The last person to post here wins . . .

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Morning HP

A more sensible breakfast of toast and jelly this morning. Whole wheat and sugar free blackberry.
Good Morning SweetCheeks. :rose::kiss:

Ah yes, today is Toesday. Play with them as often as possible. ;)

Ah, yes. I had to visit my Chiropodist this morning; to have my toes fixed.
It's not a particularly pleasant experience.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel of this job but with my luck it's a friggin train.

What was wrong with your toes that needed fixing?
There is a light at the end of the tunnel of this job but with my luck it's a friggin train.

What was wrong with your toes that needed fixing?

In-growing toenails have caused me pain & discomfort for years. Then I discovered a local foot-man. In a year, he's sorted out my toes nicely; the trick's in the skilled cutting !
... I wanna thank God, my fans, my manager, God and God, for giving me this god given talent. I also totally did not sleep with my manager to get where I am now. Thank you, I'll be here all week.

That should win me massive rating boosts during the televised prize hand-over, right?

... I wanna thank God, my fans, my manager, God and God, for giving me this god given talent. I also totally did not sleep with my manager to get where I am now. Thank you, I'll be here all week.

That should win me massive rating boosts during the televised prize hand-over, right?


One should always be thankful to the Almighty (or the deity of your choice).
Sadly, the TV crew cannot make it.
You're on your own!
Lack of connection to the net won't get me far. :rolleyes:
(According to yesterday.)

Good morning, Lasters. :)

Coffee's ready!
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