The Last Thing You Thought...

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Seriously tired of RL's hold on some of my co writers
LT ~ No more tumblr for you missy! Too many ideas getting put into that little head of yours!

ALT ~ Well, no more now.

FLT ~ Well, not for much longer... :eek:

Got nails done.

Got more creamer and st--uh--things.

Got the post written for the Mansion.

Still owe for threads and one email scene.

Need to hop to and get RW chores done so I can sit down and write.

Got nails done.

Got more creamer and st--uh--things.

Got the post written for the Mansion.

Still owe for threads and one email scene.

Need to hop to and get RW chores done so I can sit down and write.

Somehow I think using the words 'creamer' and 'stuff' in the same sentence would make you triple-twitch. *chuckle*
I will not stress over tomorrow... I will not even get agitated about tomorrow... Everything will go perfectly fine tomorrow... I don't have the sanity for anything else.
I like chocolate syrup

licks and noms

wicked laughter

returns licks and nibbles...

back of the knee

an ear lobe

a pulse at the base of a beautiful neck

a whisper

I like vanilla cream and chocolate anything...and warm caramel...
LT: My family is falling apart and losing their fucking minds!

ALT: Fucking crack heads!

FLT: I see all the bad things have not stopped but only paused. This is going to be another bad year smdh.
How can you even get your fingers to type something like that??? You know I still love you and will always love you!

Oh you hush it lady! *grins* I am finally all caught up. NOW I can work on the email story...yay!!!

quiet, woman. I believe there is a long, luscious wave of tasty running the length of your spine
goes to investigate

delighted laughter
always with the quiet, GG
LT: My family is falling apart and losing their fucking minds!

ALT: Fucking crack heads!

FLT: I see all the bad things have not stopped but only paused. This is going to be another bad year smdh.

Which family members?

What crack heads?

And a pause is almost like a stop, only much much shorter...


drugs are fucking phenomenal.

Yay tramodol.
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