper and deeper into her folds until she was running her fingertips over the slick warm inner lips of her pussy.

She explored herself, feeling what felt good and learning what she liked. Each time she circled she got braver and braver and the circling of her lips became her middle finger running up and down her wet slit. "Mhmmm." Pia moaned biting her lips as her finger brushed over the hard little nub at the top of her slit. Every time she touched it her body jerked and she sucked in breath in shock. It felt so good and she rubbed her middle finger over that spot again and again, her hips lifting and moving against her.

"This feels so good..." Pia sighed, her free hand moving back up to her breasts to pull and twist her hard nipples. Her head was leaned back and her eyes were closed when she felt this breaking in the growing pressure between her legs. "Oh! Ahhhah mmmm." Her knees threatened to buckled and her hips froze as her finger pressed hard against her clit. She felt wet, breathless and so very very wonderful.

"Wow." Pia laughed opening her eyes to look at Ryze. "That was amazing. I never would have..." She smiled and her hand playing with her left breast moved to the right. "I wanna do that again." She tried rubbing the nub again but the jolts of pleasure were hot and sensitive and almost too much to handle. Testing how things felt different after her release she circled her outer lips, inner lips and up and down her slit.

Knowing now how great if felt and wanting to feel it again Pia drew courage from what she knew and wanted and teased the opening between her lips. It was hot and wet and felt very tight as her finger pressed and touched the opening. "Ah..." She pressed a little harder and her middle finger slid into her, it was tight and she could feel how her pussy gripped the finger that was inside of her. She had only slid up to the first knuckle of her middle finger and she blushed a deep red and looked away from her Viking as she wiggled her finger and cried out at the new sensations that she felt from it.

Pia was shocked at how powerfully a single finger could move her and it was only in so far as her first knuckle. Wanting more Pia pushing again and stopped when she got to her second knuckle before pulling out. She had been wiggling her finger as she went deeper and brushed against something that burned her body like fire. She brought her finger up to her face and looked at the way it shined with her wetness. It was slick unlike water and had a sweet musky smell that caught her attention. Mindless to what she was doing she opened her mouth and sucked on her wet finger tasting herself. It was sweet and tangy and Pia eagerly licked and sucked her finger clean deciding that she liked the taste.

Oh my gosh!

Pia jerked her finger out of her mouth and stared at it wide eyed. It was clean and she could taste her own juices. Worried that she had done something wrong or disgustiong she looked to Ryze for his reaction and guidance.