The "I can't Belive I..." Thread


Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
I can't believe I got pissed at someone flirting with an ex.
I can't believe I just admitted to being 100 lbs overweight on a thread on this site. :(

[Now two threads!] :eek:
I can't believe I'm still awake. I should have been asleep hours ago....overnights suck.
That happens sometimes.
I can't believe I killed an entire bottle of tequilla during the 4th of July.
I can't believe I have to leave a perfectly good party to go hang out with the in-laws :mad:
I can't believe that I've never visited the "Not your Avrg Pussy" thread before!

It's delightful!

I can't believe that I'm posting on an I can't believe thread.