The Last Thing You Thought...

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I do not negative emotions are mine...I don't drama them all over the boards for attention...I deal with them openly in my real world...I don't choose to provide theater for the masses...what I really feel is private.

* shrugs*

Bottom line what?

As for our scene ..would you like I cut the flowers and roses from it? I Could try another writing mentioned specifics in your original PM..have you changed your mind?

I'm open to whatever you are feeling inspired to write. Whatever, that is, that you enjoy.
I'm sure your teachers agree.


Bubble bath and bubbly.
This is my wish list.
And someone to come pull me out of the water in about, oh, an hour.
I'm turning in early, Smexy Peoples.

To all my co-writers I didn't get to today, I'm sorry. It's been one hell of a day. I'll try again tomorrow. :rose:
I hear that all the time from my wife and daughter. Makes me wonder what they do when I am out of town. :rolleyes:

Oh no, I really will. I'm not scared of really anything. A spider or whatever in there, no big deal...

A wasp on the other hand.... no way. Ain't happening. I'm staying the hell out.

Oh and they most likely go to a neighbors or something....
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