The Little League World Series


Literotica Guru
Aug 20, 2008
I watch the LLWS to see the boys cry and to see their pathetic, abusive parents live vicariously through their children. I love the corruption on this level. I love how they try to delude these poor kids into thinking that at 12 years old, this is the pinnacle of their lives. LOL!
I watched one years ago. US vs Mexico. Bottom of the 8th, 4-1 with the US leading, the US pitcher had nothing left. When the coach told the shortstop he was gonna pitch the rest of the game, the look of horror that came over his face made my blood cold. Long story short, the poor kid gave up four runs and Mexico won. That poor boy was destroyed. An adult can deal with it. That poor kid only knows that he let his team down in the World Series in a MLB stadium on TV. A soul crusher.

I'm not a fan.
That is disappointing to hear @Rob Royale

I had always thought the Little League World Series was something that might unite us as a fractured nation. But my enthusiamsm might be tainted.

I always wanted to play baseball growing up, but I grew up in a foster home and so I was never allowed to play. I am sure there are some foster homes that are safe haven's for kids, but my experience was just being miniaturized free labor. I had to do chores on the farm after school, not "play games".
I watched one years ago. US vs Mexico. Bottom of the 8th, 4-1 with the US leading, the US pitcher had nothing left. When the coach told the shortstop he was gonna pitch the rest of the game, the look of horror that came over his face made my blood cold. Long story short, the poor kid gave up four runs and Mexico won. That poor boy was destroyed. An adult can deal with it. That poor kid only knows that he let his team down in the World Series in a MLB stadium on TV. A soul crusher.

I'm not a fan.
That is disappointing to hear

I had always thought the Little League World Series was something that might unite us as a fractured nation. But my enthusiasm might be tainted.

I always wanted to play baseball growing up, but I grew up in a foster home and so I was never allowed to play. I am sure there are some foster homes that are safe haven's for kids, but my experience was just being miniaturized free labor. I had to do chores on the farm after school, not "play games".
That is disappointing to hear @Rob Royale

I had always thought the Little League World Series was something that might unite us as a fractured nation. But my enthusiamsm might be tainted.

I always wanted to play baseball growing up, but I grew up in a foster home and so I was never allowed to play. I am sure there are some foster homes that are safe haven's for kids, but my experience was just being miniaturized free labor. I had to do chores on the farm after school, not "play games".

I'm sorry to hear that. I dated a girl in h.s. in that situation. You have my sympathies.
I'm sorry to hear that. I dated a girl in h.s. in that situation. You have my sympathies.
Ah thanks, but somehow I made it, and hope the girl you knew was able to as well.

It's actually nice having a mother that hates you, as it sets the bar REALLY low so that in life you never expect anyone else to like you, I mean when your own mother doesn't, why would anyone else? :)
Being objective though, I saw the US championship, California beating Texas, and the kids from Texas handled their defeat with grace and dignity for the most part. I heard some mic-ed up coaches talking to the kids and saying something to the effect that "you've worked your whole life for this." They're TWELVE! They haven't HAD a life yet. It would be awful if the peak of your life was when you were twelve years old.