The Last Thing You Thought...

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Two story responses down so far. Three more to go? Have I got that many in me today? Maybe I should save something for tomorrow.
tomorrow definitely Thyri.

Maybe so. I'm working on another, and one more just got a reply, so now I have 3 and a half, let's say. I also need to mow and wanted to go shooting if I can work it in. Busy, busy!
Fucking commercials are so loud they even scare my fish!

I love the scene of the Rohan horsemen thundering down in that massive charge into the orcs! That's got to be one of the best battle scenes of those genre of movies, ever! Those battle scenes makes me want to do my Amazon Warrior Sisters story.
Oh I know what you mean...

This is the first time I have watched this movie... and I'm stuck to my chair
Yelling at comercials and thankful for them so I can get more coffee!!!
I just try to imagine what a soldier on either side would think and feel as those horsemen began to thunder down towards them in full gallop.

I used to think the scene of Pickett's charge in the movie Gettysburg was impressive with all those cannons barraging the Union lines. But it's really not as impressive as seeing thousands of charging cavalry slamming into a massive number of enemies. I loved the way the looks on the faces of the orc archers changed from confidence to panic when the horsemen weren't even slowed down!
Pikeline vs cavalry n they can't do shit. Yeah, it was bad ass though. Especially as the sun burst out and they all returned.
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