The Last Thing You Thought...

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:rose: Yes, please. The one in the back won't stay fastened.

baby girl, my Blessing, if you sit on my face, I will be too busy to type.

*nods and smiles*

So no, you can't SIT on me til I finish!!

Not a problem! I am certain I will find something to do about that while I am back there. :devil:

-just grins-
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:rose: Yes, please. The one in the back won't stay fastened.

baby girl, my Blessing, if you sit on my face, I will be too busy to type.

*nods and smiles*

So no, you can't SIT on me til I finish!!

*Giggles and blushes*
Well I was thinking about sitting on your lap, but I guess that would make it hard to type too. :heart: But damn, now you've gone and made it hard for me to type! I'm even having trouble thinking straight now! :D Well, I guess I did say I wanted some brown sugar with my grits.;)

Hell. Now that is an offer!

No headache this morning, miss thyri?

So far no headache, but I've only been up about an hour. I'm dressed and had a shower, started some laundry and thinking about breakfast now. All that, and some shootin' and writin' might be all I get done today. Oh, and some playing too, when she can be online. There is some unfinished pleasure to take care of. ;)
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*Giggles and blushes*
Well I was thinking about sitting on your lap, but I guess that would make it hard to type too. :heart: But damn, now you've gone and made it hard for me to type! I'm even having trouble thinking straight now! :D

So far no headache, but I've only been up about an hour. I'm dressed and had a shower, started some laundry and thinking about breakfast now. All that, and some shootin' and writin' might be all I get done today. Oh, and some playing too, when she can be online. There is some unfinished pleasure to take care of. ;)

Well lets hope the headache stays where it is! I get them a lot from increased tension held in my neck and shoulders. They suck... And not in the good way!

Yeesh you have tackled all that and I am still laying in bed. Guess I should put some clothing on and be productive.
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Well lets hope the headache stays where it is! I get them a lot from increased tension held in my neck and shoulders. They suck... And not in the good way!

That's usually where mine come from too. When I wake up after a good night's rest, it's much better for a while. And I have a traction device that helps when I use it, along with a TENS unit.
You make me smile, Blessing.:heart:

*Giggles and blushes*
Well I was thinking about sitting on your lap, but I guess that would make it hard to type too. :heart: But damn, now you've gone and made it hard for me to type! I'm even having trouble thinking straight now! :D Well, I guess I did say I wanted some brown sugar with my grits.;)

So far no headache, but I've only been up about an hour. I'm dressed and had a shower, started some laundry and thinking about breakfast now. All that, and some shootin' and writin' might be all I get done today. Oh, and some playing too, when she can be online. There is some unfinished pleasure to take care of. ;)


*wishing I had a thumbs up sign*

-teddy bear style hug-

Glad to see you giggling again! :kiss:

Thank ya...and I am actually working on Lorena...I think it's a hard post because we will be intro'ing something more BDSM heavy into the story line....and the girls are already being difficult.
You make me smile, Blessing.:heart:


*wishing I had a thumbs up sign*

Thank ya...and I am actually working on Lorena...I think it's a hard post because we will be intro'ing something more BDSM heavy into the story line....and the girls are already being difficult.

Oops. Posted about the wrong character. Can you tell im still half asleep? Lol is she just being stubborn? Or is it somethin else?

I have been lazy this week and not done much posting. Was planning on reviving some of my old threads but a lot of RL shit has been conflicting.
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Well I think it is about time to pretend to be human. Enjoy your day miss luna, draggy.

-grumbles about insomnia and rolls outta bed-
I STILL want a dark RP. A really dark one.

I'm excited hopefully we have a full house during the show.

I'm really hungry for sweets.
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