The Isolated Blurt Thread XXVIII : In Praise of Older Yoga Pants

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I start almost every working day by trading insults with my boss. He takes the piss out of my clothes, my hair or my *cough* sunny disposition. I take the piss out of him for being old, balding and neurotic. One of life's small pleasures is crossing the line when it's least expected.

He thinks I hate him. I kinda think he's great.

I can totally relate. :heart:
Somehow I found myself looking through old messages, I only opened oone message app so a bit hard to follow, but I remember.
"Alcohol can solve any problem, although it creates ten more" Guess who?
I can kind of understand the attraction of never looking back... :rose::heart::rose:
Trivia re Facebook scams

I naiively fell for a fake news article on my MSN feed. I only lost 200 US bucks, no big deal. But my interest was peaked:

Apparently scamming adds appear regularly on Facebook.
Many belong to offshore 'businesses' who target older folks who are less technically savvy, some of whom end up losing their life savings.

When contacted, Facebook is often slow to take down the scamming adds, and they don't warn people that the adds were fraudulent. The onus is on citizens.

Some folks from UK/Australia got fed up with the inertia of FB / law enforcement agencies, and have initiated class action lawsuits against Facebook & the offshore scamming businesses.
Will they be successful? Somehow I doubt it.

"If you don't know who you are, the stock market is an expensive place to find out."

-"Adam Smith" (nom de plume of George Gilder)
The Money Game
New York, 1967.​


"If you don't know who you are, the stock market is an expensive place to find out."

-"Adam Smith" (nom de plume of George Gilder)
The Money Game
New York, 1967.​

Yes it is. A lot of people have magical expectations, when trading requires skill.

But also online scamming has raised to alarming proportions

Australians lost half a billion dollars only last year, to scamming.
--There's been a surge in romance and investment(mostly cryptocurrency) scams.
For example, cryptocurrency scams raised by 200% in 2018.
The latest con is to post fake cnn, bbc or abc news articles on Facebook or Twitter, with fake endorsements by billionaires or even pm's.

What's bewildering to me isn't the phenomenon of scamming - thieves have existed from the dawn of mankind.
It's that law enforcement agencies often know who the online scammers are, but have their hands tied.
No one cares that you were gullible enough to be scammed. Some, I am sure are glad. It's hard to cheat an honest man.
No one cares that you were gullible enough to be scammed. Some, I am sure are glad. It's hard to cheat an honest man.

You must be a joy to live with :D

The way you keep spreading joy around you and make people feel good about themselves in this forum.
Wow, I didn't know botanydummy was Dr. Banner!!

You must be a joy to live with :D

The way you keep spreading joy around you and make people feel good about themselves in this forum.

That's why his wife left him and took the kids with her. ;)

Awww, look:

Rob and dishrag sittin' in a tree. . .

Now call her a stupid, stinky Paki!

. . .that always gave her something to diddle over.
Is beew a girl?

Barely. (and barrenly)

Rob likes to fantasize that she is one of "Teh Goddamn Tranies" that "baits" him into "Teh Gheyseks" that he can no longer get from any of the T-gurls working the Greater Houston area after word got out about his anger management issues. You and I know he is a pussy, but he is a bit imposing at 6'5".
Crazy. First i find out InsightRiot is female, then Super-Surprise, now beew? I wonder who's gonna be next.
That's why his wife left him and took the kids with her. ;)

To be fair, they weren't his kids anyways. Hopefully, the sperm donor is back in the picture. Maybe Q-#### will be able to stop paying child support after a DNA test.
Never would I have guessed Kurt Vonnegut would be keeping me awake past my bedtime.

So it goes.
Just bought two and a half bushcords of kiln dried hardwood, 16" lengths for $150 (that's $0.15 USD)! :)

Now the hard part...loading and stacking. :(
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