The last person to post here wins . . .

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Afternoon...or make it good mornin' to you two Love birds!

I could do with a nice nap today....or make it everyday! :D

Feel like lying down and take a nice 'n long siesta.

Ah, well, you see, there are different sorts of "water" over here; apart from what comes from the domestic tap, you understand.
There are rock formations where water of amazing purity just bubbles up from a natural spring . Consequently, and following a bit of Victorian advertising and medical pseudo-junk, the fiendish Health Freaks (who push the water of the company who's paying them) promote their particular brand.
Predictably, some water contains 'essential salts' and so on, some is essentially bland, and so on, depending upon how the water gets to the surface.

Buxton & Malvern are just two of the brands commonly available.
The French export a ghastly stuff called "Perrier", and they got really hammered in the press after it was discovered that there were nasty contaminants; their sales plummeted.

Buxton claims that any sample of water taken these days is about 5000 years old and fell originally as rain. Malvern was probably first used about 250bc.

And that, Madam, is why I offered you the choice. Unless you'd care to sample some of our local spring water ? :rose::rose:

PS. Is your laptop completely knackered ?
Do please drop me a line. I have a little 'Netbook' which may be surplus to requirements.
Ah, well, you see, there are different sorts of "water" over here; apart from what comes from the domestic tap, you understand.
There are rock formations where water of amazing purity just bubbles up from a natural spring . Consequently, and following a bit of Victorian advertising and medical pseudo-junk, the fiendish Health Freaks (who push the water of the company who's paying them) promote their particular brand.
Predictably, some water contains 'essential salts' and so on, some is essentially bland, and so on, depending upon how the water gets to the surface.

Buxton & Malvern are just two of the brands commonly available.
The French export a ghastly stuff called "Perrier", and they got really hammered in the press after it was discovered that there were nasty contaminants; their sales plummeted.

Buxton claims that any sample of water taken these days is about 5000 years old and fell originally as rain. Malvern was probably first used about 250bc.

And that, Madam, is why I offered you the choice. Unless you'd care to sample some of our local spring water ? :rose::rose:

PS. Is your laptop completely knackered ?
Do please drop me a line. I have a little 'Netbook' which may be surplus to requirements.

A history lesson. Sweet. Thanks, HP.

(PM sent)
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