The "I Didn't Get Laid Today" Thread

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OhMissScarlett said:
he made multiple comments about things not being done when he doesn't do shit and he was just an all-around bastard to me and the kiddo all weekend long. :rolleyes:

Mostly, the topper was that he didn't want to "babysit" for our son so I could help my step-mom on Saturday and this was after he had worn himself out golfing the whole day while I did housework. :)
*end of rant*

Ah. Gotcha. I'd cut him off too.

Oh, and I'm not getting any.

OhMissScarlett said:
he made multiple comments about things not being done when he doesn't do shit and he was just an all-around bastard to me and the kiddo all weekend long. :rolleyes:

Mostly, the topper was that he didn't want to "babysit" for our son so I could help my step-mom on Saturday and this was after he had worn himself out golfing the whole day while I did housework. :)
*end of rant*

:kiss: I know the feeling.

And yep, I'm still unlaid.
Men are such pigs.

Oh wait ummmmm most men are such pigs, except teh ones who write poems and stuff, we rock ;)
Salvor-Hardon said:
Men are such pigs.

Oh wait ummmmm most men are such pigs, except teh ones who write poems and stuff, we rock ;)

:kiss: You crack me up.

But all this giggling has me dizzy again. I should probably go lay down.
Not laid. I am starting to get my sex drive back a little. No idea what I'm going to do with it, though. :confused:

sophia jane said:
Not laid. I am starting to get my sex drive back a little. No idea what I'm going to do with it, though. :confused:

Well, you could get rid of the G rated AV, and put one up that's PG, indicating a flicker of interest in sex. :D
Ted-E-Bare said:
Well, you could get rid of the G rated AV, and put one up that's PG, indicating a flicker of interest in sex. :D

I really like this av, though. :) But I guess you're right. I'll have to see what I have...

OhMissScarlett said:
he made multiple comments about things not being done when he doesn't do shit and he was just an all-around bastard to me and the kiddo all weekend long. :rolleyes:

Mostly, the topper was that he didn't want to "babysit" for our son so I could help my step-mom on Saturday and this was after he had worn himself out golfing the whole day while I did housework. :)
*end of rant*


:mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:

I fucking hate it when fathers refer to taking of their children as "babysitting."
It's fucking called "parenting," you ignoramus! Look into it!

Sorry your SO is being less S than O, Scarlett. What a nimcompoop. I don't think that anyone can fully grasp the amount of really hard work it is to stay home and take care of your own child(ren) full time if you've never done it. It's the hardest, most exhausting thing ever. You never stop, you never turn it off. When you are "allowed" to blissfully fall into sleep from midnight to 5 AM (the rising time of children in the summer), your ears are always on and you must be relied to get out of bed to wipe a butt, clean up vomit, get a drink of water, etc. No rest for the wicked, indeed.

Hope he enjoyed his golf game. Hope the gopher bit his ankles.

And in case you couldn't tell - I still haven't gotten laid. :catroar:
logophile said:

:mad: :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad:

I fucking hate it when fathers refer to taking of their children as "babysitting."
It's fucking called "parenting," you ignoramus! Look into it!

Sorry your SO is being less S than O, Scarlett. What a nimcompoop. I don't think that anyone can fully grasp the amount of really hard work it is to stay home and take care of your own child(ren) full time if you've never done it. It's the hardest, most exhausting thing ever. You never stop, you never turn it off. When you are "allowed" to blissfully fall into sleep from midnight to 5 AM (the rising time of children in the summer), your ears are always on and you must be relied to get out of bed to wipe a butt, clean up vomit, get a drink of water, etc. No rest for the wicked, indeed.

Hope he enjoyed his golf game. Hope the gopher bit his ankles.

And in case you couldn't tell - I still haven't gotten laid. :catroar:
:D my thoughts exactly. He never apologises for anything, but he grovels in his own miserable way when he can't get laid and can't figure out why.

So, no nookie for me. Thankfully, I have a plethora of porn writing friends and a stock of good porn DVD's to keep me entertained. I'm sure I'm having for fun than he is. :rolleyes:
Nope not laid. But life sure is fucking me this week. :rolleyes:

Oh well, hey maybe that cute cop will show up to court. ;)
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