The Isolated Blurt Thread XXXVII: You're Welcome, Fuckers

we like a lot of the same things, differ on others... we fall poles apart on the movie Atlas with Jennifer Lopez. I normally enjoy her movies, and she gave it her all.

he loves it, i really really don't.

what a waste of $100M imho.
I've been having some wild dreams as of late.

They are all so bonkers with now through no through line.

One part that stuck out in last night's dream was that I was with a women/friend. Someone I didn't recognize but still knew.

Anyway she had an open relationship/business and was all like "yeah so you wanna fuck?"

Kinda like "we're friends so here's a freebie if you want"

I was like... "Sure. Why not." Because I had time.

She was talking and directed me to her purse where there were condoms

...but they were all too big 😒

And I was like... Fuck I'll just make them work.

But it was like wrapping my dick in a sandwich bag and we both were like... 😐

So I kept digging around but they were all too big and I was like... Am I seriously the only guy with a normal sized dick?

There wasn't a sense of inadequacy. Nor did I get the sense from her that she'd find me a lousy lay.

It was more like... Maybe next time she'll have condoms that fit?

But then I was like... Why is the responsibility to have what I need on her?

She then directed me to another pocket in her purse and there was a condom that fit

But it had expired

And I was like... Do expiration dates really matter for condoms?

But then I was like... What if they do?

And that's where the dream kinda dissolved into one I don't really remember. Something about being the roommate that didn't pull their fair share of duties around the house.

and now after writing this all out I'm like... Apparently I got some issues needing to be resolved.

All well.

Happy Use of The Poor as Cannon Fodder Day!
The past two weekends we have had amazing weather. Which is not typical. Now we are under a tornado watch.
Us too.. Very not typical. It goes from freezing to surface of the sun in the span of 4 days. No tornadic activity, yet.
Same in Quebec.
The past few Summers it seems like we are turning into tornado alley
That's good and bad, I guess. If you are interested in weather, it's good. Not so much if you are nervous about it.

Me? I love watching tornados, so I'm in a good location for that. My wife? Absolutely terrified of them, she is in a bad location for that... Needless to say, we don't go out during storms trying to find them. In fact, when we had a bad outbreak of tornados, a month ago, she had tornado nightmares for weeks. Waking up, sobbing, screaming, gasping for air. It really sucked for her. It was like my kids were little again. I even employed some of those techniques you learn as a parent. Bring them a glass of water, make them go to the bathroom, rub their back until they calm down and go back to sleep. All while still sleeping yourself. Listen about the dreams, say mmmhmm a lot, speak in a calming voice...

Wow, went off in an odd direction with this post.. Sorry.
Bed dancing to this
Feels like pericardial effusion is back and it hurts like hell, flat on my back hurts, thinking about last night, I was so comfortable
I think I need a storm shelter.
just got the power back on after going off at 6AM yesterday.

Those were the highest winds I've been in since I sat through a hurricane in New Orleans. Near us they reported wind gusts at 95 mph but most were 80-85.
The Czech's In The Mail.

Owner of UK's Royal Mail says it has accepted a takeover offer from a Czech billionaire
ABC|12 hours ago
The owner of Britain's Royal Mail says it has accepted a 3.6 billion pound ($4.6 billion) takeover offer from Czech investor Daniel Křetínský
just got the power back on after going off at 6AM yesterday.

Those were the highest winds I've been in since I sat through a hurricane in New Orleans. Near us they reported wind gusts at 95 mph but most were 80-85.
we didn’t lose power, but we did have hurricane force winds. we haven’t had one touch down in our town for several years, but i still remember the last one. this last batch of storms was just too close for comfort. i plan on a construction project within the next year, so it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to work a shelter into the plans.