The Literotica Tag team competition?


Hope everyone is in the writing zone with their partner. Can't wait to see how the stories turn out!

Ours would make a pretty damn good straight-to-DVD action-comedy-romance romp if anyone was stupid enough to buy the movie rights :)

I think ours has potential, but if nothing else, it's nice to be writing something again.
I am loving working with someone else, our problem is that we are working so well together that the introductory section is probably as longer than some of my complete stories, we are going to spend the weekend in review and cull mode I think, before we move on. Having said that I would hate to lose any of it... its great.

Reading through this thread I think there will be a few long stories for LC to be able to hide his behind :)
I am loving working with someone else, our problem is that we are working so well together that the introductory section is probably as longer than some of my complete stories, we are going to spend the weekend in review and cull mode I think, before we move on. Having said that I would hate to lose any of it... its great.

Reading through this thread I think there will be a few long stories for LC to be able to hide his behind :)

I'm glad to hear there's going to be some long pieces.

I was kind of looking at this tag team thing as something that would make people want to up the anti a little bit, a friendly "let's show them what we got."
I think ours has potential, but if nothing else, it's nice to be writing something again.

Yeah no kidding! I haven't written anything since last year! This is making me write again. It's really good.
I've been writing kind of regular but trying to shorten my stories lines quite a bit. Now with my partner we seem to be churning through a long involved story with a number of interesting characters.

All of a sudden I want to go back to the five long winded stories I have on the shelf and add to them. Well they will have to wait. I just hope I don't burn myself out in the next 20 days or so.

Oh well, back to the grindstone. :cool:
Okay... Blind is writing for the SciFi Channel.

Nothing wrong with that, he might possibly do better than the crap they have on there now.

I quite watching that channel with the departure of the Stargate franchise.
Hmmm. Haven't heard from my partner... still time, though. And I have been working on the story, so that's something.
Nothing wrong with that, he might possibly do better than the crap they have on there now.

I quite watching that channel with the departure of the Stargate franchise.

My daughters and I used to watch MSFt3k all the time and then started doing it ourselves on Saturday nights with the made for sci fi channel movies they would show.

The only things I have seen worse than those(in the modern era, the 50's 60's still dominate for shlock) was Fangoria's movie "I zombie":eek:
The only things I have seen worse than those(in the modern era, the 50's 60's still dominate for shlock) was Fangoria's movie "I zombie":eek:

There is a movie, that I wish I could remember the name of, I rented it once about 13 years back. It is a train wreck.

The setting is very similar to Legend of the Drunken Master. China in the middle of the industrial age.

This old family has been storing the waxed corpses of their dead kin for generations, in the basement of their old castle-like home. The members of this family suffer from a curse, they get slower as they age till by the end of their lives they don't move at all. Of speak. It gets hard for members of the family to tell just when one of them has died. So you have a lot of hardly moving, hardly speaking people talking to already dead people, and don't know their talking to the dead.

Okay next part, there is a Vampire wandering the countryside. Think the big round straw hat, with a cape made from long grass fronds and glowing eyes. It doesn't drink blood but sucks energy from your mouth if you get too close to it. (This special effect was done with a flash light held on the other side of the actor's face.)It also can animate the dead.

Next part is a group of legendary vampire hunting kung fu fighters trying to track down the vampire. Think Saturday morning Kung fu theater style.

Now tie all those together with the fact that in Asian culture Zombies don't shuffle, or run... they hop.

It was a kung fu movie with hundreds of wax covered hopping zombies tearing apart a small town in China during the middle of the industrial revolution and all the zombies are being controlled by a vampire with light coming out of his eyes and mouth.

To this day all I have to do is look at my wife and go "Hopping Zombie" to crack her up to the point she's crying.
I'll have to be careful here because horror movies good and bad are a big thing with me.

I have some friends from back in my late teens and every couple of months we still get together on a Sunday and each pick a movie and try to out do each other for who rented the worst.

I think one of the all time worst I've seen was a movie called the Alien Dead. There was also one I can't remember the title of that was an exorcism type thing that featured Erik Estrada as a priest. :eek:

The fun thing was though was when we would stumble upon something that looked terrible and was actually decent.

There is one called Boneyard with Phyllis Diller and the guy that played Roper on three's company and it was pretty good.

Night of the Demons to me ranks as one of the best lower budget horror movies that was really creepy (scream queen Linea Quigley.) but of course the original Evil Dead takes that crown.

Here is a favorite scene (for many reasons from Night of the Demons)
I'll have to be careful here because horror movies good and bad are a big thing with me.


You might need to be of a certain age to appreciate this story, so I'll set the scene. As most know, there used to be drive-in movie theaters. For those who never experienced one, along with the massive screen, the parking area was filled with humps. You'd pull the front wheels of your car up one of those short mounds so your windshield was at the correct angle for viewing the film. Additionally, the projection booth usually doubled as snack bar and bathroom destination.

That was location when a buddy of mine and I went to watch 1978's "Dawn of the Dead." To be faithful to the story, there may have been some beer drinking and smoking of smoke-ables now legal in Colorado.

Midway through the movie, my buddy announced he needed to visit the bathroom. He got out of the car and shut the door. A moment later, he opened the door and sat back down. "What's up, dude?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said, looking spooked. "I don't have to go."

Weird, I thought until I needed to go and saw what he saw.

Imagine watching a zombie movie with the undead wandering around with their arms out-stretched, shambling, looking for fresh brains.

Now, imagine people stumbling around in the dark, on an uneven surface, carrying a Coke in one hand and a box of popcorn in their other outstretched hand as they search for their car.

Yeah. . .

We were two grown men nearly holding hands as we giggled and huddled together while dragging our stoned, spooked asses to the concession stand.
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When the Exorcist came out I was 5 years old.

But I remember my parents seeing it and back when it came out it as unlike anything anyone had seen before and created one hell of a stir.

My mother was terrified and my father was pretty twisted(genetic apparently) he would go in the bedroom and grab the bed and startlifting it and dropping it, banging the bed post on the floor.

My mother would yell at him that it wasn't funny. I didn;t get it until I saw the movie on TV when I was ten or so and laughed my ass off.

Thing did scare the piss out of me. Book is even creepier.
Listened to Stephen King's The Mist on audio tape over at a friends house one night. He had it and I was fooling around with his stereo. I put it and in about 5 minutes the room had gone silent as everyone started to listen.

There are about 5 mid twenty year old guys there. D&D gamers all of us. (it's about 4:00 in the morning)

We listen to the whole tape. Enjoyed it, good story and creepy as hell. We got up to leave and opened the door to some of the thickest fog I have seen in my life.

We could hardly see our cars in his drive way.

5 twenty year olds went the fuck back inside. I took a nap in his recliner till that fog burned off.